Chapter 86

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Once Jimin was asleep, Jin called an emergency meeting and met up in his room except Jimin and Jungkook. Taehyung was confused about everything and still a bit angry at his brothers.

Jin witnessed Yoongi staring at home and look away when he would catch him staring. He chuckled remembering the times when Yoongi would do that when he was scolded by their parents. He moved a bit towards Yoongi and gently lifted and made him straddle his lap. None of them said anything at that, while Taehyung's face fell remembering that now, he wasn't so close to his brothers.

Hoseok silently scooped Taehyung in his arms and made him sit on his lap shocking Taehyung in the process.

'Tae, I am sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have let my frustration on you. Sorry, baby. Won't you forgive your Hyung?' softly spoke Hoseok and Taehyung just nodded his head trying to control his tears.

'Tae, Hyung is sorry too. Hyung, should have listened to you before speaking. Forgive Hyung, baby' softly said Yoongi which only increased the tears in Taehyung's eyes.

It was silent for a second and then a soft sob stole all the attention. Everyone looked at the youngest when they found Taehyung crying. Hoseok pulled Taehyung towards himself and hugged him.

'Wh..why did you l..let, K..Koo puni....punish' sobbed Taehyung and everyone's face filled with worry. Jin gently placed Yoongi beside him and took Taehyung in his arms.

'Hyungs are really sorry Tae. Nothing we say will lessen your pain, but we are really sorry. We didn't think enough and it was a impulse decision that we took. We realise our mistake, baby. I won't ask you to forgive us, but we will always be here for you baby and in the future we will never take any decision without giving it enough thought. We are really sorry Tae-Tae'. spoke Jin and Taehyung sobbed.

Taehyung snuggled closer to Jin holding onto him in a death grip.

'I..I miss..missed you' sobbed Taehyung and Jin rubbed his back softly giving a sad smile. Hoseok pulled everyone closer and hugged the duo. Namjoon then started tickling the younger until Taehyung was clutching on his stomach and laughing.

Finally, Taehyung was back. It took too long to apologise but they finally did it, and they swear they won't repeat the mistake ever again. Taehyung was now settled down on Namjoon's lap and fighting his sleep. Why? Even he didnt know that.

A few strokes of Namjoon's fingers on his scalp pushed him deeper into his dreamland and he slowly dozed off in Namjoon's hold. Namjoon smiled and got up with Taehyung carrying him to his bedroom and calling it a night.

Jason was about to leave but Jin stopped him.

'Jason take Yoongi with you' said Jin sternly glaring at Hoseok.

'Its okay, hyung I will sleep on my own. Hoseok might need you later' sadly spoke Yoongi and got up. Jin passed a sad smile towards his side and sighed.

'I will be waiting, text me once done' mumbled Jason so only Jin could hear.

'Give him his pills' reminded Jin as Jason nodded. He was really looking forward to spendingbthe night with Yoongi but he had to deal with his other brother right now. He felt bad as Yoongi was expecting the same too.

Jason knocked and entered Yoongi's room and handed him the pills as Yoongi made a disgusting face but nevertheless swallowed the pill. Jason tucked him in and switches off the lights.

Jason headed to his room and his gaze fell on the family picture on his desk. His eyes immediately watered and he tried to stop himself but it was too late. He had the potrait now clutched in his embrace as he sobbed with no one to take care of him. He felt lonely and his mind drifted towards taking his life again. He couldn't help himself anymore.

'What is going on with you?' asked Jin passing a stern gaze to Hoseok who was busy staring at the pink bedsheets.

'I am asking you something, Hoseok. And i don't like waiting' strictly spoke Jin and Hoseok sighed.

'Nothing' said Hoseok.

'Huh?' questioned Jin.

'Nothing is going on with me' yelled Hoseok.

'Then why are you screaming?' asked Jin calmly which angered Hoseok more.

'Ahhh!!!' Hoseok yelled and bashed the tiny vase on Jin's bed side table to the ground. Jin got up in shock.

Jason hurried in with red eyes and teary face to find Hoseok again thrashing things.

Jin slapped him hard. Hard enough for Hoseok to lose his balance and fall on the ground. Jin gently picked him up once he was sure that Hoseok wouldn't thrash things again.

Well, Yoongi was the one who would thrash things in anger or when he was just upset. Well, genes run in the family.

'Hobi..' softly called Jin holding onto him on his lap. Hoseok immediately tightened his hug and burried his head in the crook of his hyungs neck and sobbed.

'He...he is ba..back' whispered Hoseok and Jin's hold tightened involuntarily on his brother.

Jin also knew panicking wouldn't let things have its way. He should take care of his brother and calm him down first. Jin rubbed his back in circular motions and stroked his head with the other hand.

'Shh!! Buddy. Shh!! Hyung will take care yaa. Don't worry. He won't even come anywhere near to you. You know right your Yoongi hyung will kill him. Don't worry. Hyung is here. Shh, baby, hyung will take care. Shh!!' calmly spoke Jin trying to give the best comfort he could to the younger. Hoseok's cries slowly reduced down and he was just sniffling now. Glad he had stopped crying after an entire hour.

Jin slowly pulled him off the hug and gently wiped his tears off and gave a genuine smile

'Whatever, the reason is baby, was it good to speak to Tae like that? Did he deserve the way you spoke?' softly asked Jin and Hoseok shook his head.

'Words' said Jin a bit stern than before

'N..No' stuttered Hoseok.

'You want your punishment now or tomorrow?' asked Jin not wanting to overwhelm Hoseok anymore.

Jin had noticed Jason too. He knew Jason was crying and he had to speak to Jason, but he just couldn't find the correct time to do so.

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