Chapter 128

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Jason decided to take Alex out to a cafe so that they would have their privacy to talk things out.

Alex just went with the flow. He really expected Jin to have a talk with him but he was a bit surprised when Jason asked him to talk. Nevertheless, he made up his mind to set out his points hoping that everyone will understand his decision of leaving Yoongi. He loved Yoongi a lot but he couldn't help but be upset about always being his 2nd priority.

Now that, Alex and Jason were sitting in the cafe opposite to one another as Jason ordered for two glasses of juice.

'Alex, coming straight to the point you took your decision to leave Yoongi and move on right?' questioned Jason knowing very well that there was no use making a small talk and just wasting each other's crucial time.

'Yeah' answered Alex being confident.

'I know, I am no one to meddle between your relationship but I just wanted to speak to you so that you don't make a mistake and regret later' stated Jason as Alex nodded in understanding. Their conversation was cut short with two delicious juice being served.

'What do you want to know?' asked Alex completly tired of everything.

'Why are you breaking up with him?' asked Jason. As much as Alex wanted to show attitude and walk away not liking how Jason was acting like he knew it all, he didn't knowing that will just worsen the relationships with Kims more.

'I am breaking up with him because I don't think I liked the way Yoongi handled things. And, I would want someone who will make me their first priority' said Alex as Jason smiled knowing very well what this was about.

'You are insecure' pointed out Jason as Alex looked at him as if Jason was talking weird things.

'You are, just accept it' said Jason and sipped on his drink.

'I am not, I am anything but insecure!' whisper yelled Alex in frustration.

'Alex, look at me. There is no use getting frustrated. Well listen to me and then decided yourself' comforted Jason as Alex seemed to have enough patience to listen to the older.

'I have been dating Jin since we were in school. During college, there was a major dispute which led Jin to push me away because it concerned his brothers. Jin was always like that, he loved his brothers a lot, so much that a little hiss from them would be the end of Jin's world. Later on, I realised that Jin's parents always worked leaving the kids to tend to themselves and that is how Jin became their parent figure, to be honest motherly figure. He cared for them, nurtured them and did everything a mother would do' spoke Jason and continued once he realised that he had the youngers attention.

'One fine day the Kims lost both their parents. I wasn't a part of Jin's life during that time but I always kept an eye on them. And what I observed was that, Jin took on the role of a typical mother. He gave up everything for his brothers. He took care of them filling the voidness of motherly love in all 6 of them. With Jin stood another figure just like a father, and that was Yoongi'

'Yoongi, was always head on like a typical father. Cold personality but immense care and love to his younger ones. He not only was a fatherly figure to his younger brothers but he was also a person on whom Jin could lean on when things could get difficult. Jin and Yoongi were forced to grow up at a very young age. At the time of finding love, going on fun trips they were busy taking care of 5 younger ones who depended on them completely. They were A mother and a father but with the identity of hyungs'

'Now, you tell me is it easy for any parents to give importance to anyone else other than their kids?' questioned Jason at last as Alex took a second to rethink everything Jason said.

', I might be an orphan but I have witnessed, read stories of how parents protect their kids. To what extent they could go to make sure that their kids are healthy and fine. To such an extent that they could sacrifice themselves for the wellbeing of their children' spoke Alex.

'That is what Jin and Yoongi are, for the remaining 5 members. I at first, was insecure like you. Always thought Jin loved his brothers more than me, they were always his first priority and it wasn't me. But then I was blessed with a neice and I loved her to the moon and back. That was when I realised the connection Jin had with others. It was the connection of a mother and kid. In Yoongi's case, a connection between a father and a kid. And, trust me when I tell you this they love us a lot but they aren't like freegoing people who will give their entire time for us. We will never be their first priority because it will be their younger ones for them but we will always be that person they would want to see at the end of the day. We will be those whom they would lean on, share their worries with, end this world for us and just love us rotten'

'As far as I have seen Yoongi, he always made sure to be there for you whenever you struggled. Then, are you not on his priority list? You are right? Yoongi loves you, give him a chance. I know it hurts to look at your boyfriend,  care and caress their brothers but know that he will come back to you at the end of the day. Just because he loves his brothers doesn't mean he will leave you alone. Give him a chance to prove that he loves you'

'Even after all this if you can't date a person like him then leave but if your heart wishes to stay give my Yoongi a chance, a chance again in love. Cause, I know for a fact that after you get will choose no one of you leave'

Jason said everything he could think of and got up leaving the younger to have a moment to himself.

'The car is right at the front waiting for you. Whenever you are ready' informed Jason and walked out and drove to the mansion leaving another car for Alex.

After dinner, Alex reached home to find Yoongi staring at the door and he almost smiled witnessing the worry erupt away from the older's face. That is when Jason's words rang through his mind, 'he will come back to you at the end of the day' Right then Alex had his answer about giving Yoongi a chance or moving away from him!

Hey guys! Triple update done!!!! Is the justification worth it? Comment down your thoughts! It more than 1100 words!!!! Comment comment comment for faster updates! Who knows I might update again today....haha

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