Chapter 136

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Jimin woke up and looked in daze trying to understand the heaviness he was feeling all over his body. His head was the worst as it ached with every ounce of it.

Yoongi and Alex patiently waited for Jimin to notice them and not to scare the poor soul anymore.

Jimin's eyes fell on the couple as he reached his hand forward to hold onto them. As Yoongi reached forward gently to hold Jimin's hands Jimin had a recollection of everything that happened.

In less than a second Jimin s teamed in horror and curled himself into a ball.

'D...don't t.t..ttou..touch meee' Jimin chanted like a mantra as Yoongi's heart broke completely. Not being able to witness it anymore he left the room with moist eyes and guilt towards himself

'Jimin, it's Alex' Alex softly spoke and made himself noticable as Jimin peeked his head out and witnessed only Alex standing there.

'Shall I come closer?' softly asked Alex as Jimin gave out no answer.

'I am coming closer' answered Alex to himself and softly kept his hand on Jimin's figure under the blanket.

Jimin flinched but Alex didn't move his hand. After a minute or so Jimin seemed to be calm enough and then Alex started moving his hand up and down on Jimin's back as Jimin again got startled but slowly calmed down.

'Bud, it was your hyung only. No one else, just Yoongi hyung' spoke Alex as Jimin realised how he acted in front of Yoongi. He immediately felt an u said amount of guilt for acting that way in front of his hyung.

Jimin slowly, once being familiar to Alex's touch moved a bit closer implying Alex to continue giving the care and concern he was providing.

'Yoonie hyung?' questioned Jimin as Alex just smiled.

'He is out bud, do you want him?' asked Alex as Jimin nodded.

'Shall I call him sweetheart?' asked Alex as Jimin shook his head.

'Should I take you there?' Asked Alex giving the younger a few options to choose from. Jimin nodded at that and shifted more closed to Alex as Alex was confused on what Jimin was implying.

Alex,.confused got down from the bed and beckoned Jimin to follow him but Jimin didn't move a inch rather lift his hands towards the older. Alex sighed and gently picked Jimin up and walked towards Yoongi who was near the pool.

'Yoon' called Alex as Yoongi turned around with tears striking down his cheeks as a bottle of soju was right next to him. Alex sighed, knowing that if it was Jin, Yoongi would have to go through another round of serious punishment for drinking.

Yoongi immediately wiped away his tears when he saw Jimin looking at him with teary eyes. Yoongi reached his hands forward as Jimin leaned a bit towards Yoongi and away from Alex.

Yoongi easily carried Jimin and settled down next to the pool with his feet tucked in the water. Jimin was sitting on top of him and snuggled closer to Yoongi.

'H..hyung' whispered Jimin as Yoongi shook his head.

'Shh! Baby, I know, no need to explain. I love you baby. Shh' comforted Yoongi knowing very well what was going on in Jimin's head.

Jimin seemed to listen to his hyung as he saw Alex sitting a bit far away from them. He called towards Alex urging Alex to sit closer and Alex did so as asked.

Yoongi laid a hand on Alex's thigh and squeezed it silently telling him not to misunderstand him anymore. Jimin extended his arms and hugged both Yoongi and Alex as he yawned.

'Baby, do you wanna sleep?' asked Yoongi as Jimin shook his head.

'Why not sweetheart, you are sleepy' pointed out Alex.

'Nightmares' mumbled Jimin and tucked his head between both shoulders.

'Come on baby, sleep with us. I and Yoongi hyung will kick all the monsters away' exclaimed Alex the same way he made a bond with the younger in the very initial days of Jimin's incident.

Yoongi smiled and uttered a thank you to Alex being grateful of Alex being okay with sleeping next to his brothers. Alex, didn't realise that such a small thing would make the older so happy that he would give out his gummy smile. No wonder, Jason said that the way to their heart is through their brothers.

Yoongi and Alex carried Jimin with them to their room and settled next to Jimin as Jimin circled his arms around Alex and dosed off with his head snuggled warmly on Alex's chest while Yoongi hugged him from behind.

Yoongi leaned forward and pecked Alex's forehead as Alex let out a genuine smile.

'Yoonie, it wasn't your fault' tried Alex as Yoongi shook his head dismissing the topic.

'Sleeo baby, you have a surgery tomorrow morning. Hoseok will be back too by tomorrow. Let's see what about them' said Yoongi as Alex nodded.

'Good night babe. But, I am informing about this to Jin hyung be ready to answer him' stated Alex sternly as Yoongi sighed knowing about what the younger was implying. Yoongi just smiled at Alex assuring that he was fine and turned off the lights as Jimin did move around a bit with furrowed forehead but the couple.was fast enough to assure and console him.

'Hyung! I said I want that' argued Jungkook as Taehyung sighed.

'Jungkook, you have enough of it. You are now coming home with me if you don't want to get spanked in front of everyone here. The choice is yours' sternly said Taehyung as Jungkook gulped and with sullened shoulders started walking with Taehyung who had his hand held tight by Taehyung's hands.

'Dale, I will be leaving' spoke Hoseok as Dale with heavy heart bid a bye to the elder as Hoseok applied for another week of leave for Dale knowing that Dale was needed with his family.

Hey guys!!! How is it? 20 long comments for next chapter!

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