Chapter 16

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It was the next day and Jungkook was not able to sit in one place on the dining table. Taehyung who had been observing the maknae shrugged it off thinking the bunny was weird, but Jungkook just didn't stop.

'Jungkook, what's wrong' asked Taehyung. He came out more strict than he intended to be, which caused the bunny to settle down completely. All eyes were on Jungkook making the bunny stop his actions.

'No..nothing Hyung' pouted Jungkook.

'Then, why were you.....being weird' asked Taehyung trying to use the correct word.

'Hyung!!!' whined Jungkook. Everyone's tensed faces relaxed knowing it was something silly.

'I'm listening' calmly said Taehyung closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of relief.

'Tae, are you fine buddy?' asked Jimin looking at Taehyung who looked tired.

'Yes Hyung' assured Taehyung.
'Bunny' called Taehyung.

'It's just that I am excited hyung. Very, very excited. As you know today is the dance and I am looking forward because I am the centre. You know Hyung' joyfully uttered out Jungkook in his own happiness drowning the hyung line in worry. Namjoon and Jin hadn't been talking to each other, it would be so awkward and not to forget Jin is not perfectly well, was all they could think off.

'I am proud of you bunny' yelled out Jimin in adoration at his brother.

'Thank you, Hyung' said Jungkook beaming with happiness.
Luckily, the atmosphere was not so awkward. Jin was calm all the time. Jungkook did a great performance that the entire audience were hooting and yelling which easily made the younger shy. He had whined for some ice cream and everyone had ended up in the ice cream parlour.

Jin and Namjoon unknowingly sat next to each other. Namjoon had figured out that almost everyone were ignoring him except the maknae. They were only reacting if Namjoon asked them something. He knew he did a mistake but he didn't want to accept it. He just didn't want to, knowing very well that if he does then he would not be able to forgive himself.
It's been a few weeks since Jungkook's performance and it was almost the same. Namjoon was forced into seeking help from the therapist and he was getting well. His nightmares were reducing. The only thing he was relieved and also was guilty was that Jin used to stay with him all the time whenever he had nightmares. Jin didn't speak anything else other than calming him down and putting him back to sleep.

Jungkook was picked by Taehyung and both of them were in the middle of the argument when they entered the mansion. All the brothers were home. Everyone gave their attention to the youngest two who were bikering with each other. Taehyung was teasing Jungkook and Jungkook was reacting to it. Taehyung and others chuckled witnessing an angry bunny. He looked too cute to resist.

None, of them figured out when the playful bikering turned into a serious fight. Jin decided to take matters in his own hands not wanting the argument to go any further.

'Bunny,calm down Tae is just teasing you baby. Don't get so worked up baby' said Jin chuckling at the end. Everyone hoped that the fight would die down but the outcome was complete opposite. Words of Jin just added fuel to their angry bunny.

'Hyung, stop poking your nose in our business. You never let us enjoy. You are always strict. Why do you do that Hyung? Don't interfere between us Hyung. I sometimes hate you so very much.' yelled out Jungkook. He didn't realise that he ended up taking his built up frustration on his hyung that to in a hurtful way.

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