Chapter 83

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Hey guys!!! Love you soo soo much. Never expected such genuine reactions from you guys!!! Even though a few realised it before others. For some still confused, let me clear it up that it was an APRIL FOOLS PRANK!!! No one dm'd me. I am not discontinuing this story, I love this story very much. Love you guys!! You guys are the best!!!!

Well back to the story!!

After breakfast, Jin headed to his office as Yoongi and Jimin came late. Hoseok was right about one thing. The sales were dropping, but how? Was the most important question. That is when he came across an ad, it looked way too similar. He immediately called his secretary and asked her to know more about the ad.

He just couldn't let the issue be unsolved, he called all the important members of the company and decided to have the meeting. The meeting consisted of two board members and him, Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung's secretary.

The matter was discussed and they waited for more information about the company having similar styles and designs as theirs to continue their further step.

Once the two board members left.

'Head to the mansion, and keep an eye on Taehyung. If he gets difficult with his medicines contact me' ordered Jin as his other brothers looked at him in confusion. The secretary nodded her head and headed towards the mansion.

'Don't look at me like that. He needs someone to take care of him and calm his stubborn ass. Namjoon, you go to their company and get involved with them and try getting some information from them. Yoongi to my cabin and Jimin apply a leave for Hoseok from his hospital and then come to my cabin when I call you' stated Jin and all of them nodded their heads in return.

'Hyung, I promised Jungkook to take him to the company today' said Namjoon.

'He can come some other day, when Taehyung is here. You know, we can't handle him if he gets excited here without Taehyung' spoke Jin and Namjoon sighed knowing he would have to coax Jungkook again.

Yoongi followed Jin to his cabin and Jimin left to his cabin to call the hospital and apply a leave for Hoseok.

'Lock the door' said Jin. Yoongi gulped and proceeded to do it with shaking hands.

'What did you do yesterday?' asked Jin, voice cold which made Yoongi more scared. Yoongi remained silent and looked down fiddling with his fingers. Jin was not having any of it. He was adamant to bring back his entire family together.

'What did you do yesterday?' repeated Jin, voice more stern than before.

'I..I accused Tae and ran away' answered Yoongi not being very proud of his actions.

'Was it the right thing to do?' asked Jin and Yoongi remained silent completely embarassed.

'I am asking you something, Kim Yoongi' roared Jin and Yoongi shivered in fear.

'N..No' stuttered Yoongi.

'What should you have done then?' asked Jin.

'I..I should h..have l..listened to h..him' answered Yoongi.

'Hmm, you missed something' accused Jin.

'I...I shouldn't ha..have pu..punished h..him in a..anger' stuttered Yoongi again and looked away.

'Good' said Jin.

'Kneel down facing the corner, pants and under pants off' stated Jin. Yoongi looked at him in confusion. It was very rare for Jin to punish someone in office. Yoongi stayed glued where he was without moving.

'Yoongi' called Jin and Yoongi snapped back to reality. He then slowly removed his pants and under pants, folded it and neatly placed it beside the couch. He then dropped down on his knees facing the corner, luckily his shirt was long enough to cover his bottom.

'Hands up' said Jin and Yoongi immediately raised his hands.

Jin let out a hmm of approval and concentrated back to his work. He was contemplating whether to punish Jimin infront of Yoongi or after Yoongi. He sighed and called his secretary asking her to send Jimin in.

Jimin arrived in less than a minute waddling towards the desk.

'You took a leave?' asked Jin and Jimin nodded his head. He still didn't notice Yoongi in the corner. Yoongi though, felt like crying knowing that his dongsaeng was there while he was getting punished by his only hyung.

'What did you do yesterday?' asked Jin and Jimin's nose flared in anger. He couldn't believe his hyung was going to punish him for something which he did, which he wasn't guilty enough.

'Jimin!' roared Jin in anger noticing how angry Jimin was.

'Hyung, I wasn't at fault. Hobi hyung was scaring Tae so I pushed him' said Jimin in anger.

'Was it the right thing to do?' asked Jin and Jimin nodded as yes.

'Kim Jimin' yelled Jin. Yoongi looked back. He couldn't believe Jimin had just pushed Hoseok yesterday and was being so salty about it in front of his hyung. What they failed to notice was the way Jimin flinched.

'Yoongi, wear your pants, and punish him and be back once you are done with him' stated Jin and Yoongi's face burnt in embarrassment but he continued to do as his hyung said.

'Turn here ' ordered Jin looking at Jimin trying to look back. He wanted to humiliate Yoongi but he wouldn't let Jimin to notice him at any cost.

Jimin was quick to obey, but he still didn't realise why he was getting punished.

Yoongi limped two steps towards Jin. Jin signed him to take him off and Yoongi pulled Jimin with him to his cabin.

Jin sighed and started working.

Yoongi and Jimin reached Yoongi's cabin and Yoongi's expression completely changed.

'Jimin, is it the way to treat your elder?' asked Yoongi towering Jimin in the process. Jimin was too angry, but still shivered in fear looking at his hyung so serious and took deep breaths to calm himself.

'Jimin, answer me!' yelled Yoongi.

Jimin stayed silent trying to calm himself.

'What was he doing?' asked Yoongi as Jimin explained the situation which took place.

'Still, you didn't have any rights to push him. What if he had fallen or got hurt?' asked Yoongi. Jimin stayed silent. He realised he shouldn't have pushed Hoseok, but he just didn't want to accept it.

Guys, your support, care and love is unbelievable. I am really blessed to have you guys. I am really really sorry. I should have ended the prank at 12, but I had to go to the college and it got late there. Really sorry, and I really really love you guys a lot!!! As an apology you will get a triple update today. Hope that calms you down from wanting to kill your author?? Love you guys a lot. Happy that I found my second family in you guys!!

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