Chapter 126

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'I made a decision, I decided to end things here' spoke Alex as Yoongi's face got stoic and then pure happiness shined off from his face. Alex got a bit confused at that but then Yoongi's actions confused him more.

'You decided to end this matter here? That means we are gonna be like before right? You are giving me a chance right? This incident ends here right? Ohh my, Alex you don't know how worried and-' Yoongi's words were cut off.

'I..I think you misunderstood me. I want to end things here meaning I want to end anything going on between us here. I can't give you a chance again knowing that I will always be second to you. I don't want to be loved so cruelly like you. You were right, I deserve someone who cherish me, adore me and love me like I am the only person and not you. I am sorry, Yoongi but I have decided it. Let's end it here before we both hurt ourselves more' explained Alex.

Yoongi's happy face ditortened into a sad, upset one. He controlled his tears as he clenched his teeth. He listened to the younger's words with his full concentration as his decision stabbed his heart and left it bleeding.

'I will be leaving tomorrow morning. I don't want to be a part of you and your family anymore. You guys have already hurt me enough, I don't want to go through anything more. Being here is just a reminder of my old days I spent in misery. I want to live my life fully, to the utmost. And, I think I have taken my decision. I hope you respect it' uttered Alex and waited for Yoongi to speak. Say something but he heard nothing as Yoongi just stood there with teary eyes and clenched teeth.

'I will be taking the guest room' informed Alex and walked out of the room as Yoongi failed to stop him. Yoongi fell on his knees as he covered his mouth in silent heartbreak. Alex, on the other hand had tears flowing down his face as he walked towards the guest room passing Jason and Jin. The couple observed Alex but made no remarks to question him.

Jin felt something wrong and walked towards Yoongi's room to find Hoseok sleeping peacefully on bed but Yoongi violently trying to silence his sobs. In a second, Jin knew what was wrong as he found himself embracing Yoongi and comforting him. Yoongi just cried but at the end slipped to his dreamland.

Alex stared at the ceiling aa tears flowed from his eyes to the pillow. Unknowingly he dozed off having ont thing in mind. To get far away from the Kims.

'Jungkook, that's enough' whisper yelled Taehyung punching the younger's arms as Jungkook had been eating too much sweet and was whining to get him more ice cream. Taehyung was tired of the younger's whining and was trying to get the younger behave properly but Jungkook was in his own world.

A month being away from his hyungs, guess he forgot that he doesn't have his way around his hyungs back home.

Jungkook still continued to whine and pull on Jimin knowing that Jimin is easier to influence than Namjoon about how he wanted to eat ice cream. Namjoon sighed and gave a knowing look to Taehyung as Jimin ignored the younger and concentrated on driving. Jungkook had already eaten a lot and if he ate more he would just hurt his stomach.

'Enough!' yelled Taehyung as Jungkook halted from his stubbornness and looked at the older with gaping eyes. In the next second Taehyung pulled Jungkook on his lap and held onto both hands of the younger while he started spanking him.

Taehyung raised his hand and bought it down as Jungkook withered to get himself free from the tight grip. Taehyung continued again and again until Jungkook was crying.

In the matter of 15 spanks on his clothes bottom Jungkook was in tears and apologising profusely and begging his hyung to forgive him. Namjoon looked back from the passenger seat giving a look which said enough but Taehyung didn't bother about the older's gesture as he continued spanking the younger harshly.

Jungkook cried more and more and finally went limp when Taehyung hit the 33rd spank. On reaching 35, Taehyung stopped but didn't let the younger get up from the position.

'Do you need an ice cream?' strictly asked Taehyung to which Jungkook shook his head vigorously.

Taehyung then softly pulled him up and seated Jungkook on his lap and held him against his own chest. Jungkook let the tears flow on Taehyung's chest as Taehyung patted his head and pecked his forehead comfortingly. In a matter of minutes Jungkook was gone in his dreamland as Taehyung pecked his forehead again and covered Jungkook with a blanket available in the car.

'H...hyung' whispered Taehyung as Jimin and Namjoon let out a hmm urging the younger to continue.

'Can we umm stop at the ice cream shop?' asked Taehyung embarrassed as Namjoon and Jimin chuckled. Nevertheless, Jimin took a turn to the ice cream shop

'Wake the bunny up' said Namjoon laughing at Taehyung's pouty face. Taehyung then shook his head not wanting to wake Jungkook up.

'Aww, Tae Tae you wanna be babied?' cooed Jimin as Taehyung covered his face with is hands as Namjoon laughed more.

'I will drive the bunny back home and join you both' said Jimin as Taehyung and Namjoon got down while Jimin sped off to the mansion.

Before Taehyung could register Namjoon had him picked up in his arms as he held Taehyung. Taehyung sd his arms circled around Namjoon's shoulder and his legs around the older's waist. Namjoon carressed his back and whispered sweet nothings.

'Tae-Tae what's wrong baby?' questioned Namjoon realising that Taehyung was trying to tighten the hold on Namjoon more and more. In a matter of minutes Jimin was back to find Taehyung's entire face stuffed in Namjoon's neck as he sobbed.

The playfulness was immediately replaced by sorry as Jimin wandered to the duo.

'Hyung, what happened?' asked Jimin worried as Taehyung peaked his head out and made grabby hands towards Jimin.

'I will take him back to the car hyung. You get us out orders' said Jimin and picked Taehyung up and went back to the car and settled on the driver seat with Taehyung on top of him.

'Whats wrong Bubba?' asked Jimin as Taehyung tightened the hold and cried.

'Am I bad?' asked Taehyung as Jimin couldn't understand anything. Namjoon was back and took the passenger seat and held three scoops of ice cream.

'I am eating ice cream leaving Kookie' cried Taehyung as Jimin and Namjoon laughed at the younger.

'Tae baby, it's ok. We can go out tomorrow again ok?' voiced out Namjoon as Taehyung looked at him with questioning eyes.

'Yes baby, we can go out again!' assured Namjoon as Taehyung nodded happily and started eating his ice cream. Namjoon and Jimin were happy looking at the younger.

After a matter of minutes, halfway through the ice cream Taehyung dosed off as Jimin passed him to Namjoon and started the car to drive back to the mansion.

'Hyungie, we need to give more importance to Tae' said Jimin as Namjoon nodded.

'Yeah we should. We should find ways to spoil him and not only the maknae. He is youngest too. With all hyungs being busy it's us who should take care of our two maknaes' said Namjoon and Jimin hummed.

The trio reached back only to meet glaring eyes of the maknae. Jimin and Namjoon gulped as Taehyung was deeply asleep in Namjoon's arms.

'You ate ice cream!' yelled Jungkook with Jason right next to him.

'Shh!' signalled Jimin.

'Tae is asleep' continued Jimin as Jungkook was just angry.

'You guys are bad, very bad! You ate ice cream after leaving me here. You guys lied , you even punished me. Bad hyungs' yelled Jungkook as Taehyung woke up and got down from Namjoon's arms.

Jungkook angrily pushed Taehyung.

'I hate you hyung' screamed Jungkook and walked away. Jimin and Namjoon closely followed the maknae as Taehyung was left alone in the hallway with Jungkook's words ringing in his ears. 'I hate you hyung' 'I ahte you hyung'

Hey guys! The chaotic maknae line is back. Any thoughts on this?

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