Chapter 60

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'And, bub, you are enough for everyone and everything. If they leave you and hangout you don't need to worry. You can always find new friends, can't you?' questioned Taehyung. Jungkook just slumped against his hyungs chest tired.

Taehyung rubbed his back comfortingly and pecked his head.

'They don't deserve you buddy, if they leave you then don't change yourself for them.' said Taehyung and Jungkook nodded his head.

'Bub, we love you and if you feel others hate you then they are not the one for you. You will find friends who will value you and respect you as you are' spoke Taehyung. Jungkook just hugged Taehyung. Taehyung hugged him back and they stayed like that.

'Also, baby, I promise you that I myself will take you to a club when you are old enough. But, you need to promise me that you will never ever go to any of those places alone or with friends without informing us.' said Taehyung.

Jungkook's eyes shined at that and he looked at his hyung with shiny eyes.

'I promise hyung and I love you' exasparated Jungkook and hugged Taehyung tightly. Taehyung just giggled at that.

'Buddy, I think it's time for you to go apologize to everyone' said Taehyung. Jungkook's eyes instantly fell but he nodded nevertheless.

Taehyung and Jungkook walked hand in hand to the living room where everyone was seated doing their own works.

'Hyung, Koo has something to tell you' said Taehyung gaining everyone's attention. Everyone stopped their work and gave their entire attention to him.

'Hyung, I am so sorry. i shouldn't have sneaked out and worried all of you. I shouldn't have drunk. I should have informed about my whereabouts. I should have carried my mobile with me. I am sorry hyung. And, Jin hyung sorry.' uttered Jungkook with guilt evident in his voice as he limped towards Jin and hugged him.

'Also, Jason Hyung thank you for bringing me back' thanked Jungkook and Jason smiled and ruffled the younger's hair. No one noticed one pair of eyes burning with jealousy at that action.

'Jungkook, I hate to do this but your punishment is pending. Shall we head upstairs or you want to do it here?' asked Hoseok. Jungkook whined at that.

Jungkook was received by a harsh pat on his thigh by Taehyung and angry glare. Jungkook gulped and managed to walk as quickly as possible to his room.

Hoseok followed him and entered the room as Jungkook gave him puppy eyes. Hoseok sighed and just signed Jungkook to lay over his lap.

Jungkook, sulkily laid over his lap. Hoseok took away all his protection. Hoseok then raised his hand and spanked Jungkook on his right thigh. And then to his left. He continued creating the same pattern over and over again.

Hoseok gave the 15th spank and Jungkook was sobbing hardly. He was wiping away his face on the mattress and wiggling. Hoseok concentrated on his thighs and not on his butt, knowing that Jungkook was a lot more sensitive there.

Hoseok wrapped up at 30 and Jungkook was just laying limp on his hyungs lap. Hoseok let Jungkook stay there for a while and then picked him up and dressed him up.

'Baby' called Hoseok.

'Hmm' whined Jungkook. Hoseok chuckled and carried Jungkook back to the living room while gently wiping away his tears. Jungkook sleepily rested his head on his hyungs shoulders and dozed off.

Everyone cooed at that.

'You should have let him sleep' voiced out Jason.

'Oh no. He gets frustrated if he doesn't find anyone when he wakes up after a punishment' chuckled Namjoon. Jason nodded in understanding.

'I will leave now' informed Jason and started walking towards the main door.

'Hyung, why don't you stay for dinner' exclaimed Jimin. Jin glared at Jimin.

'Hey it's fine' softly rejected Jason but Jimin wasn't having it as he hooked his palms to Jason's arms and pulled him back to the couch.

They ended up eating at the dining table when a stream of notifications and call ring took everyone's attention. It was Jason's phone.

'Hello' answered Jason, voice cold and authoritative.

'Boss, Hason was kidnapped yesterday night' said the caller. Jason knew what that meant. His eyes were glossy as he held himself to portray that the news didn't affect him.

'Who did it?' questioned Jason teeth clenched in anger as he craved for revenge.

'Boss, he was attacked yesterday night to get information about you' informed the caller.

'I am coming' said Jason voice no longer authoritative but filled with guilt as he headed staright out side.

Jin and others looked at him in shock but nevertheless continued eating when Jin glared at them. Jin couldn't shake off the feeling he was getting. But, he shrugged it off and concentrated on eating.

Jungkook was asleep on the couch. Others let him be and packed the leftover in the fridge so that Jungkook could eat whenever he wakes up. They headed towards their rooms with Hoseok taking Jungkook with him.

'Jimin' called Yoongi and signed him to follow him. They both ended up near the pool side. Once, figuring out that they both were alone Yoongi sighed.

'Jimin, Jason already has someone he loves' whisper yelled Yoongi. Jimin shrugged it off.

'I don't care hyung, I love him that's all' rudely answered Jimin.

'Jimin, what has gotten into you?' angrily asked Yoongi.

'Hyung, I love him you should take my side not his. And, if Jason Hyung really loved someone then why is that person not around?' asked Jimin. Yoongi stayed quiet at that.

'See hyung, even you don't have answer to that question. So, I will make him mine. If you can support me then please support or else leave me ony own' rudely replied Jimin and stomped towards his room with nothing but anger.

Yoongi was stuck between too many things. He just wanted to make everything right. But, how could he? Yoongi sighed as he gazed at the night sky and slowly walked back to his room with slumped shoulders.

Jungkook ended up sleeping till he was woken up by his hyungs as he was getting late for school. He was happy when Jin pecked his forehead and sent him off with a hug.

Hey guys!!! Why is Jimin being so headstrong about making Jason his?

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