Chapter 2

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       Namjoon and Jungkook were returning back to their mansion. Namjoon's jaws were clenched in anger and he was driving as fast as he could because he was not able to control his anger and he didn't want to take it out on Jungkook. He had already messaged others and everyone was disappointed.
             Jungkook was just looking down playing with his fingers a habit he does when he isn't too well. He tried to speak with his hyung twice but he only received a cold glare which clearly said 'Shut up' and Jungkook didn't want to anger his hyung any more.
        'Taehyung and Jin hyung are coming 'Namjoon informed and now Jungkook could no longer hold in his sobs. Jungkook can do anything but he can't deal with Taehyung now. He is too tired for that. Jungkook sobs clenched Namjoon's heart but he didn't want to provide any comfort to his dongsaeng before his punishment.
          In no time they entered their mansion. Namjoon got out of his car but Jungkook didn't. Namjoon waited for a few minutes to let Jungkook adjust and give him his time but Jungkook showed no signs of coming out. Namjoon saw Taehyung ice cold glare towards the younger. Knowing that Jungkook will only panic if Taehyung comes to get him, he sighed and opened the passenger door, undoing his seatbelt and pulled Jungkook inside the mansion.
           Jungkook was met with a disappointed Jin and an angry Taehyung. Namjoon took a seat next to Jin on the sofa. Taehyung sat beside them while Jungkook stood opposite to them with a lowered head.
        'Jungkook, why did you lie?' was the first question imposed on him by none other than Jin. Jungkook didn't answer and kept quiet. Jin was calm but Taehyung was not.
        'Jungkook, why did you lie?' Jin questioned again with a more stern tone than before. Jungkook didn't answer yet again.
          'Jungkook!!....answer to the question'. Namjoon yelled making Jungkook's heart beat faster and sweat falling from his forehead. Jungkook remained silent as if he was a statue. It went on for a few minutes and Taehyung's patience was running low.
       Taehyung had enough, he got up and stood right in front of Jungkook towering him.
    'Jungkook look up' Taehyung said in an ice cold voice which made a shiver run down Jungkook's spine. Jungkook immediately looked up only to gaze away from Taehyung's eyes which glared at the younger. Jin and Namjoon sighed knowing now they couldn't help the younger anymore. Namjoon shook his head disappointed and headed out excusing he had some work.
               Taehyung looked at Jungkook's face which had red eyes and nose and the thing which pained was Jungkook's lips which looked busted by the amount of time he had chewed on it. Taehyung's heart broke at the sight in front of him but he reminded himself that he was Jungkook's hyung and he needed to be strict. 
        Taehyung gently touched Jungkook's lips and caressed it and pinched his lips between his index and thumb finger. Jungkook whimpered.
     'What did I say about biting your lips, Jungkook', stormed Taehyung. Jungkook's tears had no stop it was flowing like water.              
        'And eyes on me' ordered Tehyung. Jungkook squirmed wanting to push Taehyung as his lips were hurting but Taehyung showed no signs of letting it go for now and he knew if he ran away from Taehyung he would only make Taehyung more angry.
         'Answer to your hyung Jungkook. You already have enough, now I don't want to punish you for disrespect Jungkook' said Taehyung. Was it an empty threat , obviously not and everyone present there knew that.
        'Thats enough Tae',  intervened Jin which cause Taehyung to let go of the younger's lips. Taehyung's threat was enough to cause Jungkook to start speaking,
         'Hyung, I di.. didn't study. I...I was pla...playing I..I li..lied be..because be..because I...I don't kno...know' stuttered Jungkook. Jin sighed. He didn't want to punish the younger.
           'Go to Tae's room and kneel with hands raised' ordered Jin to which Jungkook ran off as fast as he could. Noticing that it is unlike Jin Tae questioned with concern,
            'What's wrong hyung', Jin just shook his head and said,
             'Don't go too hard on him Tae' Taehyung nodded his head and marched on to his room where there is his baby kneeling with hands raised, tears flowing and a pout adorning his adorable face.
                As soon as Jungkook realised Taehyung entered he tried controlling his sobs. Taehyung sighed and sat on his bed.
           'Jungkook, come here' Jungkook softly padded towards his hyung. Taehyung pulled him towards him and locked Jungkook in between his legs.
                'Why are we here Jungkook' questioned Taehyung, voice stern with no softness.
               ' Because, I l..lied that I...I had stu..studied ever..evrything b..but I had no...not studied. Af..after ex..exams I to..told that I..I had do..done th..the exam we..well.' stuttered Jungkook occasionally taking huge sobs.
            'Why didn't you study?' questioned Taehyung.
             'Because I..I was bus...busy playing' answered Jungkook.
            'You were busy playing the day before. Had you not read it before Jungkook? You have failed the exam which means you had no idea about the chapter. Didn't you pay attention in the class?'
        Jungkook had no answer to that question he was scared to answer. He wanted his Jin or Jimin hyung. He felt like crying from frustration. He wanted to run away. He didn't want to be here.
         'Won't you answer me Jungkook' stormed Taehyung. For which Jungkook shook his head and whispered out a tiny 'No'. Taehyung felt worse when he realised his own brother didn't want to answer him. Didn't Jungkook trust him? Or worse did Jungkook hate him? He quickly masked his stunned, sad face with a poker, angry face. He didn't have any other reason for delaying Jungkook's punishment any longer.
           'Roll your pants Jungkook. Get me the ruler on my desk'. Jungkook's face pales at those words. He didn't like the ruler. But he could sense a change in Taehyung's voice. He didn't want to take any chance so he quitely padded towards his desk and picked up the ruler with shaky hands. He wasted no time and gave it to his hyung and rolled up his pants.
             'Fist your hands Jungkook' Jungkook confusedly fisted his hands. Taehyung made a motion to stretch his hands out for which he compelled. Taehyung wasted no time in raising the ruler as high as he could and bought it down on Jungkook's knuckles. Jungkook retracted his hands back rubbing it to sooth the pain accompanied with a horrified scream.
           'Hands out Jungkook' Jungkook shook his head to which he got two warning hits on his legs. Jungkook unwillingly stretched his fisted hand.
       Taehyung continued swatting his hand for 15 times. Jungkook could no longer silence his sobs. He was screaming, yelling and crying with all his might. Taehyung completed 20 swats on his one right knuckles. Taehyung was sure Jungkook's throat will hurt him like hell after he calm down to the amount of screaming he is doing. Taehyung gestured for another hand and as soon as Jungkook gave out his left fist Taehyung wasted no time in raining down the swats. He gave 20 swats on both the knuckles.
          Jungkook looked tired exhausted from all the punishment he was receiving. But what hurt him the most was Taehyung, his hyung was not talking. He only had a cold face. Jungkook wanted his hyung back, He didn't want the monster who was punishing him.
            Taehyung gave few minutes for Jungkook to calm down. Taehyung was holding onto Jungkook between his legs. The sobs were breaking Taehyung's heart. He just wanted to wrap Jungkook in his arms and protect him from the cruel world. Looking at Jungkook crying hard he gave up on spanking his calves. He freed Jungkook. Just before he was going to comfort him he remembered how the younger refused to answer him. Taehyung felt hurt.
            'Stop rubbing your hands. Go face the wall with hands raised' Taehyung ordered. Jungkook softly padded towards the corner and raised his hands. Taehyung walked out and slammed the door making Jungkook jump in anxiousnes. He cried harder. He felt tired and dizzy.
           Taehyung walked down the stairs to be met by all of his hyungs. Jimin immediately walked towards Taehyung with concern laced in his face when Taehyung came alone.
           'He refused to speak. I punished him. Talk to him and get him settled back. Give him some milk with honey he was screaming his throat might hurt him.' said Taehyung more like to himself. He knew he was being harsh on his hyungs but he was hurt too badly by the younger. He was overthinking. He then stormed out of the main door without hearing to any of his hyungs. One thing which was clear to everyone was that Taehyung didn't comfort Jungkook. Jin immediately ran towards Taehyung's room and opened it only to be met with...
To be continued....

Hii guys!! This is my first book. I hope you guys liked it. Give me suggestions and any comments about the book. See you in the next part🙈💜...

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