Chapter 74

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The next morning Taehyung woke up to find all his hyungs in his room. He felt an immense amount of anger.

'Get out' he shreiked. Everyone flinched at that.

'Tae' tried Jin but he stopped in his tracks when he witnessed Taehyung's angry betrayed face which looked so soar in pain.

Jin walked out with dropped shoulders. Yoongi and Jason immediately left worried about the older. J hope followed them, leaving Namjoon and Jimin to console the younger.

'Leave' yelled Taehyung. Namjoon didn't want to witness the pain in younger's face which was reflecting so much that he ended up leaving and going straight to office.

Taehyung was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath after the minor yelling he did.  Jimin held the glass of water to his mouth and signed him to drink. Taehyung tried pushing away but the stern glare from Jimin made him sip the water quietly.

Jimin flipped Taehyung and checked on his bruises and left as he could sense that the younger wasn't comfortable with him being around. He called Taehyung's secretary to come back and waited still she arrived.

He left after the secretary entered Taehyung's room. She made sure that her boss ate and took medicines.

At mansion, Jin was angry and he was cooking to divert his mind. Or more like thrashing food items in the kitchen. Three others were worried witnessing Jin so worked up. Jason knew it was just a start of disasters.

Just like that, Jin cut his own finger causing it to bleed heavily and he backed away his hand in reflex that it hit the pot on the stove and all the hot contents fell directly on his feet as his hand and feet both burned. Jin screamed in pain.

Three of them rushed and Jason picked Jin up and walked to the couch resting Jin there. Yoongi, turned off the induction and decided on cleaning things knowing that Jason and Hoseok will handle Jin.

Hoseok was trying to check on Jin only for Jin to not co-operate. It wasn't a surprise though cause Jin always hated being treated. He was crying badly. Jason decided to take things in his own hands.

'Baby, can you look at me?' said Jason trying to divert Jin and took hold of the first aid to dress Jin's wounds.

Jin though, pushed Jason away.

'Noo, don't come near me. Don't' yelled Jin in panick and pain. Hoseok was confused what was going on. He tried approaching Jin only for his mobile to ring loudly. It was a call from the hospital regarding to some complication from the patient he did surgery last night. He had to leave immediately.

Yoongi came in hearing to the noises and witnessed Jin pushing Jason away all while Jason was trying to help

'Kim Seokjin' roared Jason.

'Don't....Yoon will misunderstand... don't' sobbed Jin. He wasn't able to handle the pain so well. Jason remained silent at that and abruptly stood up. He was tired of Jin always giving him up because of his brothers.

'Jason hyung, stop' called Yoongi as Jason was walking away upset. Yoongi walked towards Jin and kneeled down. He held onto Jin's hands softly being aware of the wound.

'Hyung, you and Jason Hyung belong with each other. And, I am no one to stop you both from being a couple and finding him.with each other. I won't misunderstand you hyung. Never, I will from now on. We will communicate hyung and I don't want to get far away from you. I want you to be happy and your happiness lies with Jason Hyung so you can have him Hyung. Don't worry about, Jimin, I will explain things to him' said Yoongi and continued 'Jason Hyung, come here, I can't handle this huge maknae alone' and gave out a gummy smile.

Jason walked back and silently wrapped the bleeding hand with bandages after making sure the bleeding had stopped. He then took hold of his burnt hand and did the necessary first aid as Jin whimpered in pain and Yoongi consoled him silently. The most hard part was his leg. Jin was already thrashing around and they knew treating his leg would be a hard task.

Jason picked Jin and made him sit on his lap. He immediately locked him with his hands.

'Yoon, treat him' said Jason and Yoongi started treating him. It looked painful and when Yoongi applied something to lessen the burns Jin howled in pain. Jason was quick enough to back hug him and whisper soothing things.

Jason held onto Jin even after Yoongi finsihed treating.

He picked Jin up and walked outside to the car signalling Yoongi to drive as he took the passenger seat with Jin. Jin was confused as to where they was heading to.

'Where are we going?' asked Jin.

'To the hospital' plainly answered Jason and Jin started thrashing more. In the midst of his thrashing he again hit his bleeding hand somewhere and it started bleeding again.

'Stop the car' coldly said Jason glaring at Jin. Yoongi did as asked.

'Yoongi, leave for a second' requested Jason while all three knew it wasn't a request and Yoongi immediately left and locked the car. The black tinted windows made sure that no one witness anything happening inside.

Once Yoongi left, Jason pulled Jin a bit more on himself and Jin was practically lying on him. He then spanked Jin 10 times as harshly as he could while he held him in a death grip.

'You wanna move without permission?' asked Jason and Jin shook his head like a kicked puppy. Jason cooed internally while he held a poker face and adjusted Jin on himself.

He knocked on the window alarming Yoongi to get in. He got in and teary eyes of Jin and silent Jin clearly explained what happened but he pretended like he knew nothing and started driving to the hospital.

Jason carried Jin inside and a doctor checked on Jin and asked him to bedrest till the wound heals and prescribed him some painkillers and antibiotics. Jason carried Jin to Taehyung's room and witnessed Taehyung secretary conversing with Taehyung. Both of them looked like they were pretty good friends enjoying each other's company.

They stopped there conversation as Jason entered with sleeping Jin in his arms as his both hands and one leg was wrapped with bandages. He could sense the worry on Taehyung's face. He laid Jin on the couch and sat next to him.

'He thought it was a good idea to cook something while he was worked up and that ended up with this' informed Jason and sighed again. Taehyung didn't say anything, but he still was angry at them, but he wanted his Jin hyung to be well as fast as he could.

Hey guys!!! Do let me know your thoughts! Is this how you wanted your suggestions to turn out or no? So that I can know and change anything if possible. I thought double update was normal and wanted to surprise you with triple update for 100K. Love ya!!!

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