Chapter 17

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Taehyung and Jimin entered the room and witnessed Jungkook seated on his bed with his head burried in his hands. It didn't take any genius to tell that the younger was sobbing.

Jungkook looked up thinking it would be Namjoon but when he saw Taehyung and Jimin his heart definitely skipped a beat. Taehyung is gonna skin him alive for sure. Jungkook is only scared of Taehyung in this entire world.

Taehyung didn't take a second longer. Tae Tae was long gone now it was Kim Taehyung. His poker and cold face was back.

'Kim Jungkook get up' said Taehyung and Jungkook did as soon as the order left his hyungs mouth. Taehyung nodded towards Jimin who sighed and spread out grains of rice on the floor.

'Kneel down' ordered Taehyung looking at the rice. Jungkook gulped, he then took baby steps towards the rice kneeled down. He hissed when his bear knee made contact with the rice. The rice poked him and it hurt him causing him pain. He scolded his school for having shorts as their school uniform.

'Do you know why you are here?' asked Taehyung in his scary voice. Jungkook nodded his head as yes looking down, and that is when a strike landed on his left calf. Jungkook yelled in pain and tried standing up due to the shock only for his hyung to push him back. He never realised when Taehyung had held cane in his hand and when he was behind him.

'Verbal answers' roared Taehyung.

'Y...yes hy..Hyung' stuttered Jungkook.

'Why are you here?'

'Be...because, I...I disres....dis...disrespected Jin hy...hyung. I w..was rude to him' answered Jungkook.

'Was it the right thing to do?' Jungkook shook his head and he rewarded himself with a strike on his left calf by the cane.

'No Hyung' yelled Jungkook in utter pain.

'Tae-' Jimin tried but was cut short by the angry glare Taehyung let out. Jimin quietened down knowing very well that Taehyung doesn't like when someone interferes when he is punishing the younger.

'Good then, I won't waste any time lecturing you. You already know what you did wrong. Fists at the front'  Taehyung said. Jungkook gulped and fisted his hand.

Taehyung raised the cane and striked Jungkook's right hand knuckles. Jungkook screamed and retreated his hand to his chest rubbing it.

'Put your hands at the front. If you don't want to increase your punishment' Jungkook slowly but surely held his hands at the front. His hands were shivering.

Taehyung lifted his hand and bought back the cane as strong as ever on Jungkook's knuckles again at the same spot.

'Hyung!!' yelled out Jungkook. Taehyung paid no heed to that and continued raining down the spanks on the younger.

'Hyung, pl....please. I am so...sorry. I am s....sorry.' stuttered Jungkook. Taehyung had already laid 15 strikes on his knuckles. Taehyung now laid the very first strike on Jungkook's left hand knuckles.

'So..sorry so...sorry. It hu...hurts. Pl.....please. pl....please' was all Jungkook stuttered out every now and then. Jimin cried himself looking at Jungkook. He could now understand why Jungkook was so scared of Taehyung. He would surely be if Taehyung ever punished him like that.

Taehyung completed the 15 strokes. No ounce of pity on his face.

'Show me your palms' Jungkook slowly did. Taehyung didn't even wait a second and rain down the strokes on Jungkook's palm. Jungkook was yelling, screaming but Taehyung was Taehyung. He ended up giving 15 strikes on each of his palms. He then threw the cane away.

'Stand up' Jungkook slowly obeyed but almost fell forward. Taehyung was quick to help the younger in his position. 

'Write, Hyung, I am sorry. I will never disrespect anyone and please forgive me. 100 times. In a neat handwriting if you don't want anymore strikes on your palms' was all Taehyung said. Jungkook took out a book and started writing with his paining swollen hands.

Jimin felt Taehyung cruel. Taehyung just hit his hands and now he is making the maknae write. Jungkook was standing as he was writing the sentences hissing as his palms were paining him. Taehyung was standing right beside the younger and laid a strike on the younger's thigh when Jungkook did a spelling mistake. Jungkook yelped and corrected the mistake.

Jungkook completed the writing taking 10 to 15 hits on his thighs. Taehyung immediately embraced the younger and kissed his palms all over. Jungkook burst out crying. Jimin was shocked at the duality his brother have. Jimin also cuddled up Jungkook to calm him down.

'Bub, hear to hyung. You are fine. Hyung has you. You are forgiven, it's already in the past' uttered Taehyung as calmly as he could while he was holding the younger like a Koala and walking around the room. Jimin just stood there not knowing what to do. Jimin was really impressed by Taehyung. His brother was all grown. He was taking care of the younger really very well.

Taehyung was playing with Jungkook's hair as Jungkook calmed down. Taehyung sat on his bed with Jungkook. Jimin sat beside Taehyung. Jungkook had stopped crying. He looked deep in thought.

'Bub, no baby don't. Hyung forgives you' whispered out Taehyung knowing very well that his bunny gets silent when he tends to overthink. Jungkook looks up at Taehyung and bolts out of the room. Taehyung and Jimin run behind the younger.

Jungkook ran straight towards Jin's room. He stormed open the door not witnessing his both hyungs Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung were standing at the door.

Jungkook straight jumped on Jin. He hugged Jin as tight as he could and cried out mumbling a lot of apologies. Jin woke up and sat down leaning against the headboard and let Jungkook hug him.

'Hyung, I didnt mean it. I love you. I love you a lot. A lot. You are the best. You can always interfere. Hyung don't cry please. I am sorry. Punish me if you want hyung but don't cry please' pleaded Jungkook. Jin broke into a new fit of crying and hugged the younger with all his might. Jungkook was blown away hearing the older's cries. Everyone gathered around the duo and rubbed their back to calm them down.

Jin's cries had reduced and he had fallen asleep in the younger's hold. For the first time their roles were reversed, it was always Jin calming down the younger and the younger dozing off but this time it was vice-versa and that hurt everyone. Hoseok had helped Jungkook to put Jin to sleep. Jin looked  calm. His eyes were still swollen and his face had the red hue because of all the crying he had done. Jungkook was glued to Jin and was not ready to leave the older alone.

Jungkook always tended to the person who punished him but this time was different, he just wanted his hyung to get better. He was the one who caused it. He blamed himself for  breaking the older down. Taehyung tried separating Jungkook because Jungkook needed rest after his punishment considering the swollen hand the younger had.

Jimin slowly applied the cooling cream on the younger's hand once the younger had fell asleep hugging the elder as if the elder would disappear if he let him go. Hoseok covered both of them with the duvet and headed towards Namjoon's room. Yoongi headed back to his room with new thoughts on his mind.

'Come baby, koo will be fine' assured Jimin when he found Taehyung hesitant to leave the younger. Jimin pulled Taehyung out to his own room. They both cuddled and slept with each other.


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