Chapter 25

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The meeting was too stressful. Everyone was frustrated because the other person was taking their full advantage knowing this meeting will not only benefit the Kim corporation but their own company will sky rocket.

He knew if his company's secrets get out then he would have to say goodbye to the only deal which would save his company. Still now he was playing safe keeping it a secret and fooling all the Kim brothers. He was playing hard to get the deal finalised.

Just in the nick of the moment when Jin was supposed to sign, a secretary barged in and asked to speak with Yoongi. Yoongi stormed out. He came back and tore the deal papers.

'We don't want this deal' stated Yoongi. Even though he looked calm and professional he was burning in anger. Jin was boring holes towards the younger.

'What are you waiting for, Get out' barked Yoongi not able to control his anger anymore. Jin needed to maintain the situation. This deal was important.

'I am sorry behalf of my brother's behaviour. Take a seat I will get the deal printed again and we can finalise it' stated Jin keeping himself professional and glaring at Yoongi who looked too bothered.

'No' argued Yoongi. The situation was getting out of hand. It was turning into a dirty fight between the two and infront of Yoongi's secretary and the other company.

'We will return back to you. We can discuss tomorrow. I will get my staff to arrange the meeting for tomorrow. Sorry, for your inconvenience.' profusely apologized Namjoon taking matters into his own hands. He bowed deeply showing how sorry he was followed by Jimin and Taehyung.

Yoongi couldn't control and he dragged the other ceo and threw him out with his secretary.

'You are going to regret this' threatened the CEO and walked out.

'Yoongi, What the f**k. Can't you keep quiet and not ruin the deal I am working on' yelled Jin glaring at the younger. Jin was someone who won't curse and he was also someone who was pretty strict towards his brothers if any one of them cursed. So cursing from Jin meant it was pretty serious.

Yoongi looked unbothered. He threw another file towards the elder which Jin managed to catch it before it fell to the ground.

'Go through the file and then sign the deal if the deal is so important that you are going to give 75% of the company to them' spoke Yoongi. A series of gasps followed.

'What are you talking about' Jin asked visibly confused.

'I didn't know hyung, you were ready to sell away 75% of our company to that bas***d. Just because you could earn a few million dollars' stated Yoongi voice laced with hatred completely believing that his hyung knew about all this.

Yoongi stormed out of the meeting room sparing no glance to his hyung. The others followed leaving Jin all by himself. Jin went through the file and had a look of horror. He couldn't blame the younger for accusing him because it was clearly stated that Jin would be in favour of the other company. There was a big misunderstanding created.

Jin was pretty worn out with little to no hours of sleep and food. It was catching up on him. The entire thing was getting stressful. He was feeling dizzy and before he could understand anything he was seeing black spots all over and in no time he fainted on the expensive carpeted floor with a *Thud*.

The staff members who were near the meeting room barged in hearing to the noise only to witness Jin, their boss fainted on the ground with a file clutched in his hand.

They freaked out. A few of them made efforts to shift Jin onto a couch and wake him up while others ran to inform others. The others were in Yoongi's cabin going through the copies of the file which he handed to Jin. They couldn't believe Jin would do anything like that.

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