Chapter 147

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'Tae what happened?' asked Jin as Taehyung just shrugged his Hyung's words and continued to inch closer to the warmth of his hyung.

Jin tried for a few more times but all he recieved was silence from Taehyung.

'Is it because of lack of attention?' asked Yoongi as Jimin's words kept on bothering him and as a fact Taehyung slightly nodded his head indicating a yes.

Yoongi and Jin sighed at the discovery.

'Baby, you should have spoken to us right? We were all here, why didn't you talk to us?'

'No! You guys weren't here. I searched everyone, everyone were busy. Yoongi hyung was busy with Alex and Jimin hyung. You were busy with Jason hyung, Hobi hyung never returned from hospital for so many days and Joonie hyung, I don't even know where he is. Why do all of you guys have different priorities, and why I ain't anyone's priority? Why!'

'Baby, you are taking us wrong, we were just...I don't know. I am sorry, I will make sure to be available whenever you need us ok? Can you please forgive us this time?'

'No.. Don't make promises which you can't keep hyung. No one ever bothers to check on me it's either Kookie this Kookie that or your company and stuff. I am tired and I feel lonely. You said you would be available when I need then where were you when I called you so many times? Where were you when I cried last night? Where were you when I needed you? No one was there!'

Taehyung sobbed his heart out uttering those words as Jin and Yoongi shared a look and didn't know what to do.

'Yahh!! Hyung, I was right there with you. You pushed me away, so you say who was the one who isolated themself?' whined Jungkook as Taehyung chuckled at the innocent complaining.

Taehyung rushed to hug his baby and comfort him that he was indeed more important than everyone

Jin and Yoongi sighed in relief that for now Jungkook handled the situation. Now, they had to break Namjoon's condition to them. They didn't know how to start!

Witnessing that the two were alright for time being Jin decided on breaking the news.

'Tae, Kook' called Jin, both the maknaes halted because of the serious time of their hyung.

'Tae, you mentioned about how Joon is no where right? That's because, a few things happened and he is admitted in the hospital and is still unconscious. We are waiting for him to gain consciousness'

Jin spoke as both were shocked at the news.

'How is he? Can we meet him?' asked Taehyung as Yoongi nodded.

Both of them ran towards the door followed by the older not caring about what happened but about how their hyung was hurt and in pain

Upon arriving in the hospital, Taehyung was hugged and carressef by all the remaining as Jimin looked down with guilt knowing the reason why Taehyung was upset.

Jungkook and Taehyung cries out looking at Namjoon's poor health.

'Hyung, what happened?' asked Jungkook. The question which Jin was dreading to answer about. None knew except Yoongi as what happened and now he had to come clean to them.

Jin sighed and took a deep breath as he explained everything that has been happening in the past days and left out the fact that Jason forced him. Everyone were in anger towards Jason but Yoongi's next words broke all hell lose.

'That bastard forced Jin hyung too!' at first no one understood Yoongi's words but Jimin immediately hugged Jin providing the comfort and solace he deserved. Witnessing that everyone emitted out thousands of sweet nothings to console Jin but little did they know, Jin was going back to the way he was previously. Hiding his miseries and being there for them

Hoseok and Taehyung were the most angered ones as they were ready to beat the shit out of Jason for everything he has caused but Jin stopped them in time. His heart was hurt but he knew he couldn't stay with Jason anymore. Maybe, he was always the unlucky fellow to sacrifice what he loves for his responsibility of his brothers.

Jungkook, was silent all along. He didn't expect his hyungs to reveal everything in front of him because from the beginning such truth was always hid from him to protect him. But, he was glad he knew the truth.

Jungkook was angry too but more than anger he felt irresistible hatred towards Jason who hurt his brothers. Who was the reason for Namjoon to turn out like this and towards his Jin hyung who was smiling and consoling everyone hiding his pain.

He was going to get revenge!

'Hyung, I know for a fact that Jin hyung is also connected in the underworld as much as Jason is! So just make sure to protect me because I am going to kill him with my own hands! He deserves death for what all he has done'

Jungkook uttered the words with the calm face as everyone stilled not expecting their Jungkook to talk something so cruel. In the next second he was met with a slap from Yoongi.

Yoongi glared at him with raging eyes!

'Dont you dare do anything you said right now! Don't you even think about what you said, not only him if I get to know anyone gets involved in this stuff no one will be worse than me! Understood!'

Sternly spoke Yoongi shivering everyone present as they all let out a yes hyung too scared to witness Yoongi like that

Jin softly pulled Jungkook towards him and held his hands.

'Baby, you are too young for all this. Your hyungs will take care of everything and please do not talk like this. I don't like hearing those words from you dear. Never ever ok buddy? Promise hyung, that you won't ever do such things, you won't even think of harming anyone. Please, Kookie please....' begged Jin in helplessness as Jungkook promised to not do anything of that sort being confused about his hyungs break down.

Yoongi side hugged Jin providing comfort as he knew how much he had suffered in that world and how he had worked hard to keep everyone safe and away from there. For a fact he knew why he allowed Jason to punish Namjoon too in the first place but what he didn't know was that Jason would cross limits.

Hey guys!!!! I went through all your comments and I am glad and happy to know you guys are all waiting for me!! Also, I can't live without your comments so you know the drill, many many long long comments recieve fast fast updates!!! Love ya!

Also also!!!! Check this account out! EmmaElsher the book is worth the read!!!! I came across her or someone from you notified me about he books and I must say it's one good read! So check that out. Love ya and thank ya!!💜💜

Also, one of you mentioned that I need to change the plot as it's too boring or something but I think I like this plot and I am happy with it being like this! Thank you for your comment! I appreciate it!

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