Chapter 30

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Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon were trying to think calmly while disregarding all the negative thoughts in their mind. They had called up all Tae's friends but to no avail. They were scared shitless.

'I will ask Koo, he might know something' Jin mumbled and walked upstairs. Jin opened the door without any notice.

'Jungkook' yelled Jin in shock as Hoseok and Namjoon raced up only to notice Jungkook with a black hoodie and Black bag with one leg on the other side of window as he looked ready to jump. Was he sneaking out? Yup absolutely.

Jungkook was frozen in his spot. Namjoon walked fast and harshly grabbed Jungkook back.

'What the hell were you trying to do Kim Jungkook' roared Namjoon completely enraged by Jungkook's actions.

'Jungkook, we know something is going on with you but this, sneaking out. What the heck is wrong with you Kim Jungkook' Hoseok yelled shocked at the younger.

Jungkook looked down guilty at his actions but still tried to maintain his facade but he did know that he was failing. He didn't want anything other than to jump in his hyungs embrace and break down, but he continued to be cold.

Jin was frustrated with everything going on. Taehyung was nowhere found and the only one who had last seen Taehyung, was right infront of him trying to sneak out.

Jin took a huge breath and mentally calmed himself to deal with everything going on. He approached Jungkook and put his hands on younger's shoulder, he could feel the younger's tensed shoulders under his touch.

Jin pulled Jungkook with him and settled down on the bed. He made Jungkook stand in between his knees.

'What is going on with you Jungkook?' calmly questioned Jin.

'Nothing is going on' coldly replied Jungkook as he felt two pairs of eyes stare at him directly.

'Jungkook' warned Jin.

'Nothing is going on, just let me go' frustratedly yelled Jungkook trying to break free from his hyungs grip. Jin tightened his grip frustrting the younger.

'Jungkook stop being difficult for god's sake we haven't even found Tae yet' Namjoon voiced out.

'Then let me go, I will bring Tae hyung back' yelled Jungkook. Jin left the younger in shock at the younger's outburst.

Jungkook took that as an opportunity and bolted out of the room and out of the mansion dodging the guard in the front of the mansion. Hyungs failed to follow him.

As said Jungkook was back with Taehyung in a hour. Jungkook had bloodshot eyes and bruises all over while Taehyung laid limp in the younger's arms. All three of them scrambled to get near Taehyung. Hoseok checked him and sighed when he realised that Taehyung was just knocked out due to drugs and nothing else.

No one noticed how Jungkook disappeared in the crowd to his room crying to himself and scrubbing his arms as if he had gotten a disease.

Hyungs were glad that Taehyung was back safe and sound that they forgot to check on Jungkook. They were so tired that they ended up dozing off in hurtful positions around the younger.

The next morning they were woken up by a giggling Jimin who jumped up on Taehyung in joy waking up everyone in the process. Taehyung didn't realise what happened but was happy to be woken up by his overexcited soulmate.

'Tae, how are you feeling baby?' questioned Jin while setting his hands on Taehyung's. Taehyung confusedly nodded his head.

'What happened there Tae?' questioned Namjoon wanting to know the answers.

'What happened where?' asked Taehyung completely clueless.

'Yesterday-' Jimin was cut off by Hoseok.

'Baby what do you remember about yesterday' hesitantly questioned Hoseok.

'Yesterday' hummed Taehyung.

'Yesterday, Kookie ignored me and said so much hurtful words. I was angry and upset so I dropped him off at the mansion and sped towards nowhere. Then I got out of the car in frustration when the tires gave out. I remeber someone closing my mouth and then I don't remember anything until now' explained Taehyung recollecting his thoughts.

Everyone sighed. Jin informed his team about this mysterious kidnapping to get to the end of it. They went on with their work and relieved when Yoongi was back to normal. His fever was gone too. Jin asked him to wake Jungkook and Yoongi shook Jungkook to wake him up while Jungkook was sleeping deeply.

Jungkook's phone was ringing up with messages continuously and Yoongi got irritated by the sound and took the younger's mobile to know who was messaging his makane. His mouth hung open when he looked at the messages.

He ran downstairs with the mobile in his hand and yelled at others to join him. Yoongi then handed them the mobile to read the messages and the look on their faces showed how bewildered they were.

Jin couldn't calm his emotions and punched their tea table so hardly that the glass boke and pierced his hand. The blood flowed out from his hand and he looked like he had killed someone. He was in angry tears. He couldn't believe what the maknae had been going through because of his own mistakes. Atleast, that is what he thought so.

Jungkook woke up and couldn't find his mobile. He searched frantically but no luck. He hurried downstairs only to look at his eldest hyungs hand bleeding while the other clutched his mobile.

Jungkook rushed towards the older in shock while Jin threw away the mobile and hugged Jungkook as if he would disappear. Jungkook was hurting because of the tight hug but stayed still.

Jungkook knew he couldn't hide the truth any longer and he had to come clean to his hyungs.

At last, what did the mobile contain???

Hey guys!! Thanks a lot for your support. Hope you liked it.

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