Chapter 69

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Jin wanted to have a complete conversation with Namjoon about all the things that happened abroad.

'Joonie, what happened there baby. It you don't let hyung know then Hyung can't help buddy' softly spoke Jin and Namjoon knew he had to confess everything that happened there but he was scared.

'Yes Joonie' interjected Hoseok pulling Namjoon on his lap and took a seat between Jin and Yoongi, as Jason sat opposite to them. Jungkook was at school and Jimin and Taehyung were on a video conference with their client.

Namjoon snuggled more into Hoseok and took his time thinking of millions of ways to tell the complete story.

'Hyung,.... I reached there and the client had someone pick me up. I finished the meeting and thought of trying out a new sports car there. I was enjoying the ride when I spotted h..him.' said Namjoon.

'Whom? Baby,' gently asked Yoongi.

'H..he, t..the one who ki..killed eomma' said Namjoon and broke into sobs as Hoseok held onto him, comforting him.

'Baby, do you know who killed eomma?' softly asked Jin wondering about the reaction he would get from the younger.

'Yeah! I remember that day v..very well. It was him' said Namjoon with hundred percent confidence.

'But, your eomma's killer is already punished' voiced out Jason. Namjoon was deep in thought.

'I remember him very well hyung, it was him. It was really him hyung' desperately said Namjoon wanting everyone to believe him. Hoseok was fast enough to confirm that they believed him.

Jason took out the picture of his bestfriend, the one whom they thought to be the killer and killed and showed it to Namjoon.

'Is it him?' asked Jason. Namjoon took a look at the picture and shook his head as no.

'Everything is fine buddy. We believe you and we will always be with you. He can not harm us anymore' assured Jin and signalled Jason and Yoongi to follow him.

Once, the three of them were alone Jin expressed his worries.

'Is it the driver?' asked Jason.

'Huh?' asked Yoongi

'Is Namjoon referring to the driver as eomma's death?' asked Jason clearly and both Jin and Yoongi made a face of realisation at that.

'How are you so sure that he hired a driver?' asked Yoongi. Jason lightly chuckled at that.

'We never get our hands dirty directly' answered Jason and ruffled the younger's hair as Yoongi's face blushed in embarrassment.

'I think I know who it is' said Jason and went towards Namjoon.

'Is it him buddy?' asked Jason showing another picture to Namjoon. Namjoon took a look at that picture and threw the phone in fear.

''s him' confirmed Namjoon and hid himself more into Hoseok who comforted him. Jason smiled at that knowing that his assumption was correct.

'How did you know?' asked Yoongi.

'He was my bestfriend, I know all his men' simply answered Jason.

'Where are you going?' asked Jin witnessing Jason head out.

'To catch him' answered Jason.

'Yoongi, come with me' called Jason and pulled Yoongi with him before he could throw any tantrum. Jin gave them a questioning look for which Jason just mouthed soemthing irrelevant and rushed off pulling Yoongi with him.

Jason made Yoongi sit at the passenger seat and drove to the hospital. Yoongi was nervous and was fiddling his fingers in anxiousness. Jason just kept quiet.

Yoongi felt it difficult as he was not so close to Jason to tell him that he was scared and he was so embarassed to accept that he was scared of a therapist.

Jason though, while entering the hospital he held onto Yoongi's hand giving him a slight comfort even though he pretended like he did nothing to not make the younger uncomfortable. Yoongi was grateful for the kind gesture.

In no time it was Yoongi's turn to meet the doctor and he was sweating. Jason handed him a tissue and smiled warmly.

'Do you want me to come in with you?' asked Jason and as much as Yoongi hated it he nodded his head.

'Come on then' said Jason and held onto the younger's hand.

The session was finsihed and the therapist had prescribed a few pills and had said to follow up in a week. Jason was driving and he stopped in front of a cafe. Yoongi looked at him in confusion and Jason just ran in and back with a bag in his hands.

He plopped the bag on Yoongi's lap.

'For you' said Jason and drove to the mansion. Yoongi opened the bag to find his favourite pastry. He didn't know how Jason knew that but he was happy that he had his comfort food with him.

Jin questioned looking at Yoongi and Jason walking in.

'He is caught' said Jason.

'Who?' questioned Jin.

'The driver who drove the car that day, the logical killer' said Jason. Jin and Yoongi just hummed in reply.

'So, what do you want to do with him?' asked Jason.

'Send him to jail to let others know that he is been caught and then kill him' said Yoongi. Jin and Jason nodded in agreement and Jason called the cops on the guy and made it look like he was arrested and was getting legally punished.

Namjoon was finally relieved witnessing that news and all others were too. Finally, they got the revenge for their parents death.

Taehyung and Jungkook came back with a crying bunny and a furious Taehyung. What happened between them? was what everyone wondered but they didn't get a chance to ask as both of them barged into their rooms in fraction of seconds. They looked at Jimin who sheepishly smiled and escaped into his room with a plan to propose Jason that night

Hey guys!! You author is upset because no one commented in the last update. Are you all angry at me for taking too long to update? I was ill and when I got better had my internals, so I was kinda off, but I really am trying guys! Double update for you guys!!!

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