Chapter 112

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Namjoon walked into the mansion with Jimin and Taehyung with nothing but pure happiness as they had finally won the case. Jimin was even strong enough to stare at the one hurt him so badly and celebrate when he was punished by the law for his wrong doings

Jimin did feel a bit weak and nervous but Taehyung and Namjoon's silent comforting gestures bought him out of it and he was glad to have both of them next to each other, but he still wanted Yoongi.

Yoongi and Jin stayed back at the mansion worried sick about both Hoseok and Alex.

Alex was in and out of slumber and would only wake up when woken up and Yoongi was getting crazy witnessing Alex like that. On the other hand, Hoseok had locked himself in the room and pushed everyone out.

Once the trio walked in, Jimin ran towards Yoongi and jumped on him as Yoongi who already expected it caught on and lovingly pecked Jimin's forehead.

'My baby, you did good. So well. My baby is strong right?, Very strong!' softly worded Yoongi as he pecked and tightened the hug around Jimin as Jimin snuggled closer and sought all the warmth from Yoongi.

Jin hugged Namjoon and Taehyung.

'I am proud of you Joonie!' exclaimed Jin and praised him as Namjoon got all shy and had his entire dimples on view for everyone around.

Taehyung simply poured and sat on the couch witnessing his Joonie hyung getting spoilt by Jin and his Minnie Hyung getting cradled by Yoongi.

He let out a loud huff and pouted as he sulked and sank inside the couch.

Yoongi chuckled at his sulky bear but didn't dare to leave Jimin as he could feel Jimin crying. But, Jin and Namjoon made sure to take  seats next to Taehyung and tickle him. Taehyung did resist the laughs but then let out loud laughs which echoed through the walls of the mansion.

Yoongi gently got up with Jimin and carried him towards the pool area and slowly got inside the pool with Jimin as Jimin first tightened the hug but then his worries was long forgotten as he was busy lazing around in the pool.

Their chill day was cut short when they received a call from Jungkook's school informing them that Jungkook had fainted and was taken to a nearby hospital.

All of them rushed in, including Hoseok as Namjoon had dropped the text on his mobile knowing that Hoseok wouldn't come out, otherwise.

Hoseok was the first to question the attending doctor about all the things and check on Jungkook, all while he ignored others.

Jungkook was discharged as he fainted because of dehydration, but he was still unconscious.

Alex woke up finally to find himself alone in Yoongi's room. He remembered about all the events that took place. Hoseok's gaze, Hoseok's panick attack, Yoongi's anger, Yoongi's betrayed face and everything.

A tear rolled down his eyes as he made no efforts to wipe it. He laid for another few minutes but, then he decided to just end everything.

He walked towards Yoongi's desk paying no heed to the pain of his wounds as he tore a sheet of paper from a book and wrote a letter to Hoseok.


       It's your Alex hyung here.... Do you remember the first time we met? You were so scared and nervous about your internship and was so lost. You were about to cry due to frustration. Luckily, I found you or you found me. I helped you through it. Do you remember the first operation you was allowed to assist on? You were so excited and happy to be a part of  the operation. I can still imagine that beautiful smile of yours. I miss that! In no time, I found you being more than my junior and started seeing you as my younger brother whom I wanted to take care of the most. Even though, I knew from very before because of Jin hyung but still I got close to you during your internship. And, look at you now, you age beome one of the most influential doctors around the world. Hyung, is proud of you! Very very proud! And because of you, I met your brother ,Yoongi hyung. I always wished to have a elder brother and your both bond just softened me into wanting one. But, I got more than that as I met the person whom I love the most. Thanks to you, Hobi I met Yoongi hyung. The person whom I cherish the most in my life and want to spend my entire life with him. Thank you , Hobi for making me meet Yoongi! But, I am a very unlucky person. My mother died during my birth. My father died due to depression and I found you but hurt you a lot. I hurt you so much, that I have no words to apologise for. I am sorry, even though it's too small but still I sincerely apologise for all the wrong doings. With you, I lost Yoongi too. I am harming both of your lives again. I tried to take my own life and I thought I succeeded but, I am such a failure that I couldn't even do that. I should face the consequences of hurting you and everyone right? That is why, I am leaving. I am going far away from you and Yoongi that you won't be able to find me ever. No more panick attacks. Don't worry! But, Hobi, Hyung is really really really sorry for everything and thank you for  letting me meet your hyung. Hyung, loves you loads so take care and stay happy always!

                                                                 - Goodbye,

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