Chapter 68

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Everyone was waiting at the airport for Namjoon. Namjoon did arrive with sullen shoulders and head held down and puffy face. He just wanted to run away from there. He tiredly walked aimlessly until Hoseok pulled Namjoon towards him.

Namjoon with a jerk looked up to meet caring and worried eyes of his hyung, Hoseok. Namjoon's eyes started watering and he threw himself on Hoseok. Hoseok effortlessly held onto his brother as Namjoon cried loudly grasping attention from everyone around them.

Jason's guards in a second gathered themselves around the group to give them the privacy and also to protect them from any pictures or videos leaking as they were very famous businessmen.

They were travelling back to their mansion. Namjoon had fallen asleep on Hoseok's lap and his legs stretched on Jin's lap at the back of the van. Hoseok lovingly massaged the younger's head as everyone remained silent not knowing what to say about the situation they were in.

Luckily, Jungkook was quiet and was straddled on Taehyung's lap in the front of the van. He was still awake but just remained silent. Taehyung kept an eye on the younger one to make sure he was fine.

Jungkook had never longed for their parents in past years. The reason being, he was very young when they passed away that he didn't even remember them for the most part. It was usually Jimin longing for their parents, even Taehyung didn't remember much about their parents. It was something which they didn't expect, but they could still understand where the younger was coming from.

They reached the mansion and Taehyung walked out with Jungkook in his hold and headed straight to his room. Jungkook dozed off as soon as he hit the bed. Taehyung cuddled him. On the other hand Jin ended up sleeping next to Namjoon and others went to their respective rooms. Jason checked on Jin before heading to his guest room.

It was around 2 in the morning when Jin woke up to sobbing sounds. He was wide awake instantly and switched on the lights to find Namjoon wrapped in the blanket with his knees hugged tightly to his chest as he sobbed. Jin was worried.

'Joonie' whispered Jin, not wanting to startle Namjoon all of a sudden. Namjoon slowly lifted his head to witness his hyung looking at him.

Namjoon leapt on Jin and Jin barely managed to catch him. Namjoon's sobs broke the silence in the mansion. Namjoon was crying so hardly that Jin was getting worried not knowing what to do. Hoseok ran in a second later woken up by the hurtful sobs. Jason was next, followed by Yoongi who had a trouble falling asleep blame it on his insomnia which he managed to hide from Jin and Others.

Everyone was concerned.

'H..he all.allive, H..he will t..take al..also, h..he wi...will le.leave me a..alone' Namjoon mumbled inbetween his sobs and left others confused of what the younger was talking about. The second time he tried mumbling he harshly choked on his words and Jin rubbed his back to calm him down and Hoseok held a glass of water for the younger to drink.

He didn't waste a second more in injecting a shot prescribed by his therapist and they saw as Namjoon slowly fell asleep with the influence of the medications. Yoongi and Hoseok were in tears. Jin was able to keep a strong facade but he was tired. He just wanted all of this to finish. He still managed to console Hoseok and send him to sleep, while Yoongi just walked out to his room.

Jason was worried about Yoongi, he had witnessed those drowsiness, anxiousness in the younger. Somewhere he knew what might be up with Yoongi but he didn't want to interfere.

Just to calm his concern he decided to check on Yoongi and opened the door to the bedroom slowly to witness Yoongi tossing and turning and barely managing to fall asleep.

'Yoongi' called Jason. Yoongi was wide awake and scared that his secret was discovered. He slowly managed to wake up and sit on the bed as Jason invited himself.

Jason sat next to Yoongi and held onto his shaking hands.

'Do you have insomnia?' directly asked Jason not wanting to twist and turn the topic. Yoongi got silent not knowing how to answer that.

'Is it a yes, Yoongi?' asked Jason. Yoongi silently nodded his head. Jason pulled him for a hug and it was the first time Yoongi was hugging Jason and he felt safe? The same way he would feel when Jin hugged him.

Yoongi tightened the hug and tears made his way down his eyes. Jason sighed.

'Does Jin know?' asked Jason and Yoongi immediately backed away from the hug shaking his head vigorously as no. Jason sighed.

'Dont say to Jin hyung. Don't, he already have a lot going on. Don't tell him please' desperately begged Yoongi. Jason sighed again.

'I won't, but only on one condition' stated Jason. Yoongi nodded hai head.

'Tomorrow, we are going to visit a psychiatrist about this' said Jason and he could witness the younger worried face.

'I will be with you' assured Jason and Yoongi hesitantly nodded his head.

'Do you want to come out? I am going on a ride' offered Jason. He really wanted to fall asleep due to his medications and all but he didn't want to leave Yoongi alone at the moment. Yoongi nodded his head as he was tired of trying to fall asleep.

'When did you last sleep?' asked Jason to which Yoongi looked down. Jason coughed to gain his attention and Yoongi silently held one finger.

'One day?' questioned Jason. Yoongi shook his head.

'One week?' asked Jason and Yoongi nodded his head. No wonder Yoongi was drowsy all the time with so much of dark circles.

They then headed on a late night ride.

It was the next morning. Jin was busy preparing breakfast as Jason helped him. Yoongi sat on the chair looking at his hyung and blaming himself for not accepting Jason long time ago. He still had a lot to give back his hyung and matching him up with Jason was his first priority. Jimin came downstairs and Jin immediately neglected Jason and Jason was a bit confused towards Jin's actions.

Hoseok came down with Namjoon following him. Taehyung and Jungkook were also settled ready to gulp down their breakfast.

Everyone was watching a movie when a car crash took place and Namjoon started shaking like crazy. Jin immediately tended to the younger.

'Hyung, h..he is al..alive' spoke Namjoon. Everyone was confused about what Namjoon was talking about.

'Hy..Hyung, the one who caused e..eomma's a.. accident al.. alive ' uttered Namjoon and hid himself in Jin's chest. Jin and Jason shared a look and Yoongi looked at Jin in betrayed eyes. Yoongi believed Jin that he only broke his promise to kill the one who killed his mother, but now hearing to Namjoon he could only think. 'Did Jin hyung lie?' ...

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