Chapter 91

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The next day was too gloomy. None of them were interested in anything they were doing they were worried about Jimin. With a lot of effort Jin was able to get everyone to the breakfast table while he himself prepared breakfast for them and some favourite foods for Jimin to cheer him up and also knowing that the cops would be arriving any time now to question him.

Jungkook still remained clue less about everything. He just entered the dining table and everyone fake smiled to just keep it a secret from the younger. Jungkook though he knew his hyungs were acting weird but he shrugged it off thinking it was nothing serious.

But his thoughts dismissed when the cops arrived at their house to question Jimin. Taehyung was quick enough to leave with the younger as it was time for his school. Taehyung didn't let younger ask him any question and kept ignoring whatever Jungkook was talking to him. That hurt, Jungkook and he ended up going to the school with a bad mood.

Jason asked them to stay at the hall as Jin and Yoongi made their way towards Jimin's room. Jin slowly woke him up and decided to break the news.

'Baby, will you be fine to meet some people?' softly asked Jin. Even though, Jimin wanted to shook his head he didn't want to disappoint his hyungs so he just let out a small nod.

The cops were then asked to enter Jimin's room and Jimin immediately shuddered looking at them.

'N..Noo,' whimpered Jimin.

'Shh! Hyungs will be right here' consoled Jin taking him on his lap.

The cops asked various questions but Jimin didn't answer to any of them. He just looked down or straight up ignored them. If they would pressurize then he would just hide himself in Jin's arms.

'Sir, can we take some pictures of the bruises and hickeys for proof' asked the cops looking at Jin and Jason. Jason nodded his head hesitantly.

'One of you can stay and others please leave' requested the cops as only one of the cops stayed to give him his privacy. Jimin was forced to strip in order to take those photographs and he cried so much that it was difficult for Hoseok to take care of him.

Hoseok stayed with Jimin as Jin and Jason were asked to give their statement regarding the incident and was called out. Namjoon who was in the office looking through the details had called Yoongi stating that Jimin had accepted a deal from that company who was copying them. Yoongi was confused and waited to talk with Jin to take the further steps.

'Joon, look into the contract and send me a copy of that' stated Yoongi and cut the call.

Once the cops left Jimin locked himself in the bathroom and started the shower. Others were not very fascinated about letting him alone but they figure out that he needed some space for himself. They waited for a few minutes and it turned to half an hour and Jimin wasn't out.

They started panicking when they heard Jimins sobs from inside they banged the door but no one opened it. Jason rushed in with the keys and opened the door.

'Please be calm when you approach him' warned Jason and Yoongi entered the washroom. His heart broke at the sight infront of him.

There was Jimin rubbing his skin harshly under the hot boiling water. Even through the steam, Yoongi could easily say that Jimin's arms, legs were bleeding by the amount of times he had rubbed it and he was still going on. He didn't even care that the younger was naked.

Yoongi reached to the shower and turned it off but Jimin just kept going on rubbing his hands and neck in a daze as tears flowed from his eyes.

'Jimin, Minnie, no baby noo' cried out Yoongi and held onto Jimin's hands and embraced him. He didn't care if his clothes were getting wet. He held onto Jimin, shushing him as he carried him and distracted him like a kid and dried him with the towel and wrapped him in one and carried him out.

He settled on the bed with Jimin on top of him and asked Hoseok to treat him. Hoseok was gentle with all the wounds Jimin had given to himself.

'I..I still f..feel their h....hands hyung!' sobbed Jimin and everyone were really devastated hearing to the younger. Yoongi was distracting him, Hoseok was treating him and Jin was feeding him as Jason looked over them.

Once Hoseok finished dressing the wounds and treating the bruises he got up and Jimin stretched his arms for Jason. Jason gladly picked him up. Jimin rested his head on his shoulders as Jason held him protectively.

'Hy..hyung, take o.. out ' whimpered Jimin in Jason's ears and Jason looked at Jin for confirmation. Jin and Yoongi looked at each other and they nodded their heads.

Jason walked out carrying Jimin with him and tried seating him down on the passenger seat but Jimin wouldn't budge. He sighed and sat with Jimin hugging him as he drove to nowhere in particular. Jimin was just slumped on Jason's chest and looking out of the window.

'Hyung, do you love me still?' asked Jimin and Jason tensed up not knowing how to answer that question.

'Hyung, do you think hyungs still love me? Tae loves me? Kookie, still thinks me as his hyung? Hyung, I am impure now, right? They don't love me?' questioned Jimin and Jason parked the car on the sideway and closed all the windows.

'You are wrong' said Jason and Jimin looked up with shining eyes from tears. Jason softly wiped those tears and pecked his forehead.

'Jimin, none of this was your fault. None of this. It was something you didn't want, you were forced into and all of us love you as we loved you. All of them loves you a lot. They are not blaming you baby, they will never. They respect you a lot' said Jason maintaing eye contact with Jimin and wiping each and ever tear dropping from his eyes.

'I am weak. I couldn't push them. I tried hyung, I really tried but they-' he was cut off by his own sob and Jason wiped all his tears.

'You are not weak baby, you are the strongest person I know. Very very strong. I know baby' gently said Jason and Jimin just stared at him in adoration.

'How about we forget everything like a nightmare. Never happened in life?' asked Jason and Jimin shook his head.

'It will take time I know, but we can move on right?' asked Jason and Jimin slumped back to his previous position and closed his eyes.

Jason rubbed his back and increased the volume of the soothing music being played in the radio and both of them sat in peace until Jimin slept and Jason turned around to head back to the mansion.

Hey guys!!! I did a lot of thinking and decided that this story is mine and even if anyone copies this, I can't help it. I will still write new chapters for you guys, because I believe you guys can find that acc and report them.

Let me know more about your thoughts on this chapter. Your comments literally make me happy so please comment down guys. At first I thought to not update but then I was like why should I stop? If they are copying let them, one day they will be exposed and I didn't want to make you guys wait anymore. Love you guys!!! Thanks a lot guys!!💜💜

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