Chapter 98

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Jungkook has an exam. Hoseok has issues with Alex. Others are trying to find a loophole in the deal Jimin signed when he was drunk and got raped in the process of saving the company. Jason and Jin's relationship is not yet official. Alex and Yoongi have issues. Alex has been hiding things. Taehyung is trying to maintain Jungkook as all others are worried about Jimin. Jimin is non verbal after the incident. Yoongi gets caught smoking and is thrown out of the mansion. Alex and Jimin are making bonds. Jimin is still in love with Jason while Jason loves only Jin.

Back to the story.....

Alex stared at the night sky with nothing but tears in his eyes which he is holding on as he believed crying was for weaklings or was just scared that there was no one to console him if he cried.

Yoongi finished the cigarette which Jason gave him and Jason smiled and handed him a pack of newly packed cigarettes as Yoongi looked at him with shocked eyes, not expecting Jason to handover a pack of cigarettes just after  being kicked out of the mansion for the same exact thing.

'N..No, J..Jin hyung gonna kill me' said Yoongi in fear as he shook his head vigorously. Jason chuckled and held Yoongi's hand.

'Well, atleast you won't think of smoking for the fear you have of your hyung. But, you can't give it up and there will be times when you crave to smoke and nothing will stop that crave without the blast of this euphoric stick' explained Jason as he pointed the pack which was now held by Yoongi.

'Dont worry, these are not cancer sticks. They are just different flavour sticks which are harmless but also which gives you the feeling of those sticks. Use this when you can't control the urge and these are special packs which only I have acces to, so I will know how much you buy, smoke and everything' warned Jason as Yoongi nodded understanding Jason's point of view and also found himself filled with warmth at the last threat which clearly showed how much Jason loved him.

Yoongi nodded his head and hugged Jason all of a sudden as Jason slowly returned back the loving gesture.

'J..Jin hyung?' questioned Yoongi as Jason sighed.

'You do know right, your hyung can't stay angry at you  for a long time an-' Jason's words cut short as his phone was ringing with Jin's ID. Jason smirked at Yoongi and picked the call walking away.

'Jay, is Yoonie with you?' asked Jin with nothing but worry and concern filled in his voice.

'He is' answered Jason as Jin sighed in relief.

'Bring him back, gotta teach him a lesson' said Jin as Jason chuckled and nodded.

They exchanged a few more words and cut the call.

'Yoongi, come on your hyung wants us back at the mansion' informed Jason and Yoongi's happiness had no limits as he literally got on top of couch dancing in over joy as Jason giggled at the cute dance of the younger.

The happiness was just a guest of seconds as reality settled in and Yoongi stopped in middle as a statue when he realised that his hyung is going to punish him so bad that sitting for months would be difficult. He gulped and sat, shook on the same couch he was dancing seconds ago.

Jason laughed more at the younger's realisation as Yoongi looked at him with fake anger.

'Come on, come on' encouraged Jason and pulled Yoongi to the car and to the mansion where he was met with Jin.

'To my room, Yoongi' ordered Jin as no other words were exchanged. Yoongi walked away softly,  scared and terrified at the consequences.

Jin entered minutes after and found Yoongi staring at the things on his desk with big teary eyes.

'H..Hyung please NOOOOO!!!!!!!!' cried Yoongi in pure agony as he witnessed cane, hairbrush, belt, cable wires,  scale, his hyungs pink flip-flops and a stick littered beautifully on the desk.

'How many?' asked Jin.

' from yesterday' uttered Yoongi.

'Before?' asked Jin as Yoongi shook his head informing that he doesn't remember. Jin sighed.

'Why?' asked Jin and Yoongi shook his head rigidly as he didn't want to answer that question.

'Fine!' expressed Jin in anger as he had no time to coax Yoongi into knowing the reason because he knew he would anyway know at the end of the session.

Just before, Jin could start with the punishment on Yoongi they were worried by a loud cry from downstairs.

Both ran in nothing but worry filled inside their mind and heart as they came across Jungkook who was just back from school but with a cast wrapped around his hand and a report card in his other hand.

Everyone, instantly forgot about the report card as they were more worried about the younger's hand which seemed so painful to even look at.

Jungkook cried loads gaining all the sympathy and pity from his all hyungs as he was coddled up and spoilt with all his favourite stuff and no one checked his report card which showed that he yet again failed the entire exam.

Jungkook thought, he escaped from everything but he forgot that his hyungs are not dumb and can easily figure out truth and lie especially with a doctor as hyung. In other words Jungkook was in serious trouble but not with Taehyung, hope so!

Hey guys!!!! Missed me? I did, loads!!!!!!!!!🥺🥺🥺 Love you!💜

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