Chapter 148

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It had been a week since, Namjoon was admitted to the hospital. All of them were waiting for Namjoon to wake up but Namjoon was just comfortable sleeping for the meantime.

Yoongi, made efforts towards Jimin and Jimin was feeling fine with Yoongi around. But, Taehyung, Taehyung was left alone. His emotional breakdown, wasn't addressed much as everyone was busy with Namjoon. Jimin, was worried about the younger but he couldn't help but be tangled in his own miseries that he had to side line Taehyung's situation for a while.

Jason had tried thousands of ways to reach back to Jin, but Jin had shut him out completely. He was doing a bit better. His back didn't hurt him much and he was feeling much better compared to that gruesome day.

Hoseok and Alex were busy searching for ways to help the younger. They had studied almost all the books trying to figure out Namjoon's condition and what treatment would help him be back like before.

But, one thing Hoseok missed was having Dale by his side. He couldn't help but miss, Dale's cute antics, whiny nature and his childish personality. Hoseok was in the middle of reading when a smile played on his face reminiscing about Dale.

Alex who observed it, smiled softly.

'Hey, Hoseok' Alex called in the softest tone ever as Hoseok looked embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

'Whom were you thinking about?'

' one'

'Oh! Come on, is it Dale?'

That's all it took for Hoseok to sigh and look down.

'Aish! Leave hyung, Dale isn't important now, my Joonie is' worded Hoseok trying to make the older believe that he wasn't upset about Dale's leaving. But, little did he knew his eyes spoke truth before his words could.

Alex didn't push that much knowing that Hoseok needed to figure that out himself, and he couldn't help him with that. But, he needed to speak to Yoongi about this before.

He had never seen, Kim family so broken. Jin, was exhausted. He was eother in the company working on important stuff or in the hospital still working and back home preparing something for everyone and trying to feed them.

Yoongi, was acting as nothing was affecting him and trying to be strong but Alex had heard Yoongi cry his heart out in the bathroom mid night. He wasn't able to talk to Yoongi and communicate with him, he wasn't able to reassure him that everything would be okay. How could he? He himself wasn't sure about it.

Hoseok was with him and that gave him an opportunity to look after atleast one person out of the 6. Hoseok, was the most healthiest person he could conclude comparing to all the remaining ones.

The last session with Jimin was back to like before. All the efforts he had put in to making the younger better was fluctuating and he needed to help Jimin back. He was ready for that as both Yoongi's boyfriend and as well as his doctor.

Moving on to Taehyung, he was mysterious. His presence at the mansion was very less. Alex heard that Taehyung was taking care of all his works, Jimin's, Namjoon's and even Jin's to some extent.

Jungkook, was just stuck up with school and back home.

Everything was a complete mess, still they didn't know how Namjoon ended up with Jason's brother but they had no option other than to wait for Namjoon to wake up.

As if God had heard their prayers, Alex and Hoseok were immediately paged towards Namjoon's ward. As they arrived there anxiously, they were happy to witness  Namjoon as Namjoon had finally opened his eyes.

Namjoon was scared, he felt the place foreign but the very next second when his eyes met on Hoseok, he couldn't help but sob as he extended his hands towards Hoseok wanting to feel safe and warm. Who was Hoseok, to reject that? He bought the younger into a much needed embrace and uttered sweet nothings to calm him down.

Both, Alex and Hoseok checked him and they felt like their nightmare was getting true. Namjoon , again had puked a bit of blood and they couldn't help but write down new tests to run. They had their fingers crossed, hoping that the result wouldn't be what they think.

'Where are others?' asked Namjoon with greatest difficulty as everything in his body hurt. Using his voice was hurting him because of the shocks he recieved and Hoseok who knew it just gave a bit of water to sooth the younger down. Tears leaked down, Namjoon's face as he was finally given water to drink and the flashback of how they had laughed for asking water filled his mind.

Not wanting to talk about it he looked at Hoseok persistently wanting his Jin hyung. As much as he loved Hoseok he wanted Jin particularly as Jin was his home, Jin had the same warmth as his mom and he just needed it at that moment.

'Jin hyung was right here with you, he left just seconds before you wake up to bring some food. We have informed them, everyone are on the way to meet you. Till, then calm down and try not to talk much. Breathe in slowly and out, you have fractured ribs and that might hurt if you breathe harshly'

Namjoon nodded and settled on the bed while his eyes was on the door waiting for Jin to arrive. Before he could get a glimpse of them he was taken for additional testings and finally when he was rolled back to the room he burst into tears as he found himself in Jin's and Yoongi's embrace. The embrace he craved and needed. He felt he had his mother and as well as his father right, next to him.

He cried his heart out until he slept and Jin and Yoongi couldn't help but share a smile remembering how Namjoon would hide inbetween them when he would cause some trouble.

Hey guys!!!! Long time no see, how was this????

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