Chapter 42

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Taehyung stormed into his room. His face was raging with anger. He didn't utter a single word as he saw Jungkook standing in the middle of the room with guilty face.

Taehyung took out a cane and turned Jungkook so that he was facing Jungkook's back. Taehyung's grip on Jungkook arms didn't falter even for a second.

Taehyung bought the cane very hardly on Jungkook's calves. Jungkook jumped in pain and yelled out so loud that the entire city could hear, but Taehyung didn't hesitate to bring the cane down for the second time.

Taehyung hit his calves for the first five minutes and then bought the cane on his thighs. Then to his bottom and lastly gave 25 hits on both his hand.

The hits held the same intense since the start to the end. Jungkook was close to fainting because of the pain, but Taehyung would never allow Jungkook to faint. Not when he didn't punish him properly.

Jungkook had given up on getting away from the punishment because Taehyung looked so angry. Jungkook's throat hurt to such an extent that even a slight whisper felt like someone was stabbing his throat.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook and Jungkook fell down on the ground with a thud. Taehyung didn't even care.

'You can come out, when you have an explanation for what you did. Chim, is hurt because of you Jungkook. Minnie always takes care of you, always takes your side, always makes sure you are well enough. And what did you do Jungkook? You hit Jimin, you punched him just because he was talking sweetly with you? Did Minnie deserve that? Did he deserve all the hurtful words you said? How dare you call him a bastard? For what did you even call that? And, Jungkook about the company matters you are not allowed to involve in any of that. That is between Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung. Who are you to question your elders? About their work. And, Jimin wasn't slacking off any work. He is the best employee in the company. Don't even try to get involved in adult matters.' Taehyung yelled at Jungkook as Jungkook shuddered recalling all the events that took place.

'Dont even think going out from here unless you apologise and seek MY forgiveness, because Jimin will forgive you even now with just your guilty face, but I won't' coldly stated Taehyung and walked out slamming the door in process.

Jungkook broke down in tears. His entire legs were hurting. He couldn't stand on his own. He struggled and finally was able to sit on the bed with great difficulty. He couldn't blame anyone but himself for everything that took place that day.

It all started with a few teasings from the popular kids. Jungkook was hesitant but the peer pressure of wanting to prove them wrong took the best of him. It was a simple teasing where they called Jungkook baby of his hyungs and teased him but Jungkook took that into his heart.

Jimin was there to pick him up and Jimin as usual pecked Jungkook's forehead.

'Baby, how was your day?' asked Jimin. Jungkook heard his friends whispering about him again. Jimin didn't notice that. Jungkook snapped at Jimin and Jimin shrugged it off thinking Jungkook might be tired.

They both came back to the mansion and Jungkook sat on the couch indulging himself with T.V.

'Koo, freshen up baby' called Jimin. The word baby angered him.

'I am not a baby' yelled Jungkook angrily as he got strange looks from Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin.

'Aww!! You will always be my baby. Baaabyyyy' teased Jimin playfully standing infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook's mind recoiled to his friends teasing him and he couldn't control his anger. He got up and punched Jimin right in his nose causing blood to ooze out.

'Stop, calling me a baby. I am not a baby for god's sake. Is it so hard to understand. Can't you stop being all over me? I have a life apart from you. Stop it. Stop slacking off and go work. I heard Yoongi hyung saying that you were not doing any works properly and was just increasing the works' yelled Jungkook not even thinking what he was speaking. He gave no time for others to react. They couldn't believe Jungkook to be like that.

'Jungkoo-' intervened Namjoon only to be cut off by Jungkook mumbling something. Taehyung heard it but didn't want to believe it.

'What did you say Jungkook?' coldly asked Taehyung.

Jungkook shivered but didn't want to back out.

'I said what a bastard he is' yelled Jungkook in anger. That was all it took for Taehyung to burst.

'Kim Jungkook, to my room NOW'

'Tae, go easy on him please' cried Jimin.

'Chim, come to Hyung' called Namjoon. Jimin sobbed towards Namjoon clutching on his nose which was still bleeding.

'Shh!! Chimmy. It's okay. Hyung is here. Shh!!' consoled Namjoon guiding him to the couch and ran to find Hoseok.

'Hyung please come out' yelled Hoseok banging the closed door of Yoongi's bedroom. Namjoon heard Hoseok and ran towards Yoongi's room only to hear,

'Just, get lost Hoseok' screamed Yoongi in agony. Namjoon didn't want to get into another drama. He needed Hoseok to treat Jimin immediately.

'Hyung!! Hyung, Jungkook punched Jimin and Jimin's nose is bleeding' said Namjoon in one breath while trying to catch his breath.

'What?' asked Hoseok.

'What the hell?' yelled Yoongi in shock and opened the door.

'Hyung, what happened to you?' asked Namjoon looking at Yoongi, whose face was covered with tears and snot. Yoongi ignored and ran.

'Where is Chim?' asked Yoongi in hurry.

'In the living room' answered Namjoon.

Three of them ran to witness Jimin crying as his hands were covered with blood. Hoseok immediately pulled Jimin's hands away and tried taking a look.

'We need to take him to the hospital. Now!!' said Hoseok in panick. Yoongi nodded and picked Jimin in his hold.

'Joon, look after the maknaes' said Yoongi and ran to the car where Hoseok drove towards the hospital.

Jimin was taken to the E.R and given immediate care and Jimin was knocked out on the hospital bed.

'Hobi-ah, go home. Check on the maknae and pick the dinner on the way' tiredly said Yoongi. Hoseok wanted to argue but he noticed how Yoongi was tired, so he just nodded and went out. Hoseok couldn't tolerate himself and called Jin.

Jin was asleep after all the crying and Jason picked the call.


'Hyung!' said Hoseok.

'Ho..Hoseok, it's Jason, Jin is sleeping' said Jason.

'Ohh! Jason Hyung. How is Jin hyung?' lied Hoseok.

'He is fine' plainly replied Jason.

'Bye hyung. I called to check on Jin. Ask him to call back when he wakes up' said Hoseok and cut the call. Jason knew something was wrong but didn't want to dwell on that, he had enough in his plate.

Hey guys!!! Why did Jungkook become so violent all of a sudden? And ! It's a double update today, as promised!!! Yayyyyyy!!! Thanks for 30k guys...

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