Chapter 8

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Taehyung returned a day early surprising everyone. Jin was busy so he couldn't meet him. Hoseok was too happy that he took Taehyung in a bone crushing hug. Namjoon was still bummed out about the party and just hugged Taehyung and taking necessary information about the deal.
              Taehyung then went to Jungkook's school to surprise him and Jungkook was surprised as hell that he immediately jumped at his Tae Tae Hyung. Taehyung was startled by the younger's action but he felt loved and was happy to return the gesture to the younger.
          Taehyung then took Jungkook to get donuts. Jungkook was too happy and ended up eating too many. Taehyung then dropped Jungkook home and took off towards the office. He had to inform Jin and Yoongi about the details of the deal and thank Jimin. Jimin really made his day by talking to Jungkook and clearing out the misunderstanding.
            Taehyung happily jogged to Jin's office and looked at Jin who had eye bags and looked angry. There was an employee standing with head down and hearing to Jin's rap. The employee was praying for someone to rescue him and as if God had come Taehyung entered.
            Taehyung slowly approached Jin and calmed him down and dismissed the employee who mouthed a thank you to Tahyung. Taehyung then went behind Jin and massaged his shoulders to calm him down. Jin just closed his eyes feeling relaxed. After a moment he gasped....
        'Tae, you are back' exclaimed Jin shotting his eyes open at the realisation. Taehyung chuckled at his hyung, then Jin hugged him and apologized.
         'Hyung, you need rest' said Taehyung and gave up on the idea of talking about his deal. Jin just nodded and Taehyung excused himself and made his way towards Yoongi's office. He knocked the door.
          'Come in' grumbled Yoongi. Taehyung peeked his head surprising Yoongi. Yoongi got up from his chair as Taehyung got in. Yoongi extended his hand for a hand shake while Taehyung went for a hug. Taehyung then forcefully hugged Yoongi making Yoongi annoy and Taehyung happy.
       'Hyung, about the deal' spoke Taehyung getting serious.
       Yoongi just let out a sigh.
      'Hyung what's wrong' questioned Taehyung concerned.
      'Nothing, Tae discuss about the deal with Jin hyung' said Yoongi tired from all the work.
     'I just met Jin hyung, hyung and he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. So, I didn't bother him and came directly to tell you Hyung. Why? What's wrong hyung? Jin hyung is tired. You are tired. Joon hyung is annoyed and Hobi hyung also looked tired. What happened hyung?' questioned Taehyung worried.
          'Nothing happened Tae, I will take care of it. Let's discuss about the deal tomorrow. Hyung is busy today baby' softly said Yoongi.
     'Its okay hyung, I will go surprise Minnie' exclaimed Taehyung.
       'About that...' said Yoongi and looked at his room in the cabin.
        'What happened hyung?' questioned Taehyung again. Yoongi then explained everything. Taehyung looked at Yoongi in shock.
      'Hyung, how could you..' said Taehyung looking at him with betrayed eyes. Yoongi just looked down.
      'Hyung, you know how insecure he is' said Taehyung angried.
         'I know..' Yoongi sighed again.
       'Hyung, how about we all go out for dinner tonight. It will help everyone and then take a day off so all of us can spend time and rest' asked Taehyung. Yoongi looked at Taehyung and nodded in delight and some what relieved.
    Yoongi and Taehyung looked at each other and then walked towards the door. Jimin tends to get a lot more clingier when punished and this time it got more worse.
         Yoongi looked at the bed and heard Jimin crying and saw Jimin under the covers covering himself as he sobbed. Yoongi slowly uncovered the quilt Jimin had covered himself with and then took Jimin on his lap being mindful of his bruised bottom. Taehyung gasped at Jimin's bruises. It had swollen. Jimin looked towards the source of sound and threw himself on Taehyung.
           Even though Jimin was older than Taehyung there was some special bond between them. At time Jimin would take responsibility of Taehyung and at sometimes Taehyung would act like the elder one and take care of Jimin, and this was one of the time where Taehyung would take care of Jimin.
          Taehyung cooed as he wrapped his hands around Jimin and sat down on the bed beside Yoongi holding onto Jimin. Jimin just hid his face on Taehyung's shoulder and cried silently.
         'Why do I always make mistakes Tae.' questioned Jimin genuinely. Taehyung looked towards Yoongi while Yoongi's heart wrenched at that question.
         'Why do I always slack off. Why can't I complete the works on time. Am I that useless Tae' questioned Jimin. Taehyung was about to console him but Yoongi beat him to that.
      Yoongi bought Jimin on his lap while Jimin whined as he lost the comfort he was seeking. Jimin tried hiding himself on Yoongi's shoulders but Yoongi didn't give him a chance. He cupped Jimin's face and wiped away the tears. He pecked Jimin's forehead.
       'Buddy, Hyung was wrong. Hyung was just frustrated and I took it on you baby. Hyung is sorry. You are outstanding at work and those are very simple mistakes it can happen with anyone buddy' calmly spoke Yoongi.
       'But, we lost the deal' said Jimin staring at his lap not wanting to maintain eye contact with his hyung.
          Yoongi softly made Jimin look up.
    'It doesn't matter to me buddy. I don't care about the deal. I care about you. You are important to me not the deal' softly said Yoongi. Jimin's eyes sparkled at that.
        'Really..' gasped Jimin and looked at Taehyung who softly nodded his head. Yoongi then passed Jimin to Taehyung.
          'Do you forgive hyung, baby' asked Yoongi carefully scared at the answer. Jimin shook his head making Yoongi hurt.
       'I will forgive you, only if you take me to the mall and let me buy whatever I want' said Jimin cutely while he was now hiccupping and had stopped crying to some extent.
          Yoongi and Taehyung chuckled at the request.
      'Sure buddy, anything you want' said Yoongi as he ruffled Jimin's hair and walked to get his clothes back. Yoongi and Taehyung struggled in making Jimin wear his clothes. Jimin kicked both of them because the pants made his bruises hurt more causing him more pain.
              At the end Yoongi ended up carrying Jimin like Koala and Taehyung went to seek Jin to take him to the restaurant. Hoseok and Namjoon had already arrived at the restaurant with Jungkook while the others followed.
       Jimin denied to get off from Yoongi and Yoongi ended up carrying Jimin. Taehyung explained everyone what had happened and Jin shot a glare towards Yoongi which clearly said that they will have a talk after that. Yoongi gulped at that.
        Hoseok lightened up the mood by being himself. Jungkook looked at Jimin with worried eyes while Taehyung assured him that Jimin was fine and was just being clingy. The dinner ended up with Jimin sitting on Yoongi's lap and Yoongi feeding him. Jimin had fallen asleep in the restaurant while eating completely exhausted. Everyone let him rest and returned back.
          Jin asked Namjoon about the files which Namjoon had to submit but Namjoon got annoyed at that and just gave an uninterested look towards his hyung.
      'I will submit the file when I want to hyung. Don't bother me' yelled Namjoon bringing everyone's attention towards himself. Yoongi passed Jimin to Taehyung and instructed him to lay Jimin in his room. Hoseok sent Jungkook.
         'Enough is enough, Kim Namjoon. You will not talk to hyung like that. Apologize to him and answer his question then go to my room and face the wall' stated Hoseok angrily giving no room for anymore questions. Namjoon just glared at Hoseok and stomped towards Hoseok's room.
      Yoongi was about to interrupt.
    'Hyung, it okay get some rest. I will take care of Namjoon. Jin hyung you too need rest. Go sleep hyung. I will let you know about the files by tomorrow' said Hoseok giving off an assuring smile towards his hyung's and walked up to his room. Yoongi looked at Jin with concerned eyes but didn't say anything and just walked off to his room. He cuddled Jimin to sleep. Jin had fallen asleep the second he laid down on his bed. Jungkook had sneaked into Taehyung's room and cuddled making Taehyung smile. Both of them fell asleep in each other's arm.
       Hoseok entered the room and was shocked at Namjoon's not so good attitude....

Hey guys!!!! 💜


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