Chapter 93

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Jimin, he hasn't spoken since he got up and it was worrying them. Each and everyone had tried but to no avail. Hoseok had finished checking him up to receive a poker face staring at nothing.

Jin tried to make him speak while feeding him but it was of no use. Jimin barely ate anything. Namjoon took a logical approach and that went in vain too.

Taehyung and Jungkook were in the hall playing video games when Jungkook was barely trying to win. It was quite opposite to his usual self as he was a very competitive guy. Taehyung paused the game and Jungkook just slumped back.

'Kookie, is something bothering you?' asked Taehyung and Jungkook hugged him tightly.

'Wanna meet Jimin hyung' said Jungkook which got mumbled in Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung sighed.

'Come then' he said and took Jungkook with him to Jimin's room. Once Jimin spotted his dongsaengs he couldn't help but feel ashamed and hid himself in his blanket and refused to come out.

Jungkook thought it was because of him and he started sobbing loudly taking everyone's attention. Taehyung was trying to calm him down but he himself was sad about his hyung hiding from them.

Jin pulled Jungkook on his lap and baby talked with him until Jungkook calmed down.

'Hyungie, Don...don't wa..wanna me? He h..hate me?' stuttered Jungkook harshly wiping his tears as Jin slowly forbade him.

Jimin perked up hearing that and slowly lifted the blanket until his head was out followed by his face and then he himself was completely out.

He slowly forwarded his hand towards Jungkook and Jungkook peeked out from Jin's embrace and jumped on Jimin hugging him for dear life. Jimin held onto him and cried.

'Jimin, you want to eat something else?' softly asked Jin and Jimin shook his head.

'But, you need to eat something to take your meds baby' said Hoseok ruffling the younger's hair as Jimin had barely eaten anything. Jimin again shook his head.

'What is it buddy, speak up' urged Namjoon worried for the younger and Jimin again shook his head.

'Hyung, you don't wanna talk?' asked Taehyung and Jimin just kept quiet. They were concerned about the younger.

It had been an hour or more since Yoongi left and Jimin refused to speak. Jin decided to inform Yoongi and called him.

'Hello, Yoon. Is Alex fine?' asked Jin and Yoongi just hummed as the mobile was on speaker and he was helping Alex.

'Buddy, Jimin isn't talking since he woke up. I am worried' said Jin breaking down.

'Jin, it's fine' said Jason and hugged him as Yoongi heard them through the call.

'What happened to Jimin?' asked Alex. Yoongi sighed and explained everything that took place.

'I...I can talk to him' whispered Alex not sure of his words.

'No, Hoseok will freak out' yelled Yoongi.

'Its fine, Yoon, let him speak once. Alex, is specialised in these cases. He might help Jimin' said Jin trying to control himself.

'B..but, Hobi?' questioned Yoongi.

'I will take him out' said Jason.

'But, Jimin seeks you all the time' whispered Jin.

'H..hyung, can you bring Jimin here?' asked Alex and Jin hummed.

'Thats better' said Yoongi and cut the call.

'You better not try anything with my baby!' said Yoongi with clenched teeth and gripped Alex's chin in a bruising grip and Alex tried to break free from that grip.

'I..I wo... won't ' mumbled Alex and Yoongi left his chin and glared at him and Alex looked down in fear.

The nurse came in and handed a prescription to Alex asking him to get the medicines. Yoongi was in the washroom and he didn't know about that. After a few minutes the nurse came back asking for the medicines written on the prescription as Alex looked down and Yoongi looked clueless.

'What prescription?' asked Yoongi and the nurse gave him the same one which was kept on the side table.

'I will go get it' mumbled Yoongi and walked to get the medicines. The nurse finished her work and went out.

Yoongi noticed Alex looking down.

'Are you trying to die?' blamed Yoongi angrily and Alex shook his head.

'Then, why didn't you get the medicines or asked me to get one?' yelled Yoongi. Alex couldn't help as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

'Stop the nonsense Alex, I asked you something. Don't cry!' screamed Yoongi and Alex shuddered terrified.

'I...i don't h..have' whispered Alex and Yoongi went pale which was immediately replaced by anger.

'You don't have money? What happened to the money Jin hyung gives you each month?' yelled Yoongi. Alex slowly reached towards his wallet on the table and took out a card. He gave it to Yoongi.

'A..all, the hyung g...gave' stuttered Alex and Yoongi just lost it.

'Ugh!' grumbled Yoongi and took a deep breath to calm himself.

He helped Alex lay down and closed his eyes with his hands gently and patted his forehead for him to sleep. Alex didn't question and just went along with it.

'I will wake you up when Jimin will be here' said Yoongi and waited for Alex to fall asleep. Once Alex did he walked out to the hospital's reception and gave a huge sum of money for everything Alex needs. The hospital was weirded out but they just accepted it when Yoongi said the remaining amount after his treatment was for charity.

Hey guys!!! Don't come at me for Yoongi's way of treating Alex. Wait and see what happens further!! Also, blow up the comments section and give me 50 votes🥺

My exams got postponed!!🥳🥳

Also shoutout to luv_bantannn for being first to comment for past updates!!!! Love yaa!!!💜💜

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