Chapter 142

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RM or better called Namjoon was being beaten brutally by Jason's men. Namjoon was strapped to the chair shirtless as the whip landed with no mercy on his already bleeding chest. He was held to the chair by tight grasps of rope which dug deeply into his skin. He was silenced by a rag which was filled stuffed inside his mouth harshly as his eyes stayed on the abusers.

Tears leaked through his eyes badly as the whip landed cutting his already bleeding skin. Just as he closed his eyes not wanting to witness what the future held he was taken in by a shock as salt was sprinkled right on his wounds. It hurt and burnt and he could not even scream his lungs out as the rag silenced his voice.

He desperately tried to move away but that just hurt him more as the rope paid no mercy to his soft skin. Namjoon was barely able to handle the torture. Yes, he was a trained spy and an excellent one but he only did that when needed and he was so skilled that he never had to experience these types of violence.

The most he experienced was his hyungs spanking when he made a grave mistake with the assurance of love and care later but now it wasn't his hyungs it was someone else who never promised care or concern.  Oh, how bad he wanted his hyungs, any of his hyungs just he wanted his hyungs and no one else.

As the beatings increased his eyes involuntarily shut down not being able to bear the gruesome torture dedicated in his already exhausted body.

Just as he was able to slip through his dreamland far away from the reality he was woken up by a splash of boiling water which for sure burnt his skin to some extent. They weren't going easy on him and he had no one to plead too, either.

He was woken up by the water and he was going in and out of consciousness and finally at one point he was able to hold onto his consciousness and look around and notife himself strapped to some bracelet and something on his neck. Before he could comprehend what it was he was met with a shock which shook him wholly. He was strapped to shock collar and bracelet.

The torture went on till he blacked out. His wrist was burnt by the amount of shocks and his neck was hot as sun and he desperately needed it off.

After few hours, he was again woken up but this time not by water but by silent shocks which jolted his body badly. He finally found a person dogging through his mouth and taking off the stuffed rag as he coughed and gasped for breath. His tongue was dried and his throat needed something to wash down the agont it went through.

'W...wa..waater' asked Namjoon or more like stuttered badly as his punishers laughed.

One chuckled and scolded others to quiet down as he walked towards the bottle of water and bought it closer to Namjoon hightning his wish of getting water and then he uncapped the bottle and poured it on Namjoon's mouth allowing him to drink but the only catch was that he made sure all the water dripped ok his chin and as Namjoon moved forward he would move the bottle ahead. He did fulfil Namjoon's wish of giving him water but not exactly the way he wanted.

Namjoon cried in desperation as he emptied the whole bottle right in front of Namjoon without giving him a single drop of it. Namjoon gazed at him in betrayed eyes as he broke out in loud laughter followed by others and that just humiliated Namjoon and made him realise that he just got played by them.

Namjoon closed his eyes in pain and coughed out something burning as he opened his eyes to find blood which he just puked out. He was uncontrollably coughing up blood and that scared the poor soul. He looked around to find himself alone with nothing to calm himself down.

As he finally stopped puking he took heavy breaths to calm himself down and to find something to escape from there.

Just then the door opened and Namjoon coughed again spotting out another set of blood flow from his body.

This time though he was met with a loud gasp and immediately felt someone softly rubbing his chest while whispering sweet nothings to calm the poor lad.

'Untie him right now!'

'W..we can't boss! J..Jason sir h..hasn't all.. allowed to set him free'

The guard stuttered as the opposite person's anger raised and screamed in frustration.

He desperately jumbled through his phone and immediately dialed the only person who could save Namjoon.

'H..hello! I..I beg you, l...let Joo...Joonie goo' was all the person requested as he was met with a grunt and pissed voice

Jason on the other hand was trying to calm Jin who was shaking violently in his arms too scared of all the scene that happened. As he gave his utmost care to Jin he unknowingly destroyed one of the 6 pillars of the same person.

'Jin! Shhh!!!! Shhh!!' Jason whispered holding him close and finally he was able to put Jin to sleep. The same way Namjoon closed his eyes in the persons arms and failed to open his eyes even when the person shook him in desperation and worry.

On the other hand with Hoseok and Dale.

'H..hyung! I have something to tell you!' tried Dale as he knew there was no use delaying it any longer than needed. Hoseok hummed and gave his entire attention to Dale not expecting anything that was about to come.

'H..hyung, I...I...I' Dale couldn't tell it out as Hoseok just waited patiently.

'I am leaving, I am leaving this internship and going to back to my place to help Dad with the business!'

Hey guys! I am sorry for asking you all to vote and comment. I will no longer ask you for any, and in return I will also not take your wish of double update, triple update or any such. Apparently, I am breaking my promise of not updating and just blaming you guys for not commenting so I will no longer ask you guys to do it.!

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