Chapter 108

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Jin with his shaking hands took off his pants followed by his underpants and pulled his already long t-shirt to cover himself.

'Tsk! Tsk!! Tsk!!!' Scoffed Jason.

'I said strip!' Stormed Jason and Jin cried being stuck with him. He was shaking like a leaf, but he still hooked his hand under his t-shirt and pulled it off of him, leaving himself completely naked and vulnerable.

Jason scoffed again and this time just stared at Jin humiliating him as Jin danced between his feets trying to avoid the hawk like stare on his body.

Jason walked forward and took hold of Jin's nipples harshly in his hands. He twisted the right one as Jin hissed at the pain, Jason smirked in return but then he applied his entire power on it and gave it a complete twist as Jin let out a scream of pain as he tried pushing Jason's hand away from him. That just angered Jason.

He picked up the belt which was right beside his foot and bought it harshly on Jin's thighs as Jin unknowingly rubbed against the red bright skin. After a few seconds Jin realised the mistake he made and immediately retracted his hand leaving the stinging pain to last for a minute more but the second hid eyes met Jin he knew he increased his trouble.

Jason bought his hand on Jin's thighs as he slowly moved it upwards and downwards. He continued that staring straight at Jin, who had his head down but his body was reacting as he could feel Jin trmeble in his touches. The little moans he was holding in was cute according to Jason.

Jin's breathing was laboured as he shook under Jason touch. Only, Jason was able to make him feel this and that excited Jin but also scared him. Jason's adorning gaze changed into a devilish one as he simply prazed at Jin's part playfully and took off his hand leaving Jin hanging and wanting more as his cock stood proudly by the mere touch.

'Lay on your stomach' stated Jason as Jin walked embarrassed to the bed and laid down as his cock was starting to hurt and wanted something like friction. Jin tried getting it by moving his hips on the bed but immediately halted when he heard a laugh.

'Babyboy, is being naughty?' Spoke Jason in a slurred tone and Jin just knew he was more than dead by then.

'Count' ordered Jason and even before Jin could realise what it was about he bought his belt straight on Jin's butt without even prior warning or warmup.

Jin couldn't count the first hit and that resulted with five more spanks on his thigh.

Jason bought the seventh spank on his butt again as Jin hissed.

'' uttered Jin and it continued.






'F.....FOURTY' gasped Jin as his cock still hurt him with his butt which he was sure was all red and bruised.

Jin tried waking up but he was again halted by a chuckle from Jason.

'You still have a lot pending you know!' Smirked Jason and Jin could feel that even though he wasn't seeing him.

'Turn around' stated Jason and Jin did.

Jason then bought his right hand on Jin's nipple and started twisting and turning it as Jin controlled his urges to stop him. That twist and turn was hurting him badly, very badly.

Jason didn't stop there as he next held Jin's cock with his left hand and started stroking it slowly and steadily as Jin rocked his hips forward for some friction. Jason laughed and increased the strokes.

After 10 whole minutes and not letting Jin cum, Jason continued abusing Jin's cock with a sinister smirk as his other hand played with his now swollen, red and angry nipple. Jason was stroking Jin's cock in animalistic speed as Jin withered for a release. Jason then took a tie which lay on his bed and tied it around Jin's cock wrapping it up beautifully like a present but only Jin knew it was torture as it wasn't letting him cum.

Jason backed away and laughed at Jin who was breathing heavily and trying to calm himself.

Jason then pushed Jin's both legs apart and turned him again on his stomach.

'Pull your cheeks' said Jason and Jin took a minute to understand the words as he slowly moved his hands from clenching the bed sheets to his butt and spread his cheeks. Jason teasingly touched it and laughed as Jin whined.

He then spanked Jin's sensitive spot by a cane as Jin screamed in utter pain. The pain of his proud cock wasn't helping him either. Jason didn't stop as he continued spanking Jin's hole harshly. He continued for about 20 minutes crossing about 25 hits as Jin withered in pain. He wasn't used to this and this was all of a sudden and it was taking a toll on him.

Jason was not speaking and Jin was having an inner turmoil. He didn't like Jason not speaking. He wanted Jason to talk to him, praise him that he was doing great but all he received was silence. Did Yoongi crave for him too? At least Jason was right there but where was he when Yoongi needed him?

Tears flowed through Jin's eyes as he was met with another hit. Jason stopped at 30 very harsh hits on Jin's hole all while Jin trembled to keep himself steady.

Jin's phone buzzed and Jason took hold of it and smirked when he saw the name, it was Taehyung.

'Speak to your lovely brother, baby boy' smirked Jason as he received the call.


Hey guys! My first ever, idk wat this is but yeah! 😂 How was it?

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