Chapter 154

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'Come in' Yoongi answered and Taehyung immediately tried to stand not wanting to humiliate himself more in front of anyone and as he did his leg didn't support him.

He almost lost his balance and fell ahead as the secretary entered and acted on her reflex and held onto Taehyung steadying him as much as she could.

'Sir, are you ok?' the secretary asked and that is all it took.

Taehyung sank down on the floor on his knees as his hands surrounded the secretary's waist and his head rested on her stomach as heart wrenching sobs left Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung didn't realise whom he was hugging but the only thing he wanted right now was to find a refugee somewhere.

' one listens to me........ I am...t..tired. I swear, I.....I didn't mean to....I called everyone that..that day no one picked...picked up the call. The....then when I co...con..confessed to Y.. Yoongi hyung and J..Jin hyung they j...just hu.
.hugged me and ig...ignored me. I......I.....I thought Joonie hyung need.....needed them so I ......I kept quiet.

I.....I promise I...I tried d....doing this before...before but that day no one was there. And, and they needed s....someone to h...handle the American c....client. I called everyone.. everyone no one picked. I got invested there t...that I forgot about this. A....and, today I....I didn't call Jimin hyung rescue me b...but to ask him come home that he can....can stay with Kookie. And and and, I was a....about to but talkimg to Kookie and feeding him was important. A...and that is what I did......I haven't even eaten from .....4 days. No no one cares, they only care about themselves. J.....Jinnie hyung, is b..busy with Joonie hyung. And, Y....Yoongi hyung haven't even spoken to me since Alex hyung and Hobi hyung's issue. I
....don't know where Jimin hyung has been and one there......'

Taehyung sobbed and sobbed blabbering all his feelings out which immediately made Yoongi and Jimin to reflect on their actions. Indeed, Yoongi was being harsh.

They didn't realise that another person was also listening to the commotion, which was none other than Jin who had arrived since Jungkook called him to complain that Taehyung left him in his cabin for almost 6 hours and hasn't come back.

Jin was shocked at the scene, but he made his way towards Taehyung's wanting to comfort his baby brother who was so upset.

As Taehyung realised someone was pulling him he tightened his hug more to the secretary who was on her knees holding onto her boss. Who knew things would turn out this way that Taehyung had to sought comfort from someone else while he had all his brothers around.

Jin was almost crying while Jimin was already crying looking at Taehyung's distressed state. Yoongi remained rooted in his place as he realised he took out his frustration on Taehyung incorrectly. Thank asking him what went wrong he straight up concluded and punished him.

To make matters worst, Jungkook walked in in search of Taehyung and the second he found his favourite hyung sobbing like that. He couldn't stay rooted as he ran inside and hugged Taehyung.

Taehyung sensed that it was his bunny, and he still had to be strong in front of him. He wiped his tears and turned around to hug his bunny and assure him that nothing happened and he was fine. But, whom was he fooling his face flushed in red uttered all the truth one could hide.

'Hyung! I am not a kid, I know that you are crying and sad. It's ok, don't you hug me when I cry I will do the same. And stop this' yelled Jungkook not realising the sensitivity of the issue.

It wasn't time to yell at his hyung or to be stubborn. And, Jin being a bit sane whispered the secretary to take Jungkook out and apologised for Taehyung's hasty actions. The secretary gave a sweet smile and pulled Jungkook out who didn't want to leave Taehyung alone with others.

Successfully, once the maknae was out, Jimin ranto hug Taehyung but Taehyung just coldly moved away. Jimin was scared at the way Taehyung was reacting, indeed his brother had a lot of things going on in his head and that was terrifying Jimin to the most.

Jin didn't know what happened the only thing he walked into was Taehyung crying his heart out blabbering his heart out clinging onto the secretary. By the look of Yoongi Jin knew he had messed up.

Jin slowly, made himself noticable to Taehyung and scooped him up in his arms and walked towards Yoongi's chair finishing it accessible to lean against and hold Taehyung who was already thrashing in his arms.

He didn't realise, Taehyung and Yoongi were so similar but looking at Taehyung's state it made him recall Yoongi when he would get stubborn and make things difficult. The only thing, Jin would do was to turn strict and take care of him until the younger would get back to his original state and have enough patience to hear him out.

Jin successfully settled on the chair and then spanked Taehyung's thighs very hardly that Taehyung who wasn't expecting it halted in shock.

'Jimin, get me a plate of food and Yoongi stay rooted in your place. Do not move an inch of you don't want to increase your trouble' Jin warned Yoongi as Yoongi stayed rooted to his place and Jimin came back with food.

Jin had tightened his hold on Taehyung harshly and had stilled all moments of Taehyung who was trying his best to break out but knew it was not possible as Taehyung was way weaker in comparison to Jin right now.

Hey guys!!!! This was supposed to be a double update and I waited last night but I was too sleepy, that I slept!!! More number of comments and more updates soon! Love ya!

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