Chapter 88

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Jason looked away knowing that Jin was gonna trap him into answering. He carried Hoseok to his room and tucked him in. He was about to head to his room but was stopped by Jin who backhugged him.

'Jay! What's going on' asked Jin. The nickname, the freaking nickname was doing things to Jason and he was sure he wouldn't be able to control himself. He turned around and faced Jin.

Jason's hands cupped Jin's face unknowingly and Jin's hand snakes around Jason's neck and they both started leaning in. They were leaning in and were about to do the deed but Jason backed away and pecked his forehead. Jin was dejected but didn't comment on that.

Jason carried Jin bridal style and carried him towards Yoongi's room. He laid Jin down and hovered over him.

'Bubba, sleep. You are sleepy and tired. I will stay with Hoseok and you stay with Yoongi. You can worry about me later.' softly spoke, Jason and started patting Jin's forehead and in no time Jin slept.

'I love you loads, Jinniee' whispered Jason and pecked his forehead again and tucked him in and left. He headed to Hoseok's room and sat on the chair and dozed off in an uncomfortable position but he didn't feel good to just share the bed with Hoseok without his permission.

Jin woke up to find Yoongi tossing and turning in his sleep and realised that Yoongi was going to wake up any second now. As expected, Yoongi did wake up and looked around.

'Good morning Bubba ' greeted Jin and Yoongi moved his head to his hyungs lap and tried dozing off again.

'You need to wake up, we need to discuss' reminded Jin and Yoongi whined.

'Just few minutes, till I am back from washroom' said Jin and left to freshen up. He came back and woke Yoongi up who was still salty about it.

He went to Hoseok's room to find Jason falling off the chair. He felt bad looking at Jason like that and in no time Jason woke up and stretched his arms not noticing Jin. He got up and took a look at Hoseok and bent down and groaned as his neck hurt from the uncomfortable position.

'Good morning' announced Jin and Jason smiled and hugged him.

'How is my baby?' asked Jason and Jin blushed. Jason chuckled loudly and pecked Jin's cheek.

'Cute' commented Jason and Jin's face heated up with shyness.

Jin made his way towards Hoseok and gently patted his cheek to wake him up

'Wakie, wakie' said Jin. Hoseok moved around a bit but woke up eventually. He rubbed his eyes and looked around dazed. Jin cooed and hugged him.

'Freshen up baby' said Jin. Hoseok nodded and got up walking towards his washroom and turned around to witness Jason and Jin leaving the room.

'No' yelled Hoseok and ran towards Jin, jumping on him and squeezing him in fear. Jin was confused for a second but then he returned the hug and held onto him as Hoseok cried.

'Its okay, its okay. He can't come here. You know that right. Shh' consoled Jin and Hoseok didn't move an inch.

'Jason, send Yoongi and take others out for breakfast' said Jin.

'You will be fine?' asked Jason as Jin gave a nod in return.

Jason found Yoongi walking downstairs.

'Yoongi, Jin needs you. He is with Hoseok' informed Jason and found others downstairs and took them out for breakfast.

'Hyung, what happened?' asked Yoongi entering the room and witnessing Hoseok crying breathlessly.

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