Chapter 52

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It was 3 hours since Yoongi was put to sleep. Jin had finished preparing the lunch and had eaten with Jason as he hurried the mission as early as  he could.

Jason and Jin spoke things out, which ended up with two broken hearts as Jin made it very clear that they were not going to hold any contact between them. Jason tried convincing him but in the end he gave up immediately because he didn't want to hurt his love, even though that meant hurting himself in the process.

Jason had been quiet after giving up. He heard to everything Jin spoke. He didn't really react but he wanted to yell out his feelings. He wasn't ready to lose the only person close to him yet, again.

He went near Jin and took off his shirt without any questions. Jin just stared at him in shock as he was half naked. Jason analysed the bite mark and applied the antiseptic to it. Jin just felt worse at that exact moment.

'I will leave tonight' said Jin holding himself to not tear up as Jason was already in tears.

'Hmm. I have a mission. Wake Yoongi up, he needs something in his system' lied Jason. He just wanted to get out of there and so he said the most believable lie of having a mission. He headed staright to the door and to his bike. He turned on the engine and sped off to somewhere unknown.

Jin witnessed that from the balcony and broke down completely. He had given up on his only love, yet again. He would never forgive himself at any cost. But, if that was the only way to keep his family together then he will take this step everytime. He needs to sacrifice someone to win something. Unfortunately, he couldn't have both things he wished for.

'Stay safe' whispered Jin to himself as he knew that Jason would only get on that bike when he wanted to get away from things.

2 hours passed and it was already evening. Jin washed his face neatly and put on a happy smile and headed towards Yoongi.

'Yoonie, bubby. Wake up. Wakie wakie' whispered Jin, patting his cheek and slowly moving him. Yoongi woke up with a groan and stretched himself.

He looked at Jin and little by little everything came back to his mind. His eyes got teary and Jin immediately hugged him.

'Noo, bubby. Everything is fine. Forget everything as if it was a bad dream. Okay baby???' said Jin and carried Yoongi to the bathroom. He washed Yoongi's face as Yoongi just stayed there.

Jin carried Yoongi to the dining table and sat on  the chair and fed Yoongi like a kid. Yoongi silently did as Jin asked. Yoongi was relieving the past as Jin took care of him the same exact way when they were kids. Yoongi couldn't control himself and let out a sob.

Jin embraced him.

'Bubby, no need to cry. Everything is good, hmm. And, you will never see Jason again, so you will never remember all this again. Okay bubby. Now, now come on where is my sleepy cat?? Where is my cute, cuddly cat hmm?' said Jin and started teasing Yoongi playfully.

Jin tickled him and the entire apartment echoed with happy giggles. Yoongi was gasping  for air in between his giggles.

'My bubby' whispered Jin and bopped his nose with younger and stopped tickling. Yoongi gave a gummy smile in return which really lightened Jin's mood.

Jin sat with Yoongi in silence for some time.

'Bubby, we will visit the therapist tomorrow.' softly said Jin while rubbing Yoongi's arms to calm him down knowing very well that it was a sensitive issue. Yoongi gave out a sad nod and hugged Jin tightly.

'Everything will be all good bubby. Hyung will take care of everything, while you focus on getting better' said Jin and stroked Yoongi's head.

Jin was packing his bag and Yoongi was staring at him. He somewhere felt guilty that he was again separating Jin and Jason. Jin had confirmed that it was his choice but the chain in Jin's neck said otherwise. And, Yoongi didn't need any Sherlock to figure out that Jin took this decision because of him.

'Come on buddy, let's head home' softly said Jin and the sadness was evident in his voice. Yoongi let out a nod and followed Jin. Jason had informed his driver to drop them home and the driver was already waiting for them.

They reached the mansion and both of them got down.

'Inform me when he comes back. Don't let him get drunk. Keep an eye on him and-' tried Jin but was cut off by his own rising emotions.

'I will take care, sir' informed the driver and sped off to his way. Yoongi who heard that just felt worse while pretended he was clueless as Jin made sure that Yoongi was farther away from him.

Yoongi and Jin entered the mansion and was welcomed by everyone. They all had one complete group hug and backed away with thousands of emotions in everyone.

'Lets go out!!!!!!' exclaimed Taehyung and everyone chuckled.

Everyone headed out to dinner and they had a nice family time with each other.

Even though Jin smiled, talked and laughed his heart ached for Jason. He kept checking every notifications he got expecting that it will be something related to Jason, but that was all some normal notifications.

They head back home and went towards their rooms to sleep in peace after days.

Jin, just couldn't but ended up dozing off staring at his mobile. Yoongi, was awake trying to figure out everything. He promised himself to give Jin all the happiness he deserved. He would make things right. He slept off with a new responsibility to give Jin everything he missed at an early age.

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