Chapter 36

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It was two days after the incident. Jungkook was running away from Jin and was more clingy towards Taehyung. Taehyung made sure to protect the younger well. The therapist's visit made everyone know that Jungkook was still sensitive to some things and he was prescribed some medications.

Jin had been distant with Yoongi and Yoongi didn't give any chance for him to explain and clear things up.

They were in the meeting and Jin and Yoongi had different views regarding to the stock market. One wanted to release a new product into the industry in a more affordable price for commoners while the other wanted to maintain their image and keep the price the same as other products. Both were right in their position which made an hour meeting longer than three hours.

The meeting was about to end when they checked a file and realised that the file was not proof read.

'Who submitted this file?' stormed Jin. Namjoon unwillingly raised his hand like a kid.

'Why haven't you proof read this file?' coldly asked Jin.

'It is not the finalised one' answered Namjoon as that file was there only to give an idea of what was going to be there.

'I don't care, if you bring a file to me then it has to be the finalised one. Don't just give reasons and waste everyone's time' Jin said.

'Hyung-' tried Namjoon.

'Get up, pants down, bend over the desk' snapped Jin. Everyone looked at him in shock. Yoongi just coldly glared at Jin and kept quiet.

'Namjoon' stormed Jin. Namjoon looked at Yoongi for answers.

'Jimin, come on let's head out' said Yoongi leaving his dongsaeng with his hyung. Jimin unwillingly walked out with Yoongi. Yoongi didn't miss the betrayal gaze which Namjoon gave him.

Jin coldly glared at Namjoon and Namjoon hesitantly did as asked.

Jin took out his thickest leather belt and laid first hit on both his ass cheeks. Namjoon screamed in pain and scurried away from his hyung with tears flowing freely.

Jin didn't bother, and harshly held Namjoon down in his position and laid 20 hits on his bottom. Namjoon's face and butt were the same color. His bottom throbbed in pain and was beat red in color.

'Get up, wear your pants and proof read the file and submit me in an hour' ordered Jin. Namjoon looked at him with sad eyes and dressed himself up. Yoongi who had come back stared at Jin.

Yoongi walked towards them and helped Namjoon. He picked Namjoon up and laid him on the couch as Namjoon struggled to do the work assigned.

Yoongi slapped his butt again which stilled the younger.

'Close your eyes buddy, and take rest' softly said Yoongi and Namjoon unwillingly closed his eyes and slept. Yoongi left no room for arguments.

'Keep an eye on Namjoon and make sure no one enter the meeting room other than me, him and Jimin.' ordered Yoongi to his secretary. His secretary nodded and closed the meeting room.

Yoongi pulled Jin towards his cabin and locked the door. Jin scoffed and angrily gazed at Yoongi.

'What do you need. Is this the way to behave with your Hyung?' asked Jin. Yoongi chuckled sarcastically.

'Hyung?, You?' asked Yoongi. Jin seemed to have no answer to that question and looked down.

'You? You are a one hundred percent not my hyung rather you are a monster who is again back. A monster who broke my promise. A monster who is back to take his frustrations on his brothers. A monster who give no shit about his family. A monster who killed my mother. A monster who killed my father. A monster.' shouted Yoongi with all his might.

Jin's heart hurt hearing to those words. He knew that no one else knew the entire truth about anything, but somewhere he couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness within him. He made sure to keep a poker face as to not let any emotions show on his face.

'Is this the way you speak with your elders? I guess you need to be taught a lesson.' said Jin and manhandled Yoongi. He made Yoongi bend over his arm and started spanking him.

Yoongi made sure to not let out any noise even though the spanks hurt him like hell. Jin didn't stop and continued. His hand throbbed but he didn't stop. He unbuckled his belt for the second time that day and spanked Yoongi.

Yoongi was hurting but he made sure to neither cry nor voice out his pain. Jin finally stopped when he came back to reality and realised what he was doing. The red spots on his dongsaengs pants were a slap of reality on his face.

Jin harshly let go of the younger. Yoongi stumbled and fell down. He struggled to get up and stand. Jin tried to approach him but Yoongi backed away in fear. Yoongi didn't want to be with him even for a second longer. He limped painfully towards the door.

'Don't ever come near MY brothers' weakly stated Yoongi giving more importance to the word my. Yoongi limped towards his cabin and changed his outfit. Changing his pants was the most hurtful thing he had ever done. He washed his face and made himself presentable.

He walked or more like, limped towards the meeting room to find Jimin hugging Namjoon  and spending quality time. Yoongi made his way towards Namjoon.

'Buddy, are you fine?' softly asked Yoongi. Namjoon nodded his head.

'Come on let's head home' suggested Yoongi.

'But, the file' voiced out Namjoon.

'Hyung will take care of that' Yoongi assured and urged them to follow him towards their car. Yoongi painfully sat down on the seat and drove towards their mansion. Namjoon and Jimin head out inside their mansion while Yoongi couldn't control his tears anymore.

Yoongi let them flow making sure the car was locked and the windows were up. After a few minutes he composed himself and shut himself in his room.

Jin couldn't believe how far he had gone. He realised all the events from the day before and those just stung him in his heart.

How could he let Namjoon punish Taehyung for something so small, how could he push Jungkook to such an extent that he fainted, how could he punish Namjoon for something which wasn't entirely his fault and lastly how could he punish Yoongi so mercilessly.

Jin held his head in his hand and screamed out in frustration. That was when someone walked inside his cabin.

'Didn't know you would hurt your brothers to take out the frustration of not being able to find me' smirked the person in front of Jin. The person was none other than Jin's enemy, the one who almost harrassed Taehyung, the one who blackmailed Jungkook and the one who killed Jin's mother and the one whom Jin was searching crazily since a month.

Hey guys!!! Double update for you guys!

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