Chapter 141

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Jason slowly immersed the younger in the bath tub as Jin held onto Jason's shirt tightly, not wanting to let go. Jason shushed him slowly and freed himself from the tight grasp and succeeded in getting Jin inside the tub.

Jason then hastily removed his clothes and entered inside the tub and sat behind Jin holding him close.

No one spoke, as Jason concentrated on cleaning Jin up. Jin was sobbing again, and Jason was trying to quieten him but it wasn't working at all. Jason sighed and once he finished cleaning Jin, he slowly got up and dried himself.

He then proceeded to change the sheets and head back to witness Jin staring at nothing specific with tears rolling down. He sighed again and picked him up softly as Jin showed no reaction.

Jason decided on leaving Jin naked as he dried him with a towel and laid him on the bed. Jin tried covering himself and Jason just sighed.

Jason then took off his shirt leaving himself in just a pair of shorts and settled beside Jin. He softly pulled Jin on himself, the skin to skin contact soothing Jin and helping him to settle down and lessening the emotional pain away.

Jason held on closer as he whispered sweet nothings and in a matter of time Jin dozed off peacefully on the well built chest.

Jason waited for a few minutes, holding onto Jin and shushing him. Later, he slowly tucked Jin replacing himself with the pillow and walked out.

On the other hand, Taehyung was sent to pick Jungkook up from school and Taehyung was dazed out all the way.

Once Jungkook entered, he couldn't help but feel something strange noticing his hyung so quiet and lost. Jungkook tried talking but all he got was short replies and cold answers.

Jungkook sighed and stared at the road waiting to reach home.

Hoseok and Alex just finished their surgery and Hoseok was over the moon. His dream came true in the best way possible and he was really thankful to Alex for making his dream come true.

Alex genuinely felt the happiness witnessing Hoseok smiling like a mad man. Alex, then realised how the younger's joy actually bought him happiness and he knew he made the right decision of staying with Yoongi and accepting his brothers wholeheartedly. He need to thank Jason for this, if it wasn't for Jason he wouldn't have stayed.

Alex decided to surprise Hoseok with his favourite food. He ordered it and called Hoseok to his cabin to discuss something related to the patient and Hoseok was so immersed into the work that he barely acknowledged the delivery guy who delivered the food and left.

Alex cleared his throat taking Hoseok's concentration towards him. He then forwarded the food package towards him and Hoseok confused, opened it to find his favourite food.

He shot up in excitement and hugged Alex looking at the food. Alex was shocked not expecting such a heartfelt hug from the younger. Before he could digest the hug, Hoseok was gone stuffing his mouth with the food. Alex chuckled at that taking Hoseok's attention.

Hoseok whined at the teasing chuckle but still continued eating the food as if someone would steal it. Alex laughed at the cute antics of the younger.

'How was Dale's family?' asked Alex enquiring before hand in case Yoongi gets angry about something later on.

'Oh! Hyung..umm I shouldn't say this but they are financially very low but they are genuine people. Good hearted people hyung, I love them' said Hoseok concentrating on the food as Alex just nodded but the word love from Hoseok disturbed him. He was scared of how Yoongi would react to that if he knows that Hoseok is in love with someone. He just kept quiet thinking of ways to break the news. All while, not knowing that Yoongi already knew about it.

Dale was coming back. He had informed Hoseok that he would arrive tonight, but the thing which he didn't say was that he was dropping out. He was giving up on being a doctor. He didn't know how to break that news to Hoseok. He couldn't find any words to tell him that he won't be taking part in being a doctor anymore.

With lots of nervousness, he tried sleeping on the train as it would still take 4 hours to reach the city and then an hour to reach the hospital. He was hoping Hoseok to be there waiting for him but he also feared that the older won't be there as it would be too late and he would have gone home.

Finally, Dale reached the hospital and walked towards his room to find no one. Unknowingly that hurt him that no one was waiting for him but how wrong was he because immediately he was pulled in a hug by someone. He flinched but later relaxed knowing that it was Hoseok.

Dale was grateful for that hug and then backed away. Hoseok looked at him and frowned because there was no playful glint in those eyes rather it was accustomed with worry and tension.

Deciding to point it out another time Hoseok began ranting about his surgery and how effective it was. Dale was happy that Hoseok was comfortable around him but Hoseok still didn't realise why he was excited like a little kid to explain everything to the person infront of him who was 4 years younger than him.

Dale was restless but waited for the older to finish his rant as he really craved the urge to protect the elder. After losing his sister he was no longer a playful boy rather a man with responsibilities and only thing which warmed his cold heart was Kim Hoseok whom he was sure he will protect with his entire might. He loves Hoseok and he will woo him but before that he needed to be a man and own up to everything in front of him.

Hey guys!!! Ugh!!! Why meeee? I was travelling yesterday and came home late and I was like I have classes at 8.30 today gotta wake up on time. And I did too, as I couldn't even sleep properly and I check my time table and class is at 9.30. my 1 hour of sleeep😭😭😭😭

Happiest Birthday Kim Seokjin!!!

Happiest Birthday Kim Seokjin!!!

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