Chapter 123

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As Dale witnessed Hoseok's sleeping face he smiled. His good news could wait until the older woke up. He kneeled down and pecked the younger's forehead and tucked him in as he checked onto his temperature. It wasn't as high as before but he was still hot.

Hoseok woke up when he felt a cold hand on his forehead.

'Hyung, did I wake you up?' worriedly asked Dale.
'' rasped Hoseok in return as he forwarded his hand towards the glass of water. Dale was quick on his feet and helped the older with it.

'Well what's wrong?' asked Hoseok as he found Dale staring at him. Dale shook his head with a soft smile lingering on his face.

'Is something on my face?' questioned Hoseok as Dale nodded his head.

'Handsomeness' said Dale and pecked Hoseok's forehead as Hoseok sat there with a red blushing face. Honestly, that was a very lame pick up line but coming from Dale's mouth it was heaven.

'Aww, hyungie you red' teased Dale as he laughed loudly. Hoseok just mumbled a brat and playfully hit him.

'Hyungie, you know Alex hyung praised me today. I gave all the reports and he was really impressed by my work' exasperated Dale with happiness filled in his face. Hoseok couldn't help but smile at that happiness. The younger's happiness was in turn making him also happy.

Dale crushed Hoseok in his hug as Hoseok just let the younger have his way.

'Ha, see Alex hyung loves me and I love him unlike you' flexed Dale as Hoseok was jealous. He couldn't comprehend that he was jealous of Dale liking Alex more than him or Alex liking Dale more than him.

Nevertheless, Hoseok shrugged it off as he was now being pulled by Dale to celebrate the happiness. Hoseok indulged in that and for at least an hour he genuinely smiled and giggled forgetting about his hyungs and all the problems going on.

Talking about his hyungs, Yoongi was in the meeting pitching about his idea hoping that it gets accepted. He anxiously waited for the results as the opposite company whispered among themselves. He was at the final stage and he couldn't lose it anymore.

They announced the results and Yoongi's eyes teared up in...

Yoongi walked to his cabin with dropped shoulders as he was followed by Jin and others waiting to know the results. Yoongi sighed and sat on the chair as he loosened his tie.

'I didn't get it' whispered Yoongi as all the excited faces fell. Yoongi out his head on the table and hugged out as angry tears rolled down his face.

Everyone left leaving Jin who silently bought his hand up and carresssed Yoongi's head.

'It's okay, bubby' whispered Jin now putting his face against Yoongi's.

Yoongi silently cried for a matter of minutes as he harshly wiped his face and looked at Jin.

'I will be able to get Alex back, right?' questioned Yoongi just wanting some assurance as Jin nodded his head sincerely giving back the assurance the younger craved.

'Head home, talk to Alex and Hobi and clear things out Bubba. You gotta make this right, and you can do it. Hyung believes you' uttered Jin as Yoongi nodded his head with new found confidence. He got up and headed towards the door to do the things his hyung asked him to but was again stopped by his hyung.

'But, before that you need to eat something. Now, let's head to cafeteria downstairs or you want me to order something?' questioned Jin as Yoongi sighed.

'Cafeteria' let out Yoongi and walked downstairs with Jin following him. They both sat and ate the food they ordered as Yoongi was immersed in his own thoughts. Jin didn't interfere and bid bye to the younger when Yoongi finally left to home after 3 days.

Yoongi arrived at the hospital knowing that he would meet both of them in the hospital. He headed towards Alex's room where he found all three, Alex, Hoseok and Dale.

Alex and Hoseok had their eyes widened at Yoongi barging in like that.

'Hyung' uttered Hoseok as Yoongi's eyes were fixed on Alex. He walked towards Alex ignoring Hoseok's call and pushed Alex in his embrace with a tight but gentle grip. Alex took a second to understand what happened and once he did he fought to get away by the tight hold.

'Stay' whispered Yoongi with a broken voice mush different to his always cold demeanor. Alex stayed root hearing to the older's plead because he could feel Yoongi's heavy breathings on the back of his neck as he face was stuffed in the older's chest.

Hoseok pulled Dale out as Dale looked at that dumbfounded.

'What happened there?' asked Dale as Hoseok just shrugged his shoulders pretending that he didn't know.

'Yoongi' muttered Alex as Yoongi made no efforts to let go of the person he held.

'Please, stay. Stay for a while, please' repeated Yoongi like a broken record. He let all his tears flow on Alex's neck as Alex hugged tighter with his own glistening with tears.

'H..Hoseok?' mumbled Yoongi and Alex heard it. He softly freed himself from the hug and yelled out for Hoseok who barged in hearing the yell as he was right outside with Dale.

Alex still hugged Yoongi but had freed himself enough to move his head around. Alex beckoned him and gestured Hoseok to join the hug and as Hoseok did Yoongi's sobs had no limits. He let all his emotions out. He squeezed Alex in his hold while he had a grip on Hoseok too.

Alex and Hoseok slowly guided the older on the chair as Yoongi made no efforts to let any of them go.

'Hyungie stop crying please' begged Hoseok as Alex nodded. Yoongi backed away from the hug and stared down, Yoongi's figure was no where similar to the aura he always held. He looked like a broken doll while all this while he was strongest root supporting his family.

'I am sorry. S..sorry Alex-ah, Hobi-ah. Hyungie is bad, hy..hyungie has b....been bad f..for both of Sorry, sorry' apologised Yoongi continuosly until Alex forced him to gulp down some water.

'Hyung, who is that? And why is he hugging you?'


Hey guys! Suggestions please 🥺 and why is this chapter so shitty? I wanna cry!!!! This is like the worst chapter ever!

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