Chapter 150

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Yoongi beckoned Jungkook over to listen to his explanation in a much stern and disappointed tone. Jin sighed looking at the duo knowing that he couldn't stop Yoongi in this matter.

'Yoon, not here. Head home with him and you can talk to him there' Jin spoke in a soft yet authoritative tone not wanting to scare Jungkook anymore. Yoongi thought for a second and decided against talking to him in the hospital. He agreed and respected his hyungs and turned towards Jungkook with a strict look.

'You heard hyung right? Then be prepared to explain yourself properly at home. Got it?' asked Yoongi scaring Jungkook as Jungkook just nodded his head biting onto his lower lip clearly showing that he was scared and nervous.

'Cant you talk?' sarcastically mentioned Yoongi as Jungkook gulped down the lump in his throat.

'Y..yes hyung' whispered Jungkook as Yoongi nodded but Taehyung could clearly sense the younger's emotions and decided on intervening .

'Hyung, you stay with Joonie hyung I will go with Kookie' spoke Taehyung hoping that his hyungs would agree but he didn't expect to meet three faces. One angry, the other clearly indicating not to interfere and lastly one face straight up making him scared.

'Taehyung, stay in your limits. If, Yoongi hyung wants to talk to Jungkook then he will, we don't need you taking the maknae's side to his mistakes. One is enough for that' Hoseok spoke in a calm but chill tone side eyeing Jimin making Jimin have a guilty trip and scaring Taehyung as well as Jungkook. They didn't expect Hoseok to react in such a harsh way, something was going on and they had to find out what it was.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's with longing eyes as he didn't want to be alone with Yoongi. Taehyung looked away, his own mind playing tricks on him. He felt everyone was against him and they didn't trust him.

He still ignored everyone's glances and moved towards Jungkook and softly freed the younger lips from his teeth.

'What did I tell you about biting your lips?' Taehyung asked in a cold tone scaring Jungkook even further. Jungkook thought Taehyung was on his side but even Taehyung was angry, well Taehyung never liked when he bit his lips or hurt himself.

'N..not to' stuttered Jungkook and Taehyung nodded.

'Come'  Yoongi and held the younger hand and pulled him with him to their car. Yoongi observed Jungkook being scared and crying silently all the way back to the mansion.

'Get inside, I will be there in a bit' said Yoongi as Jungkook practically ran out and inside the mansion too scared to be around Yoongi.

Yoongi took a deep breath wanting to calm himself as his phone dinged with message.

'Yoon, Kookie don't know anything about it. He was just angry and acted on his anger. Talk to him but remember he is your maknae and not me or Jason'

Yoongi read Jin's message and sighed. He knew, Jungkook didn't mean the punch or his talking of killing Jason and it was just the heat of the moment but still he will make sure that his maknae won't enter into that field ever.

Namjoon has already disappointed him being there and Yoongi don't want anyone else to do it. And he will make sure of it. He knew by the end of the punishment he would need Taehyung to calm down the maknae but he just couldn't let go and forgive Jungkook's mistake.

Yoongi walked in and found Jungkook seated on the couch biting on his lips as he stared off at nothing in worry. He knew the younger very well and also knew handling him would be difficult but he was more than ready for that. But, before that he needed to let Jungkook know that he cares for him.

'Go bring raw rice from the kitchen' ordered Yoongi as Jungkook flinched and ran to get the rice.

'Spread it' coldly ordered Yoongi as Jungkook did with almost flushed and ready to cry face.

'Change into shorts or roll your pants and kneel down, hands raised until I come back' Yoongi ordered as Jungkook hurriedly followed the instructions by rolling his pants.

He sank against the rice as the grains poked his knees and gave a stinging, lasting pain but he watched as Yoongi hummed in satisfaction and walked away.

Jungkook was left alone with his thoughts, and at first he didn't feel bad for disregarding his hyungs words and punching Jason. He felt sorry for that. As time passed, Jungkook's thoughts changed too. The more he thought, he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't wrong. Jason deserved it after hurting his Jin hyung, Jason deserved it after being so bad to Namjoon. And all of a sudden, Jungkook's dilemma turned into anger against Jason and Yoongi for punishing him when it isn't even his fault.

He loved his Jin hyung the most and if anyone dared hurt him then he would kill him, but then his Yoongi hyung said not to and he Jin hyung begged him not to think like that.

He was in a major dilemma, one side making him feel that his actions was right while the other side agreeing to his hyungs.

His thoughts were cut off, when Yoongi sat down on the couch after 45 min of asking him to kneel down. Jungkook's legs hurt and every his hands but nothing mattered as the fire of wanting to kill Jason took over him.

'Jungkook, come here' called Yoongi, tone a bit soft and gentle contrasting to his tone from before.

Jungkook stood up and almost slipped but Yoongi caught him not letting him fall asleep he guided the maknae next to him on the couch.

'Here' handed Yoongi a glass of freshly prepared Banana milk as Jungkook's eyes sparkled with amazement as he sipped onto the cold milk which just relieved and relaxed him completely.

Jungkook finished it enjoying it completely as Yoongi's next words raged him.

'Stand up and clearly explain why you decided on punching Jason when we clearly told you not to?'

Hey guys! How is it????? Also, I am really sorry. I was about to update on Saturday but then I found a book and indulged myself in reading it. Don't blame me, blame the book lol, it was so damn interesting and then I have internals going on so got busy on Sunday and today I typed it inbetween my studies. So make sure you tell me how it is, else I won't talk to anyone of you!🥺🫣💜

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