Chapter 158

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Jin couldn't control himself. He rushed away from the room. He needed a breather. He wasn't able to make things right. He wanted someone to assure him that he was doing just fine but he felt like he was a failure at everything.

He found himself in the terrace looking at the clouds sailing as he tried to think things through. He was an overall mess. He couldn't help as drops of tears rolled down his face and he started sobbing in no time. He leaned against the railings and cried his heart out.

After a few minutes, he got hold of himself. He couldn't break down now. He couldn't, he needs to be there tending to their needs. Namjoon still has a lot of explaining to do and not to mention he is still not doing well. Taehyung, he needs to make things right with him and lastly Yoongi. He was feeling weak and exhausted at everything.

His gaze fell towards his leg which was now swollen, the leg ached too. He gazed at his leg which was bruised and sighed. His leg wasn't important right now.

He then descended towards the washroom and made himself presentable. He cleaned his clothes and walked towards the room only to find Yoongi, panicking.

He rushed in as Jimin was desperately trying to make Yoongi calm while Alex was shook and trying his best to regulate Yoongi's breathing.

Jin went towards the chaos and looked at the source of Yoongi's distress. He observed Yoongi clutching onto his mobile and he grabbed it from his hold and found Jason's number ringing. Jin cut the call and made himself noticeable to Yoongi by kneeling in front of him and waved his phone which didn't show Jason's name anymore.

'Shh!! See all good, all good baby. You are doing so well, breathe in and out for hyungie. Yup just like that, my Yoongi is the bravest right? Come on, once more, in.... And ..... Out' Jin was successful in getting Yoongi to breathe properly and not to panic him anymore.

Alex handled him a glass of water and helped Yoongi drink it as Jin sighed. Jin got up and headed to his wallet. He picked up Yoongi's sleeping tablets and took one. He softly guided Yoongi to gulp it down and gently laid him on the couch patted his head until Yoongi slept.

Once Yoongi's face relaxed then he looked around to find Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung all asleep. And Jimin who was controlling his tears while Alex was still shook by Yoongi's panicked state.

Jin sighed and pulled Alex into his arms, a much needed hug as Jin whispered, he will be fine. Once he was sure that Alex would be fine he released the hug and at the same time a nurse walked in to call Alex for supervision of an operation. Alex left

Jin then shifted his gaze to Jimin.

'Minnie, Yoongi is fine dear. Come on, now stop crying! My brave baby' Jin wiped Jimin's tears and hugged him, consoling him. After a few minutes, Jimin was fine and broken the hug completly forgetting that Jin hadn't eaten and also hurt his leg.

'Jimin, go home and rest baby! I will send Yoongi home once he wakes up' urged Jin knowing that if Jimin stays here will simply worry and be concerned. So the best solution was to send him home and let him handle things here

'But, Tae?' questioned Jimin as Jin's face saddened.

'I will take care of him. Or let's do one thing. I will come with you. Let's take both Jungkook and Yoongi home. Let them sleep and rest' said Jin as Jimin involuntarily nodded his head not having any other options.

Jimin carried Jungkook to the car while Jin carried Yoongi. On reaching the mansion, Jin tucked both of them in and pecked Jimin's forehead and left back to the hospital.

Once reaching, he sighed. He still had a few hours before either one of them woke up.

He called his secretary and asked updates of all the things going on in the company and decided and finishing the rest of it. But, he also realised that Taehyung had covered up most of the work of Namjoon and his too. He was amazed at that.

He needed to male up with Taehyung. He sighed and started working on finishing as much as he could.

After a while of working his mind raced back to Yoongi's phone where Jason had called. What if Jasok call again, and Yoongi get panicked?  Worrying about it ge called Jason.


'Why were you calling Yoongi?'

'Oh, that. I just wanted to check on you and Namjoon. Nothing else and... yeah that's all'

'Do not call him or anyone again. And, when Namjoon tells everything then I will inform you, till then please don't show up here or anywhere'

'But...I just wanted to talk to Yoon'

'There is no need to talk to him. And, before talking to brothers ask me. And if I got to know you contacted anyone without my notice then I don't know what I will don't

Jason sighed, this wasn't the reason he called. He just wanted to check on them. He knew Jin wouldn't agree so he just sighed.


Jason cut call and sighed. He was in middle of a meeting and all his subordinates were gazing at him. Jason's brother sat right next to him as he heard their conversation. He had to let the secret out else his brother will suffer more. He had given in to everything, he had remained hostage under RM's clutched to protect Jason but this was harming not only him but his brother, his brothers happiness.

He was just waiting for Namjoon to get better and to take the necessary actions.

On the other hand, Taehyung woke up and rubbed his eyes unknowingly and moved his hands which had IV connected and hissed as it hurt. Jin, who was working immediately kept it aside and rushed towards Taehyung.

'Baby, what happened? Are you hurt sweetheart'

Taehyung almost gave in and nodded his head wanting to be mavraced but once he recalled everything he just turned around and pushed Jin away with his free hand. Jin, was tired enough to deal with him and walked towards his laptop and resumed his work. He needed another 20 minutes to finish it. Then he would call Yoongi or Jimin to replace him and get home and prepare some soup for both his babies.

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