Chapter 89

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The next day, Yoongi avoided the entire thing which took place and pretended like nothing ever happened. Jin let Yoongi have his way and Hoseok was getting better. The only thing left was Jimin.

Jin had called the hyung line and Jason to discuss everything and they decided to let Taehyung talk to him. Taehyung was also informed about that and he was battling with nervousness to talk about such a crucial topic with his soulmate. He just didn't know how to start the topic.

He started off by asking Jimin to join him for lunch in this very famous restaurant. Jimin agreed not wanting to hurt his younger one, even though he was completely tired and wanted nothing other than to rest.

They ordered their lunch and started eating slowly as Jimin looked out the glass windows in daze.

'Hyung, is something bothering you?' asked Taehyung and Jimin immediately tensed but kept his cool.

'No, Tae. Why do you think so?' asked Jimin all smiling trying to show that everything was fine but anyone could see through that smile and say that he was lying

Taehyung left the fork down and kept his hand on Jimin's hand stopping Jimin from eating too

'Hyung, you know that you can trust me right?' asked Taehyung as Jimin simply shurugged off.

'What is with this Tae, I just want to eat in peace' annoyedly said Jimin and yanked Taehyung's hands away. Jimin was getting defensive.

'Then why are you coming home so late everyday?' asked Taehyung no longer trying to hide the fact.

'I am working okay? I am in office working!' slightly yelled Jimin. Luckily, Taehyung had booked a private room for them.

'No hyung, you leave office before anyone of us do. Where do you go?' asked Taehyung and Jimin was just baffled

'Are you stalking me, Kim Taehyung'  angrily asked Jimin for which Taehyung shook his head.

'I am not, hyung. I am just worried about you' calmly said Taehyung.

'What do you want, I am a free man. I can go wherever I want' yelled Jimin.

'Hyung, I know but just tell me where you are going. You are not being yourself and I am worried hyung' pleaded Taehyung and Jimin looked away

Taehyung got up and went near Jimin and hugged him. Jimin flinched but slowly got comfortable. Taehyung proceeded to sit on Jimin's lap and lay his head on Jimin's shoulder.

'Hyung, it's just me. Why are you flinching like this, hyung?' calmly spoke Taehyung. Jimin couldn't control himself, his tears were leaking and he tightened the hug on Taehyung and allowed his tears flow.

'You don't wanna say, hyung?' softly asked Taehyung and Jimin shook his head and cried.

'Its okay hyung, I am here. You can cry all you want hyung' said Taehyung and hugged him more. Jimin's tears were never ending and he stopped his tears himself and backed away from the hug.

He looked at Taehyung's worried eyes and pecked his forehead.

'Tae-tae, hyung is going through something right now, baby. Give hyung some time to be back like before. Hyung will be fine and I want you to stop worrying about me' softly said Jimin as Taehyung silently nodded his head.

Jimin proceeded to feed him all while thousands of thoughts running in his head.

'Hyung you will talk to other hyungs right?' asked Taehyung and Jimin let out a nod. He knew it was time for him to come clean in front of everyone and only they could get him out of the trouble he has put himself into.

Taehyung and Jimin headed back and Taehyung informed everyone what happened in there. Taehyung promised them to pick Jungkook from school and take him somewhere for the night so that everyone could give their attention to Jimin.

That night, everyone eagerly waited for Jimin. It was past 12 and finally Jimin arrived with disheveled shirt and pants and he limped towards the hall. His hairs were a mess and his neck was covered with hickeys. He definitely didn't expect anyone to be awake and just walked mindlessly.

'Jimin' uttered Jin in shock and Jimin seemed to realise that all his hyungs were staring at him. He was a mess, they would hate him now. What was he supposed to do. And he ran, he ran straight to his room locked it and escaped from the window to run away from his brothers. He wasn't thinking straight but he just couldn't show himself in front of them after all the work he had done.

Everyone banged on the door with worry and Jin unlocked it to find Jimin nowhere. They searched the entire area to have no clue about him. Jason tracked his phone to realise that Jimin had left his phone in his room.

Everyone was super worried when they couldn't find Jimin for more than 24 hours. Jason seemed to have a lead and he informed others. They thought to check that out and dressed up as they were going to a club.

Hoseok stayed back, as he wasn't comfortable going there and also if Jimin decided to come back.

The club was filled with loud music, booze and all types of people. Jason led their way to a room and kicked open it to have their world crash. What they saw their was definitely not something they had wished to see.

There was Jimin, on the bed as three others hovered over his naked figure all while Jimin tried to push them off of him. They could hear Jimin's screams as one of them was literally pushing all they way in Jimin's body and Jimin cried.

Jason and Yoongi was quick to take the man down and Jason's team immediately took them out. Namjoon called Hoseok to inform about the situation and asked whether to take him to hospital or home. Hoseok said them to bring Jimin back home as he didn't want his brother to be looked down by anyone in the hospital.

Jin was trying to cover Jimin's naked figure but Jimin kept screaming and pushing everyone. He still didn't know that everything was done and he was saved.

Jason though wasn't gentle like Jin, he grabbed hold of the blanket there and wrapped Jimin in that even though Jimin wasn't in his sense. He then gently took him in his arms and carried Jimin down to the car as Jason's men arrived with a shot.

He took the shot and injected straight to Jimin's neck and Jimin's body immediately shut down in his arms. Everyone had tears, including Jason. He really loved Jimin like a brother and seeing him in such a state wasn't very nice.

Hey guys!!! How was it??? The update you guys were waiting for!!! And, as you all wanted Alex to stay I am making him stay! Give me your thoughts on Jimin.

Also, guys check out her new work Crystaline77

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