Chapter 111

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It was the next morning as all gathered in the breakfast table. They were amazed by the feast in front of them not knowing that they would receive some good news after all. As, Jin and Jason observed everyone immersed in eating they decided to tell the news. Jason cleared his throat to gain attention from everyone.

'I and Jin have something to announce' said Jason as all eyes fell on both of them. Yoongi already had happy tears in his eyes.

Jin then showed up his hand where the band glowed in the broad day light showing off clearly how expensive and unique it was.

'Jason proposed me' said Jin with shyness coating on his face and voice.

Immediately they were met with giggles and cooes as Jin buried himself in Jason's chest being all shy about it.

'Why!!!! Why didn't you tell me!' Yelled Jimin disheartened and Jin was again blaming himself thinking that Jimin was upset because of him.

'Jason hyung! Why didn't you tell me you were going to propose my hyung? I would have helped you!' Whined Jimin as Jin took a sigh of relief.

Jason just shrugged in return as Jimin sulked being forgotten by his hyungs.

They still enjoyed the dinner. But it wasn't long enough though.

In Yoongi's room, Alex stayed waiting to hide himself from Hoseok scared how he would react. But, he was too hungry and he could not longer control his hunger. He slowly walked out and made his way towards the table and looked around. But, to his luck Hoseok spotted him and smirked.

'H...hyung, H..hy...hyung' stuttered Hoseok immediately having a panick attack pointing towards Alex who stood there not knowing what to do as if he was a deer caught in lights.

He was immediately bought back to reality when Yoongi hooked his fingers in his collar and pulled him towards the bes. Yoongi was red in anger and Alex for sure knew he wouldn't be okay by the end of this.

Yoongi dragged him to his room. Yoongi didn't even let him speak as he punched him directly. Alex wasn't really in a good shape to hold himself up as he fell directly on the floor with a thud.

Yoongi straed at him as Alex slowly closed his eyes. Yoongi, kicked him thinking that Alex was just pretending but in reality Alex really fainted on the cold ground.

Yoongi bent down and shakingky touched Alex's figure as he immediately took it away as Alex was burning. His nose was bleeding because of the punch and ex wasn't waking up. His pulse still remained slow and steady but Yoongi was genuinely worried.

'Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!' Yelled Yoongi loudly as he took Jasons head from the ground to his lap. Trying to wake him up as well stop the bleed. But, he was failing at both.

Everyone else rushed in and gasped. Hoseok stood like a figurine in the threshold of the room as his actions was finally sinking in him. He couldn't move and he couldn't breathe. His chest was heavy as his eyes were glosssed. He was worried blaming himself.

Luckily, Namjoon was quick to notice him and pull him towards another room and calm him down. Due to exhaustion he slept as Namjoon made his way out.

The doctor had arrived and checked him out and sighed.

'He is weak. He is malnourished. He needs to eat proper food. He has scars on his entire body. His nose is okay, there is no fracture and he fainted due to the impact and tiredness. He has fever but it's due to fear, the fever will reduce soon if it doesn't then please contact me again. Thank you' said the doctor and bowed as Taehyung walked him out.

Yoongi was crying non stop and Jin took him out.

Jin didn't question anything as he hugged him and held him until Yoongi had stopped crying. They entered back.

'Joon, Tae, Jimin go to the company and stay with the lawyers about tomorrow's case' softly said Jin as the three left. Jimin was anxious but Taehyung was right there holding onto his hand and reassuring him that he will be fine.

'Jay, drop Kookie to his school' said Jin as Jason and Jungkook exited.

Yoongi had Alex sleeping on his lap as his face looked in pain.

'Yoon, I did some digging and found out that Alex doesn't have a job, not even a house and is living on streets for very long' said Jin as Yoongi was shocked but he then sighed.

'Hyung it's because of us. We made sure he doesn't get a job nowhere in anger, of him hurting our  Hobi. And, he is na too loyal and honest. He won't accept any money you give. I am sure it's still in the card, he must be waiting to transfer all the amount back to you' uttered Yoongi as a tear again slipped.

Jin softly nodded.

'Hyung, Alex can't hurt Hobi hyung. He can't, hyung. He can't!' Yelled Yoongi in pure frustration of wanting to know the complete truth for years but he found nothing after trying soo much.

Alex groggily woke up and groaned at the pain in his nose. He took a moment to adjust himself to the surroundings and as he spotted Yoongi, Alex moved his hands towards Yoongi's face and softly touched it not believing he really woke up in Yoongi's arms.

'Yoonie, why are you angry nowadays? Don't you love me anymore?' Groggily asked Alex still believing he was hallucinating Yoongi there. His words increased the tears in Yoongi's eyes as Alex woke up with a jerk.

He realised he wasn't dreaming and immediately got on his knees begging to be forgiven which just broke both the elders heart.

Only if, Alex knew the truth. Only if, Hoseok was honest!

Hey guys! How are you all doing? Love ya!💜

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