Chapter 4

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Hoseok was checking on Taehyung's pulse which was relatively low. Taehyung was whimpering in his sleep. Taehyung was mumbling a lot of words in his sleep the closest words they could figure out was
'No!!! Stop....No!!......Hyung!! Help me....'
Jimin was close to tears. Yoongi had bought him in a hug and pulled him out of the room and towards his own room. He had played Jimin's favourite movie and made him lay down on the bed with himself. Jimin had struggled to go check on either of the one but Yoongi's stern glare was enough to stop Jimin.
Namjoon was cuddling Jungkook and keeping an eye on him worried that he would wake up and ask for his Tae hyung.
Jin had immediately bought Taehyung in a hug trying to wake him up but of no use. He had enough and at the right time Hoseok was back with a glass of water and sprinkled it on Taehyung. Taehyung woke up with a gasp and coughed around taking huge breaths of air. Jin was rubbing his back to calm him down.
Taehyung was not in his sense when he saw both of his hyung, he looked around the room and found out that he was sleeping in Jimin's room. He was scared Hoseok would know that he was beaten up. He was afraid to let his hyungs know everything. He didn't want anyone to know about the incident. He wanted to be alone. The only thing which he did was yell and push out both Jin and Hoseok out of the room even though his body hurt like hell.
He could hear Jin yelling to open the door but Taehyung had slid downwards and bought his knees towards his chest and was crying and whimpering silently. He wanted his hyungs to hold him, comfort him and assure him that everything is all right but he was scared he would get scolded by them for acting out impulsively.
Hearing Jin yell all the members except Jungkook rushed out. Hoseok explained what happened. Jimin assured them that he could sneak into his room by the balcony and he remembered that his balcony door was opened. He assured everyone that he would talk to Taehyung. Taehyung and Jimin were like two bodies but one soul. Hyung line nodded and left to complete their works.
Jimin struggled to climb up to his balcony. He always wondered how it was so easy to get down and so difficult to climb up. He entered his room quietly and looked around to witness Taehyung crouched in the corner with his legs up to his chest and face buried between them. His figure was shaking and Jimin could figure out that Taehyung was crying.
He slowly approached Taehyung and pat on Taehyung's head. Taehyung looked up afraid only to see his hyungs soft face gazing at him with love and adoration. Jimin left a few small pecks on Taehyung's head. Taehyung's face was flushed in red and looked horrible with the amount of crying he had done. Jimin just cooed.
Taehyung immediately wrapped arms on his small hyung and let out heart wrenching sobs. Knowing Taehyung by heart Jimin knew that Taehyung is not the one to share his worries, concern and anything hurting him. Jimin mentally sighed at the amount of coaxing it would take for Taehyung to utter out everything he had bottled up.
Jimin managed to bring Taehyung on the bed and rubbed his back to calm him down, that is when Taehyung hissed loudly as more tears sprang into his eyes. He tried controlling it but couldn't. He again let out heart wrenching sobs.
Jimin frowned and slowly tried lifting Taehyung's t-shirt to which Taehyung freaked out and pushed Jimin as he himself crawled to the other side of the bed. Jimin was shocked at Taehyung's actions. Jimin slowly tried calming Taehyung down and tried looking under his shirt but Taehyung was not giving any chances. Now, Jimin had two options either to be the strict hyung and sternly tell him to take off his shirt or be the sweet hyung and coaxing him into doing it. Jimin chose the second option to not scare the younger anymore.
'Tae bear,... You trust your hyung right?' questioned Jimin in a sweet tone to which Taehyung nodded.
'Then, baby why are you stopping hyung from taking of your T-shirt, baby!' asked Jimin again as softly as he could. He knew it was working because he could see Taehyung mentally nodding at his words.
'Shall I take off your T-shirt baby?' Jimin finally succeeded as Taehyung let out a tiny nod. Jimin peppered Taehyung's face with kisses as a silent reward. Jimin then slowly and gently took off Taehyung's T-shirt only to stare at all the purple, blue bruises left everywhere on his body. Taehyung started crying hysterically as Jimin left out a shocked gasp.
Jimin felt awful. How could he react like that? He had to be calm. Jimin then slowly embraced Taehyung and shushed him. Taehyung was too tired and exhausted, he wanted to rest. Jimin slightly relaxed knowing that Taehyung was tired because Taehyung was tired means easy way to get his answers.
'Tae baby can you tell hyung what happened? Hmm, Who did this baby?' In no time Taehyung started speaking and Jimin gave out a slight smile looking at his baby bear on his lap all small and vulnerable.
'Hyung, I was talking to Jungkook before his punishment. When I asked why did he fail, he told me that he was busy playing videogames the day before his exams. I asked him that he had failed the entire test which meant that he had not read anything. So I questioned why hadn't he paid attention in class and revised it after the class. I asked why he didn't do that.Jungkook said 'no'. I was shocked hyung. Jungkook didn't want to share his worries with me hyung. He hates me hyung. He hates me. He doesn't trust me hyung. Am I that bad hyung? Does Kookie not trust me hyung? Does Koo hates me Hyung? Stuttered out Taehyung. Jimin was shocked hearing Taehyung's words. How could Taehyung think like that?.
'No baby, Kookie doesn't hate you. He loves you the most. He trusts you a lot baby. Kookie might have his reasons why he didn't tell you Tae, that doesn't mean Koo hates you baby. Stop overthinking everything Tae. We have talked about this habit of yours. Jungkook loves you, he trusts you, you are his hyung and always remember that okay baby?' Jimin explained Taehyung softly but also in a stern tone to let Taehyung know that everything he thinks is not right. Jimin encouraged Taehyung to continue what happened next.
'Hyung then, I told him to roll his pants and bring me the wooden scale. I thought of spanking his calves 5 times on each leg and swatting him 20 times on each knuckles. Was the punishment too much? Hyung?' asked Taehyung innocently.
'Tae, if you think Jungkook should receive so much for his mistake then it is not too much baby, but it also depends on Kookie's emotional strength. His thoughts. His worries. That is the reason Hyung's always talk to us before the punishment. Imagine if I start punishing you without giving you a chance to explain, then how would you feel baby?'
'I would feel awful. I would feel like you hate me and not trust me.'
'Correct. So always talk to Kookie before you punish. If you are too angry then do not punish him. You can get any one of us to help you. You are punishing Koo to make him know that his mistakes are not acceptable and he needs to not repeat it again and you are not punishing him to impose pain baby, then that will be abuse Tae' explained Jimin softly to which Taehyung nodded his head.
'Hyung, I then swatted his knuckles. He was crying too much so I gave up on punishing his calves. I was about to console him hyung but I thought that Koo doesn't trust me so I told him to face the wall and left the room. I was upset hyung. I even spoke harshly with all the hyungs they must be angry with me' sobbed Taehyung.
'No one is angry on you. You did a mistake and we are right here to correct you. We are disappointed but not angry baby. We love you too much to be angry at you' consoled Jimin.
'I didn't know where I was going hyung. I was just driving. I felt hungry so I stopped at a dhaba. I, then switched on my mobile to see so many missed calls from all of you. Yoongi hyung will kill me, I haven't picked his calls' whined Taehyung to which Jimin let out a soft chuckle.
'Then I remembered about Kookie, so I took u-turn and was driving towards the mansion when this one van came up in front of mine. I stopped the car. One guy walked out and asked me to roll down the glass. As soon as I did he stole my chain hyung and then they started beating me' cried Taehyung as he was slightly shaking. Jimin hugged Taehyung gently to let Taehyung know that his hyung was right there to protect him.
' I woke up after a few minutes and saw that there was nothing in the car. My mobile was gone, my wallet, everything. I just rode home to check on Kookie. I don't even remember anything properly until Kook was sleeping while holding me, hyung. It was my favourite chain. My dad gave it to me. I want it back' cried out Taehyung. Jimin let Taehyung cry and he gently picked Taehyung with him and walked towards the hall where all his hyungs were. Luckily Taehyung was busy crying that he didn't notice that he was being carried or else it would have been an hustle to carry him downstairs.
Hearing to Taehyung cries, the hyung line went quite. They then spotted Jimin carrying Taehyung while Taehyung was shirtless. They then saw the bruises and let out a shocked gasp......

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