Chapter 103

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'Hyung, Jason hyung is back!' yelled Hoseok loudly and in a matter of seconds Jin and Jimin were racing to reach Jason first.

Jason was dumbfounded when he found himself in a tight hug by his love as well as his brother-like person.

'What happened?' asked Jason in confusion.

'We thought you left' spoke Jimin and Jason shook his head but stopped mid way when he realised Jimin just spoke.

'Jimin, you spoke?' asked Jason not believing his ears. Jimin just shyly nodded his head.

'Ohh, my god! Jiminie I am so proud of you!' yelled Jason and hugged Jimin again totally forgetting another person who hugged him.

Jin mumbled something and walked away with nothing but fresh tears in his eyes. He was insecure about Jason and Jimin's relationship. He was insecure of their bond. He loves both to the moon and back but couldn't help being worried of Jimin taking away Jason and Jason completely forgetting him for someone better. Little did he know the efforts Jason took to make him his!

Jason parted away from Jimin and pecked his forehead lovingly and looked to find Jin but he was nowhere there. He was confused about Jin's behaviour but shrugged it off when Jimin pulled his jacket.

'Hyungie, you love me right?' asked Jimin and Jason looked around. He held onto the younger's hand and brought him towards the pool.

They both situated themselves next to each other like before and remembered their talk last time.


'Hyung, whom do you love?' asked Jimin.

'I and sorry, this isn't my place to say whom I do love bud, but he is very special in my heart and no one can ever take his place ever' explained Jason.

'But, he is never around!' stubbornly spoke Jimin as Jason chuckled.

'He is, but he prioritizes his brothers more than me' answered Jason truthfully as a year slid down his cheek. Jimin felt bad at that.

'He doesn't deserve you!' huffed Jimin and Jason shook his head.

'I don't deserve him, it's not the other way around' spoke Jason with so much love in his voice that anyone could say how whipped he was to his love.

'Is it Jin hyung?' asked Jimin as his tears kept building up and he was trying too hard to not let it slide.

Jason knew he couldn't push it anymore so he just nodded his head with so much adoration for Jin that Jimin knew he was never a choice for Jason. Somewhere, he hated Jin for taking his first love away but he also knew none were at fault except him who kept going back to Jason like a fool after knowing that he had someone.

The guilt finally tripped as Jimin started sobbing and Jason hesitantly approached him. Jimin immediately buried his self in Jason's lap and cried. Once he finishes crying, his words bought tears to the older eyes.

'I love you hyung, I love you so much! That I knew you had someone, I knew it was Jin hyung but I didn't want to believe. I wanted you, but I was wrong Hyung. I don't deserve you nor do you deserve me. I will try my best to forget you hyung, I will try my best to move on' yelled Jimin and ran away.


'Jimin, we talked about this last time' said Jason as Jimin nodded his head and splashed water by his legs.

'We did hyung, but' said Jimin as Jason looked at him to continue the sentence.

'But, will I be your favourite brother in law?' asked Jimin and Jason looked at him with gaping eyes. Brother in law was new and he was happy to hear that.

Jason pulled Jimin in a proud hug and nodded his head.

'Will you be there for me?' asked Jimin.

'Always, you will find me and Jin hyung next to you bud' answered Jason.

'Will you love me?' asked Jimin.

'I and Jin love all of you!' answered Jason.

'Will you take care of me?' asked Jimin.

'I and Jin will always be next to you while you are sick, worried, concerned, angry, frustrated, irritated and everything buddy' answered Jason.

'Will you help me?' asked Jimin.

'You can anytime find me and Jin to help you bud' said Jason.

Jimin sat quiet and Jason did too. The way Jason answered each question with Jin someway warmed Jimin's heart. He knew Jason was one in million not for him but for his brother who have suffered enough in life. He knew Jin deserved Jason and Jason did too. He was finally, happy for his brother.

Jimin lenaed in for a hug and hugged Jason as Jason did too.

They finally walked back to their room where they passed Jin's room and Jason decided to talk to Jin.

Jason entered his room with Jimin following him.

'Jij, you fine?' asked Jason as Jin turned around with nothing but anger.

'Where were you?' asked Jin and Jason sighed and explained the events.

'Why didn't you pick my call?' screamed Jin as Jason looked at him with big eyes.

'I was worried. I thought something happ-' Jason didn't let Him completed his words as he pulled him to his chest and allowed Jin to sob his heart out. Once Jin completed sobbing he started hitting Jason.

'I hate you!' yelled Jin with tears in his eyes and those tears showed how worried and concerned he was and how much he loved Jason. Jin continued hitting Jason like a kid throwing a tantrum and Jason just smiled.

Those hits hurt but not much than seeing his baby crying.

'Shh! Sh! Sh!' shushed Jason and pulled Him to bed with him laying next to him. His eyes fell on Jimin who was looking at them now awkwardly. And in an instant both Jin and Jason extended their arms inviting Jimin to sleep with them.

Jimin happily jumped and slept in between like a kid sleeping in between their parents and in no time Jimin was asleep while Jin and Jason looked at him with adoration and shared a tiny kiss and dozed off.

Hey guys! Don't come at me for it not being about brothers, we all know it took too long for them to come around! Now is the time, don't u think?

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