Chapter 48

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Jin's cries intensified second by second and Jason was getting more worried as the time grew. Yoongi's misunderstanding, yet again, took another toll on him and Jin just drowned himself with self hate.

Jason couldn't witness Jin like that. How had been Jin living all this time with so much in his hands? With Yoongi misunderstanding Jin so much, and no one else being there for him. His parents were no more and he had to take care of the entire company all by himself when he was so young that to with no support from anyone. He didn't had anyone to listen to him and care about him.

Jason was sure that he wasn't going to leave Jin's side now, that he was back. Even if Jin himself pushed him out of his life he was damn sure that he would come back one way or another way. But now he had to take care of his love who was crying his heart out now close to wailing and that shook Jason completely.

The stench of the blood on Jin's clothes and his shirt was killing his nose. It was real bad. He was sure he will have to disregard both his and Jin's clothes. He had to get Jin to stop crying at any cost.

Jason tried whispering sweet nothings, holding him, embracing him, snuggling closer to him, patting his back, stroking his head and almost everything he could think off. The stench was not letting him concentrate and it was kinda irritating Jin too.

Jason just couldn't take it anymore and stripped to his underpants. He left Jin to cry all he want and he was now completly frustrated about everything. He ran a bath and picked Jin as Jin's hands were held close between their chests and Jin's legs were snaked around his waist.

Jason carried him to the sink counter and made him sit there and he took the quickest shower of his life. He covered himself with a bathrobe and disregarded Jins clothes making him completely naked. He proceeded to carry Jin to the bath and immerse him until his entire body was immersed and his head was peeking out.

Jin was tired by then and was sniffling silently which Jason was thankful for. Jason proceeded to wash Jin thoroughly and cleanly as Jin dozed off. Jason did his best to support Jin and clean him as he didn't wanted Jin to drown in his sleep.

Once finished he let the water drown and picked Jin up wrapping him in a bubbly, comfy towel and wiped him dry. He proceeded to dress Jin in one of the most comfortable clothing and tucked him in.

He dressed himself up and headed to the basement to have one last look of his bestfriend. Even though his bestfriend betrayed, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Daniel was the person whom he trusted even before Jin. He made his heart cold and witnessed his bestfriend's dead body.

'Prepare for a funeral' coldly said Jason and made his way out.

He entered the kitchen and started preparing some food for himself and Jin. He was sure Jin would be hungry when he wakes up. He also gave a thinking about how could he help Jin and Yoongi talk but gave up on that as it was in between brothers and he didn't want to interfere between them.

Jin had woken up after 3 hours of sleep and his body craved more. He stretched his arms and woke up and walked towards the living room to find Jason looking into some matter with all his concentration.

Jin just popped beside him.

'How are you feeling baby' asked Jason still staring into the file. Jin groaned at that question and just laid his head on Jason's shoulder.

'No, no you need to eat something.' said Jason closing the file and giving his concentration to Jin. Jin just sleepily hummed and closed his eyes. Jason playfully ruffled his hairs.

'No, sleeping sleepy baby. You just woke up' softly said Jason.

'Humm' angrily Jin groaned. Jason slowly pushed Jin away from his shoulders and woke up to get Jin's share of food. He ended up feeding Jin.

Jin finished eating and closed his eyes lazily as he thought through all the stuff taking place. He didn't know where he found the new confidence but he decided he would go back and talk to Yoongi. If he needs to tie Yoongi and make him listen then he will, was all he could think off.

'What are you thinking' inquired Jason. Jin again groaned at that.

'Just thinking of ways to talk with my stubborn cat' said Jin. Jason gave a confused look and in a second he made a face of realisation.

'You mean Yoongi?' asked Jason. Jin chuckled.

'Yes!! I mean my Yoon' said Jin and sighed.

'What are you thinking of telling him? How are you gonna talk to him? He seems pretty stubborn.' voiced out Jason.

'Yaya, he is stubborn but I know I can talk to him. Afterall, I am his Hyung' proudly said Jin and sighed again.

'But before that, can you cuddle me?' asked Jin taking Jason by surprise. Jason nodded and sat beside Jin. The cuddling session ended up with a movie night and they both slept on top of each other in the living room sofa.

Jason woke up in the middle of the night and switched off the T.V. He then carried Jin to the bedroom and laid beside Jin. Jin unknowingly curled and snuggled towards Jason and Jason protectively held onto Jin. Jason drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't even an hour since Jason slept for the second time he was awoke by a call by his right hand men.

'Hello' answered Jason.

'Boss, Kim Jungkook is in the park alone. Crying and staring at the stars' informed the man.

Jason was shocked by the information.

'Are you sure no one's around?' question Jason.

'Yes boss' said The man.

'Keep an eye on him, I will come there and send me the address' ordered Jason and cut the call.

Jason then woke Jin up and informed about Jungkook. Jin wasn't surprised that Jason was keeping an eye on his family because he kinda expected that.

Jason and Jin immediately drove towards the park only to witness.......

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