Chapter 18

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Jungkook was the first to get up and Jin was still asleep. Jungkook looked at Jin's face and he let out a loud cry not being able to silence himself. Jungkook tightened his hold on Jin squeezing him in the process. Jin woke up hearing the cries and feeling suffocated between so many pillows and blankets.

He figured out, it was Jungkook who was crying. Jin managed to wake up and rest against the headboard to look at the younger.

'H...hyung so...sorry, I...I didn't...mean it hy...hyung. I I youuu hy...Hyung' stuttered Jungkook. Jin knew the younger didn't mean anything. He knew Jungkook loved him a lot. He knew it was just a heat in the moment.

Jin embraced Jungkook which relieved the younger. By then, everyone else had come to them hearing to the younger's cries. Namjoon stayed put out of the door not daring to walk in.

'H...hyung, don't ha...hate' sobbed Jungkook.

'Hyung, doesn't hate you buddy. Hyung loves you a lot. Hyung knows my bunny was just angry. It's okay baby. Mistakes happen' said Jin calming Jungkook down. He then noticed the younger's swollen hands.

'No sorry baby, you are punished so it's all forgiven now' assured Jin. He then managed to open the side draw while leaning against the bed and fished out the healing cream. He gently applied it on the younger's hand and knuckles again after Jimin had applied it the last night.

'Jungkook, aren't you forgetting something?' questioned Taehyung which got the younger to bolt to his room and return back with the book where he had written 100 lines as his punishment. He shyly gave it to Jin. Jin looked through the book and called Jungkook for another comforting hug. He pecked Jungkook's head and forehead making the younger giggle. The giggles filled the room, which settled everyone's heart except Namjoon's who just walked away.

'Bub, get ready. You have classes' reminded Taehyung.

'I am not going hyung. I wanna stay with hyungie' answered Jungkook with a barely audible voice looking at his hyungie, Jin. Jin nodded his head and the younger screamed in happiness and squished the older in his hug. Everyone joined them for group hug except Namjoon. Everyone noticed the missing person but decided to stay quiet not wanting to spoil the moment. Jungkook made it very clear that Jin was only for himself for the entire day by clinging onto him and whining even if Jin moved a little. Taehyung was jealous but he just smiled knowing that it would put everything back to how it was.
It had been a week and Namjoon was being ignored yet again.

'No sorry baby, you are punished so it's all forgiven now'
'No sorry baby, you are punished so it's all forgiven now'
No sorry baby, you are punished so it's all forgiven now'
'No sorry baby, you are punished so it's all forgiven now'

These words repeated in Namjoon's mind over and over again. He regretted his words. He knew he did wrong. It took a lot of time for him to know that he did a mistake but at the end he accepted it. He was guilty. Even he wanted to hug Jin and talk to his brothers like before. He decided what he was going to do.

He changed into a thin shorts and walked upto Yoongi and Hoseok who was sitting in the hall watching T.V. It was evening and the maknae line had been out to bring some supplies the maknae needed for his project. Jin was in his room probably working.

Yoongi and Hoseok noticed Namjoon and got back to ignoring the younger. Namjoon felt tears roll down his already swollen and tired eyes. He kneeled down in front of them and looked down.

'Punish me, Hyung' whispered Namjoon shocking both Yoongi and Hoseok, but they were fast to mask their faces.

'Why, should we?' questioned Yoongi.

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