Chapter 157

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'Jungkook, get down. Have your lunch, here' called Jin while unpacking Jungkook's share of food. Jungkook pouted but nevertheless for down and waddled towards his box and was about to go back to Taehyung but was stopped by Jin.

'Koo, sit on the couch and finish it. Don't trouble Taehyung, he needs to eat too' Jin pointed out as Jungkook huffed and sat down.

'Its ok bun! Hyung, and he doesn't trouble me he sticks with me through thick and thin so don't call him a trouble' Taehyung stated in anger as Jin just sighed. Namjoon gave a confused glance but nevertheless kept quiet when Hoseok gestured for him not to confront.

'Minnie, here. Finish up' said Jin handing Jimin the food as Jimin just nodded. Jin made his way to Taehyung.

He opened up the box which contained the same porridge and blessings softly on it and bought it near to Taehyung's mouth but Taehyung turned away.

'I don't want to eat. I am not hungry, and you can stop your fake act now' Taehyung stated too angry at his brothers. But, Jin was Jin he didn't want to give up, not when he knew that he hadn't eaten for 4 days.

'Tae, come on baby. Don't be like this, hyung is sorry very very sorry, come on open up baby' Jin sweet talked hoping Taehyung would open up but that only resulted in Taehyung turning the other side and lying down. Jin sighed.

He kept the box on the table and approached Taehyung again, lovingly and managed to turn him which irritated Taehyung.

Jin took the box again and bent down to raise the bed so that Taehyung would be in sitting position but that just angered Taehyung and he ended up pushing Jin's hand away which caused Jin to lose balance and hurt his already injured leg. Unknowingly, he left the box fall from his hand which poured directly on Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung jolted at the burning sensation and hissed in pain. The porridge was not very hot and that just relieved Jin. He immediately scooped up the rice which was on Taehyung's hand in his bare hands and blowed on his palm to lessen the pain as Hoseok immediately was bought with the necessary stuff to treat it.

Taehyung's eyes was filled with tears, and Jin wiped his hand in the towel and tried hugging him to which Taehyung just pushed him away. Jimin, closed the box and got on Taehyung's bed and hugged him tightly not letting Taehyung to move which irritated Taehyung more.

'Leave me! I said move away, I don't want anyone of you around! Leave!!' Taehyung screamed as tears made its way down.

Jin sighed and called Jimin as Jimin just stepped down hurt by Taehyung's actions. He sulked and was about to walk away but Namjoon was soon to call Jimin towards him and comfort him.

Hoseok finished treating the wound and left letting Him to handle the situation.

'Tae, I know you are angry at us and we are sorry. It's fair for you to be angry too but please just have something. I am sorry for everything' Jin apologised hoping that would calm Taehyung down but Taehyung wasn't having it.

Jin, again sat down and bought a spoonful of food to his mouth as Taehyung stubbornly closed his mouth and flared his arms causing the spoon to fall along with the box as Jin was holding it close to not let the food fall.

'Taehyung!' Namjoon yelled in anger as Jin just sighed.

'I will just clean this up' announced Jin pointing at his clothes and walked out.

Hoseok called for the cleaning staff to clean the floor. He looked through the boxes Jin had bought and found another box which Jin prepared just in case.

Hoseok was about to approach him but Jungkook beat him to it.

'Hyung, you didn't had to push the food away. You don't even know Jin hyung got burnt while preparing it. He spilled the entire thing on his legs and again prepared it stating that Taehyung doesn't like porridge without pepper. He didn't even sit for a second when reached the mansion' Jungkook spoke up as a matter of fact.

'What! Jin hyung burnt himself? Where when?'

'He dropped the pot on his leg. He didn't let Yoonie hyung treat it as he was getting late. His leg looked a bit red though' Jungkook uttered while blowing the spoon of food.

He was trying to feed Taehyung while he couldn't. Don't blame him, he was used to getting fed not feed someone else. Jimin sighed at the futile attempt and witnessed how Namjoon was deep in his slumber. Jimin pecked his hyungs cheeks and got down.

He took the box from Jungkook and signed him to move to which Jungkook smiled embarrassed and got on Taehyung's lap again. Unusually, he was being clingy with Taehyung a lot today and who was Taehyung to mind either.

Jimin, bought the spoon to Taehyung's mouth and Taehyung ate that bite with tears flowing down and the room fell in silence as only occasional sobbing sounds were heard from the second youngest. Jungkook was wiping his tears but Taehyung just sat there crying.

Once finished, Jimin packed up the box and wiped the youngest mouth and helped him sip water. Hoseok bought two pills and Taehyung ate it with no tantrums as firstly he was guilty and secondly the other option would be injections and he just couldn't take that.

In a few minutes, Taehyung fell asleep with Jungkook on the bed cuddling each other..

'Hyung, where is Jin hyung? He ain't back yet?' asked Jimin as Hoseok just convinced him while hiding the fact that he himself was worried too.

By then, Yoongi and Alex came back and the first thing Yoongi did was to check up on both his maknaes. He sat there tired and wondered where Hoseok and Jin were. To which Jimin answered that Hoseok went to check on his patients and hesitated to answer about Jin.

Finally, after lots of asking Jimin let out what happened and Yoongi just sighed. He wondered where the elder would have gone. For a second, he thought he would be with Jason but shrugged that thought off immediately. As if one que, his phone rung with Jason's name flashing on the screen.

Yoongi panicked at that.....

Hey guys!!!! Double update done!! In return wish me luck ✨ . How is it! And why is Yoongi panicking? Why is Jason calling? Where is Jin? Is Taehyung right to be angry? Love ya!! Now let me disappear for a while, haha!

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