Chapter 37

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Jin trembled looking at the one standing in front of him. Yes, he was searching for him the whole month but he had got no results. The entire month he was away from his brothers, he was busy searching the person in front of him, but now when the said person was right infront of him, Jin trembled in fear, anxiety.

'What are you doing here?' spat Jin, angrily trying to be bold and standing up from the chair.

The person in front of him scoffed and then chuckled, he then sat in front of the desk and put his legs on the table pissing of Jin.

Jin swung his hand at full force and punched the man in his nose causing the man to fall off from the chair as his blood flowed through his nose. Jin sat on that man and continued throwing punches but as the punches lasted it grew weaker and in no time Jin's punch had no effect and he was sobbing.

The man named, Jason grasped Jin's both hands and sat up while Jin still straddled his lap. Jason continued to pull Jin into a warm hug and Jin snuggled closer wanting some warmth.

After a few minutes when Jin seemed to have realised what he was doing harshly got up. Jason stood next to him.

'How dare you? How dare you blackmail Kookie, How dare you show me your face after taking everything from me. How dare you? You broke me. You harassed Tae. You killed my mother. You killed my father. You kidnapped Kook. You blackmailed Kook. You tried touching Kook.' Jin failed to continue as he was now gasping for air after accusing Jason for everything that had been going on.

Jason was hurt, he was close to tears but he knew he had to be strong. He couldn't see his love, Jin like that. Yes. Jin and Jason dated. They were each other's first love. They were so full of love and the fact that they both were popular was not helpful.

Jin and Jason then turned out to be the biggest enemies of each other due to misunderstandings. Jin believed that Jason was the one who tried to harass his younger brother but Jin knew nothing. Jason was hurt when Jin accused him and he didn't clear his name that's how Jin and Jason longed for each other every day every night but couldn't be together.

'You are accusing me of many things Kim Seokjin' coldly spoke Jason. The voice which still sent shivers down Jin's spine.

Jin gulped in fear but he wasn't going to back down. Jason knew he needed to have a civilised conversation and if Jin continued accusing things and if, he led his emotions lead him then for a fact they wouldn't end the matter. He had let the misunderstanding stay for years and now he would clear his name at any cost.

'Sit down' ordered Jason. Jin had this urge to follow the commands and he immediately sat down on his chair. Jason sat opposite to him. Jin looked down.

'Eyes up' ordered Jason and Jin followed.
'Now, I will explain some things and you WILL cooperate' coldly said Jason to which Jin nodded while trying his best to maintain eye contact. Jason inwardly cooed at Jin's red face which was swollen and puffed up. His black circles was visible and that hurt Jason.

'Firstly, I didn't harass Tae' started Jason and Jin's face clenched in anger.

'Do not fu*king lie, for god's sake Jas-' Jin tried arguing or more like screaming.

'Shut up.' Jason ordered and swiftly moved towards Jin. In a second Jason had Jin over his lap. Jason didn't wait a second longer and bought his hand down hardly on Jin's bottom.

The sudden pain ran through his nerves and caused Jin to halt down and focus on the constant spanks he was receiving. It helped Jin to concentrate only on one thing and not run his mind over hundred different things.

Jason gave about 25 spanks to Jin and Jin was already reacting to it and started to sob.

Jason then lifted Jin a bit and Jin thought it was over but how wrong was he. Jason proceeded to hook his fingers to Jin's pants and pulled them down and he proceeded to pull down his underpants. Jin seemed to react and he brought his hands to his waistband and tried pulling it up.

' not bare. Stop...stop...stop' screamed Jin. Jason scoffed at that.

'Why should I stop?'.saecastically asked Jason and proceeded to harshly pull down his pants making him half naked.

'Why. Should. I?' again questioned Jason and smacked at each word.

'Didn't you push Jungkook to the extent that he fainted? Didn't you make Namjoon punish Taehyung when he made a small mistake? Didn't you punish Namjoon when it was not even his mistake? Didn't you punish Yoongi so hard that the poor guy was bleeding? And not to mention did you provide any after care for either of them?' lectured Jason and laid harsh spanks on his bottom.

His bottom was deep red and Jin was drowning in guilt. Jin didn't even get a thought that how Jason knew all of it.

Jason didn't slow down and continued as Jin whimpered.

'Ahh!! Stop. Sorry...sorry...sorry' sobbed Jin. Jason knew it was time to wrap the punishment. Jason also knew that this reminder was needed for Jin to let him know that there was someone he could lean on, there was someone who would take care of him.

'You don't need any after care, do you?' asked Jason. Jin whimpered at that and he couldn't voice out his thoughts and he started crying hard at the thought that Jason would leave him after punishing him. Jin started hyperventialting and gasping for air. Jason didn't panic.

Jason gently made Jin sit sideways on his lap and rubbed his back.

'Breath in......breath' guided Jason and Jin struggled to follow but Jason helped him through it. Jin's breathing was stable and Jason put him back at his position.

'Now, will you hear me?' Jason questioned, voice still strict. Jin half nodded and stopped.

'Y..yes' hoarsely replied Jin.

Jason had stopped spanking and was now massaging his butt gently.

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