Chapter 131

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'Dale, why are you crying?' asked Hoseok worried completely as Dale wasn't calming down.

' little sister die......died' cried Dale as Hoseok sat there in shock. Hoseok immediately gathered himself up and tightened the hug as Dale took all the comfort from him.

Letting out the grief helped Dale calm down but by bit as he was no longer sobbing just hiccuping. Hoseok held a glass of water and helped Dale drink it as Dale choked on it. Hoseok helped him thoroughly to calm down.

Hoseok then held Dale's hand and walked him out as he came face to face with Alex.

'Hy... I mean sir, I and Alex are taking a leave this week' uttered Hoseok and walked further as Alex just stood there in confusion.

'H..hyung' tried Dale as Hoseok just shushed him softly.

Hoseok took his car as Dale was astonished to find the super luxurious car owned by Hoseok because Dale thought the elder was an intern just like him. And he never knew Hoseok came from a rich family or background.

'Address' asked Hoseok to which Dale looked up at him with confusion.

'Address of your place Dale. You can't just cry you gotta take care of your parents they need you right?' softly reminded Hoseok as Dale just nodded with tears again clouding his vision. Nevertheless, Dale gave his address to Hoseok and it was about 5 hours long drive.

Hoseok turned on a soft, mellow music to calm the younger down as Dale just stared out with silent tears rolling down his cheeks. Before he knew he was asleep with dried tears tracking down his way.

Hoseok stopped the car and leaned Dale's seat so that the younger was much comfortable and covered him in a blanket and adjusted the temperature of the car and resumed the journey.

Halfway through, Hoseok noticed a restaurant and stopped knowing that Dale would definitely need something in his system. He shook the younger awake as Dale had no appetite. Hoseok still forced a few bites of food to Dale's system and hummed as he paid.

Dale was awake for the remaining journey staring out as the trees passed by. He noticed that he was near to his village, the place where he lived. He didn't come from a wealthy background rather he came from a family who had a grocery store in the village and lived on the profit of day to day. There were days where they had nothing to eat and drink when the sales went down. All in all, Dale came from a very poor background but he studied hard to get a medical degree throug various scholarships.

Dale was all of a sudden self conscious about Hoseok being there. From the car he was travelling he knew very well that Hoseok came from a very rich background and now that he thinks Hoseok is somewhat related to Alex and Alex owns the hospital. Dale was not ready for the older's condemnation upon his poor state.

'Hey, you okay there?' softly asked Hoseok as he rested his one hand on Dale's thighs as a comforting gesture pulling Dale from his thoughts. Dale just gave an awkward smile as the mere physical touch was exciting Dale in weird ways.

On the other hand, Jimin was in Yoongi's office as Yoongi stared at him. Taehyung stood next to Jimin knowing very well that Jimin was caught because of him.

'Kim Jimin, do you mind explaining why do you love taking Taehyung's mistakes on your own self?' questioned Yoongi as Jimin just looked down and Taehyung just shrugged.

'Kim Taehyung, pick Jungkook up from school. Drop him back home and meet Jin hyung and then me' ordered Yoongi as Taehyung gulped and walked away worrying for his own future self who for sure will have a lot of scoldings and punishment to take.

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