Chapter 67

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Jason woke up to find himself alone in the room. He looked around in search of his mobile but he was not able to find it. He groaned and stared at the ceiling with lots of thoughts running in his mind. He was thinking about his brother, his sister in law, his neice, Jin, Yoongi everyone.

He was taken away from his thoughts when the door was harshly opened by his right hand men.

'Boss' said his men. Jason raised his eyebrow at that to ask what.

'Namjoon, is arrested by the New York police. He was caught for overspeeding.' informed his men. Jason looked at him in shock. He was about to reply when he was cut off by someone.

'What!!!' gasped Hoseok in shock.

Jason slowly sat on the bed and released himself from the I.V. He made his way towards Hoseok and signalled his men to leave who followed.

'Hoseok, I will take care of it. There is no need to worry. Where is Jin?' softly spoke Jason knowing very well panicking was not an option.

'Jin hyung, is at home' answered Hoseok. Jason nodded at that

'Come on then', let's head home' said Jason and started walking towards the door.

'But, you need rest. You can't take off the I.V.' voiced out Hoseok in concern. Jason, gave out a genuine smile.

'I will be fine.' answered Jason and held Hoseok's hand pulling him with himself to the mansion.

Jason was met with dead silence in the mansion.

'Hyungs!' yelled Hoseok not caring about anything. Jin, Yoongi came downstairs followed by Jimin and Taehyung.

'What's wrong, hobi' asked Yoongi.

'Jason, I clearly told you to rest!' said Jin in an angry tone. Jason shook his head and Hoseok's teary eyes caught Jimin's attention.

'Hyung, why are you crying? And Jason Hyung you need to rest.' asked Jimin and hooked his arm with Jason's pulling him to the couch and making him comfortable. Yoongi shook his head at younger's desperate trying to make the older like him while Jin looked the other way to stop his hurting heart.

'Joonie, is arrested' said Hoseok immediately taking everyone's attention towards him. Jin looked at Jason to ask whether the news was true or no.

Jason took a deep breath.

'Namjoon, was arrested for overspeeding, in New York' said Jason.

'But, he had a meeting to attend' voiced out Yoongi. Jason looked elsewhere not knowing any other information. Taehyung was busy calling Namjoon's number only for it to show that the mobile was switched off.

Jin was feeling low. He felt like a failure, not being able to take care of anything. Jason pulled Jin beside him and hugged him to give him some emotional support knowing that Jin was beating himself up again. Jimin looked away in jealousy and pure hatred towards Jin.

'I will look into the matter. Namjoon, will be back tonight. Don't worry guys. My men are already in touch with the New York police' said Jason and he could feel something else was also wrong.

Jungkook descended down the stairs rubbing his eyes and hugged Taehyung. Taehyung was startled by the sudden hug but returned back the hug with as much love as possible.

'Are you okay, bub?' softly asked Taehyung as Jungkook nodded in return.

'I wan appa' whispered Jungkook. Everyone heard that. Jin took a breather to handle another situation.

'Koo, come to hyung' said Jin and Jungkook waddled towards Jin. Jin pulled him on his lap and made the younger straddle him.

'Why do you want Appa?' asked Jin, voice gentle and patient.

'Because, every...everyone have a...appa, I..I want mi..mine too' said Jungkook.

'What would Appa do if he was here baby?' asked Jin.

'H..he would me lo..lots of th..things' said Jungkook.

'Hyungs also buy you everything you asked for' reasoned out Jin.

'He wo..would protect me' said Jungkook.

'Hyungs, also protect you everytime' said Yoongi walking towards the duo and sitting beside Jin the other side of Jason.

'He wo..would love me' whispered Jungkook.

'We all love you Kookie' said Hoseok and stood behind Jungkook.

'He wo..would.....He wo.would' stuttered Jungkook with tears filling his eyes.

Jin pulled him in his embrace.

'Koo, baby, Appa is here with us, all of us. Do you know where he is?' softly asked Jin and Jungkook shook his head. Jin pulled away from the hug and pointed to the younger's heart.

'He is there baby. He is with you all the time. Even now, he is with you' said Jin.

'We can't be your appa baby, but all of us love you, take care of you, protect you and you will always be our first baby we love. We love you loads Koo. Appa, also loves you. But, he is in a better place now. Protecting us, guiding us from above. He wouldn't be happy if he sees you crying like this buddy. Hyung, is always here with you and appa is always around you in one way or the other way.' softly explained Jin. Jungkook snuggled closer to the older's warmth and slumped tiredly.

Jin looked at Yoongi and Jason in unsure face and he was returned with the same.

'Appa loves me?' asked Jungkook. Jin vigorously nodded his head.

'He loves you a lot baby' answered Jin.

'Hmm' sighed Jungkook.

'Wan', Tae hyungie' whispered Jungkook.

'You want Taehyung?' asked Hoseok. Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and picked his baby like a Koala. Jungkook put his head on the older's shoulder and closed his eyes.

'Ice-cweam' mumbled Jungkook and Taehyung chuckled.

'I will take him out hyung. Inform, me about Joonie hyungie' said Taehyung and walked out with Jungkook. He took Jungkook to the ice cream parlour buying him all the ice cream's he asked for.

Taehyung and Jungkook, were sitting in the car.

'Hyung, they tease me' mumbled Jungkook. Taehyung slowed down the car and gazed at the younger.

'Who? Baby' asked Taehyung.

'My classmates, they make fun of me. They say, I am inferior to them and all other stuff. They say.......I don't h..have a....appa, so there w..wil be one to...' broke down Jungkook. Taehyung parked the car and went out to go towards the younger's side.

He picked Jungkook and made his way to the back seat with Jungkook on his lap. Both of them sat in silence as Taehyung played a soothing song and Jungkook was asleep in less than a minute. Taehyung lovingly pecked the younger's forehead and laid him down on the seat.

He then called Jin, and informed him about the younger's bullying and drove back to the mansion. All his brothers were living at the new information.

Yoongi and Hoseok immediately left to the younger's school and spoke to the principal. They made sure that the bullies get the lesson straight into their heads.

They could only worry about Jungkook and Namjoon.

Good news was that Namjoon was released and he was already on the plane back to their country. They had thousands questions running through their heads about Namjoon.

Hey guys!!! Do comment down, pls!!! Also this chapter is not edited. Sorry for the inconvenience 😔

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