Chapter 56

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Currently, Hoseok was sent to Jin's room after Hoseok didn't come back home for two days. Hoseok was overworking and Jin exactly knew how to put him to his place.

Jin entered inside with a cold aura and Hoseok started shaking badly because of the fear and tiredness.

'Kim Hoseok, did you get my permission to stay away from the mansion for 2 days?' questioned Jin and Hoseok immediately shook his head.

' Hyung' said Hoseok, voice extremely low in fear.

'When was the last time you ate?' another question thrown by Jin for which Hoseok looked down in guilt.

'Do. Not. Test. My. Patience.' said Jin stressing each work and scaring the poor soul more.

'I skipped day before yesterday's dinner and yesterday's lunch, hyung.' answered Hoseok trying his best to not stutter.

'What have I told you about skipping meals?' asked Jin.

'You have told not to skip meals, Hyung' replied Hoseok.

'When was the last time you slept?' questioned Jin.

'Friday night' answered Hoseok.

'And, that is two days before, Hoseok' lectured Jin.

'Sorry Hyung' apologised Hoseok.

'Good, that you know your mistake. It's time to face the consequences. Bend over the desk' coldly ordered Jin.

Hoseok wanted to run away. He didn't want to be there. He analysed that Jin was busy rolling his sleeves and wasn't paying attention to him. He looked at the door and made a run for it.

Jin, who didn't expect such a move from the younger one, just shot a glare at the retreating figure and sighed in anger.

Hoseok desperately ran for his life. He ran and ran until he reached Yoongi's bedroom. He barged open the door and jumped at Yoongi who was comfortably lying down on the bed.

'Hyung, save me from Jin hyung. Please, he will kill me for real this time hyung. I am sorry. I will not overwork. I am sorry, I will sleep on time and not skip meals. Hyung please, please' begged Hoseok and finally broke out in cries.

Jin barged open the door to witness Hoseok hugging Yoongi for dear life and Yoongi sighing.

'Kim Hoseok!!' yelled Jin. Hoseok couldn't control himself and started hyperventialting in fear. Yoongi was trying his best to calm Hoseok down while, Jin marched towards Hoseok.

'Kim Hoseok, you don't run away when you are in trouble' said Jin gripping onto Hoseok's forearm tightly as Hoseok tried his best to run away.

'Hyung, stop. He is hyperventialting' yelled Yoongi.

'Hoseok, Hobi, Baby, Hoseok' screamed Yoongi gaining everyone's attention who immediately barged in with worry.

Hoseok seemed to then wake up from his sleep or the worst sleep he ever had. He had the worst nightmare ever possible. Never in this world would Jin treat him so badly. It was just a dream nothing more.

Jin and Jimin's eyes were swollen because of how hard they had cried. Jin didn't move from his place. Namjoon approached Hoseok as Hoseok was completely covered in sweats. Hoseok tried giving a smile to tell others that he was fine.

Yoongi held onto Hoseok as he too snuggled closer.

'Where is Koo?' questioned Taehyung as he looked around.

'He must be sleeping' said Namjoon. Taehyung felt something unusual and decided to check on Jungkook.

He headed to Jungkook's room only to find no one in the room. Taehyung called Jungkook, but to no avail. Taehyung rushed back with worry laced in his face. He calmly explained to everyone that Jungkook was nowhere found.

The panick was getting real when they couldn't find Jungkook anywhere. It was the third round since Yoongi and Namjoon had been searching for Jungkook. Everyone were exahusted.

Jin hadn't slept since Jason's death and that was a week before. Jin most of the time ended up ignoring Jimin not personally but he just couldn't help it. Jimin was in his own imagination.

They couldn't track Jungkook down as his phone layed in his room in the airplane mood. Yoongi and Namjoon returned with sad faces as they couldn't find Jungkook anywhere.

They were about to give up the search for the night when there was a doorbell. Taehyung ran in high hopes that it would be Jungkook and it clearly was Jungkook but not in the state he expected him to be.

Jungkook was drunk senseless and was leaning against a guy who had himself covered in  a trench coat, bucket hat and a mask.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook towards himself and Jungkook had already dozed off in his arms. Taehyung just laid him on the couch.

Yoongi invited the man inside to thank him and that was when the said man removed his coverings. Everyone gasped as it was none other than Jason. Did he come back alive from heaven??

Jin was in shock and didn't believe his eyes for a few minutes. Jimin was surprised and jumped on Jason who caught him effortlessly, while others doubted themselves that they were seeing supernatural things. Their thoughts were cut off by Jimin.

'Thank god! You are back hyung. We thought you died. I missed you' exclaimed Jimin in clear happiness as his happy tears were a proof to that.

Jin backed away in shock.

Hoseok was tired and drained away from the nightmare and he just carried Jungkook to his room and slept.

'Jin' called Jason with nervousness trying to slightly push Jimin off of him. Jin turned around and headed straight to his room. Yoongi just sighed and finally pulled Jimin back. Taehyung sincerely thanked Jason for bringing back Jungkook and left for his room, followed by Namjoon. Jimin was forced upstairs by Yoongi.

'Hyu...Hyung' stuttered Yoongi witnessing Jason head outside. Jason stopped and turned around not expecting Yoongi to use honourifics with him.

'Yoongi, I am sorry. I came back. Jin knew nothing about me. He thought, I was dead. Please don't blame Jin he really didn't know that I was coming' frantically explained Jason which only hurt Yoongi more.

'Hyung' called Yoongi as a tear rolled down his cheek.

'What happened' asked Jason and rushed towards Yoongi.

'Patch up with Jin hyung. I can't see him like this. Please. I am sorry, I pushed you both away. I am sorry' cried Yoongi. Jason wiped away his tears and sighed.

'Jin and I have decided about it Yoongi. It's not because of you. Ask me anything other than that, Yoon. Sorry' spoke Jason and headed out.

'I will visit tomorrow, you all need to talk to Jungkook. This was the second time he sneaked out. You need to keep an eye on that. I guess, I should apologise' said Jason while rubbing his nape and let out a tired groan as he walked out.

Jin on the other hand was able to sleep peacefully after knowing that Jason was alive. He could finally breathe freely and he thanked thousands of god's for bringing Jason safe to him, even though he couldn't claim Jason.

Hey guys!!! Well, where did Jungkook go???? Do let me know your thoughts.


BYE 2022
HEY 2023

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