Chapter 90

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Hoseok was prepared and waited for them. Jason carried him inside.

'Hoseok, I will get one of my doctors to treat him' announced Jason and carried Jimin to his room. Hoseok tried protesting but the other doctor was already on his way.

The doctor was out and both him and Jason shook their hands.

'Is he fine?' uttered Jin and Jason hugged him.

'He isn't fine, but he will be. We will make him fine, won't we?' softly asked Jason as Jin nodded. Yoongi was embracing Hoseok and tried to stay strong.

Jin went closer to them and brought them in a hug. No younger has to hold onto their emotions with an elder present.

'He will be fine. Shh!! We need to be strong for him. Don't cry. Shh!!' consoled Jin and was back to being the hyung he was.

Yoongi and Hoseok calmed down as Taehyung rushed in with worried face. Jin sighed and approached Taehyung.

'Buddy, Jimin will be fine. We will take care of him. I need you to calm down' consoled Jin and bought him next to the others.

'Where is Namjoon?' asked Jin frantically looking around.

He ran down to find Namjoon still in the car silencing his sobs. Jin opened the car door and pulled Namjoon to his embrace.

'Shh! Joonie, Jimin will be fine. Shh!' comforted Jin and brought him with him.

Jason came back with 5 plates of food and laid them on the table. Jin took the initiative and started feeding Taehyung. Taehyung didn't want to eat but Jin was strict enough to make him complete the meal. He did the same with all the others.

'Tae baby, go sleep. It's late. Be with Kookie, and inform me if he wakes up' softly said Jin and forced Taehyung to sleep.

He managed to send Hoseok and Namjoon away too, but Yoongi was adamant on staying with Jimin in his room.

'Kim Yoongi, you can stay here tomorrow. Now head to your room and sleep if you don't want your ass red' threatened Jin but Yoongi didn't move. Jin was losing his patience and was so close to punishing Yoongi but Jason intervened.

He gently took hold of the younger and pulled him to his room as Yoongi tried his best to get away from the grip.

'Yoon, Jin is tired and you are tired too. You need rest, sleep for now. I promise you as soon as Jimin wakes up I will inform you. Now, take these' said Jason and handed him his pills.

'But' tried Yoongi and Jason took that as an opportunity to push the pills in the younger's mouth and forced him to swallow those. Now, in a few minutes the medicines would kick in and Yoongi would be knocked out.

Yoongi glared at Jason in anger and walked out with Jason following. Jin was pissed at his stubborn baby and was ready to give him a spanking of life time but Jason shook his head as no.

Yoongi sat on the couch in Jimin's room and tried his best to stay awake but he couldn't and he slowly slipped into his sleep. Jason chuckled and carried him back.

He had one thing left to do, Jin hasn't eaten the dinner. He mentally prepared himself.

'Jin, come here' coldly called Jason and Jin walked there with confusion laced in his face.

'Sit' ordered Jason's and Jin sat. Jason proceeded to move the spoonful of food near Jin's mouth and Jin shook his head.

'Are you gonna eat it or shall I make you?' threatened Jason and Jin slowly started eating. Once finsihed Jason got up and pecked his cheek.

'Good boy' said Jason  and Jin blushed.

Their moment came to a halt when they heard a whimper from Jimin. Jin rushed to his side.

'Minnie' softly called Jin to which Jimin looked towards him. He slowly remembered everything that took place and he clenched his eyes shut to stop his tears.

'H..Hyu..Hyung' whimpered Jimin and opened his eyes. Jin approached him but Jimin flinched .

'Hey, it's just me, Hyung' said Jin and backed away.

Jason came near them and Jimin just couldn't look at them. He turned around and closed his eyes not responding to Jin's calls as he was too shameful to meet eyes with his hyung.

Jason dragged Jin aside because the last thing he wanted was Jimin feeling that anything was his fault. Jason then came back to Jimin.

'Jimin' called Jason and Jimin peeked up at that.

'Hey, stop buddy. You are with us. Shh!!' tried Jason and approached Jimin. Jason touched Jimin and Jimin yelled. Jason backed away in shock.

Jin was trying to stay calm and reminding himself that he needs to be strong for his baby.

'Jimin, min, minnie' softly called Jin until he had Jimin's attention. Jimin tried hiding himself in the blanket. His hands were bleeding a bit as he had ripped open the I.V connected.

'Jason, call Hobi' whispered Jin and Jason headed out.

'Min, it's Jin hyung. Buddy, why don't you come out' asked Jin, his voice breaking at the last part. Jimin felt worse he clutched onto the blanket more. Jimin was shaking.

Jin took the bravest step, he could ever. He slowly, gently, pulled the blanket and Jimin's clutch on the blanket loosened not being very strong and healthy to hold onto it. Jin was able to pull off the blanket from him.

'Jiminiee' called Jin softly and Jimin looked up and immediately looked down.

'Baby, come here' calmly called Jin and didn't move further.

'Come on, come on' encouraged Jin when he could feel Jimin hesitating to move. Finally, after a few minutes Jimin moved a bit and reached his hyung and Jin waited until Jimin hugged him. Once he did he hugged back.

Jason and Hoseok were back.

'Minnie, give me your hand buddy' softly asked Jin and held onto his hand while Hoseok proceeded with another set of needle to hook the I.V on. Jimin shuddered at that.

'Shh! Shh, it's fine it's fine' encouraged Jin trying to calm himself and Jimin. Hoseok hooked it back and tried approaching Jimin but Jimin moved back and Hoseok just smiled expecting it already.

Hoseok walked away slumped and Jason stood in a corner awkwardly. Jimin's gaze fell on him and he moved his hands front. Jason's face was a mix of surprise and shock, but he walked further.

Jimin hugged Jason's waist and burried himself there as Jason hesitantly stroked his hair. He wasn't scared of Jason now, why no one knew.

'Minnie, let's eat something hmm' asked Jin and Jimin gave out a not so confident nod. Jin was prepared he had kept a bowl of soup already there. He spoon fed Jimin slowly and after that he held onto Jimin as Jason sat beside them. In a few minutes Jimin slept and Jin broke down holding onto Jimin for his dear life.

It was going to be a task to get Jimin back to himself.

Hey guys!!!! How is it??? I need to know your opinions to make this more better so please comment down!!!

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