Chapter 167

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The lunch was peaceful, at least that's what Nancy thought. Little did she know it was the start of the downfall. Jason's eyes twinkled in excitement as the notification informed him that all the guards surrounding the mansion were taken care of and his men had already taken the position and were waiting for his instruction.

In a matter of time, one of the maids walked forward like she was about to serve food for Jason and slipped a note which read that Jason's brother was getting suspicious of him. Jason, looked at his brother and sighed. He hadn't explained everything to his brother, just yet. He had to talk to him but he didn't want to take any chances so he just signed at his brother to not worry.

'Jason, I would like to talk to you in the study room, meet me there after finishing your lunch' Jason sighed at his hyung's words. He had to make this quick as he couldn't waste his time like this anymore.

Jason, just nodded and focused on his food.

'Baby, go to appa and tell him that I would take  a while to be there. Till then give your appa company, and if you stay with your appa till I come then you will get a surprise' Jason said as she ran away in search of her appa excited about the surprise her samchoom will give her. Little did she know, that would be the last time she would see her mother.

The other side, Yoongi woke up and tried moving. He stretched his arms and looked around. The sudden thought of Alex, made him anxious. He hadn't informed Alex that he wouldn't return, he had to talk to Alex before Alex would misunderstand him and break up. Just recently, they were moving forward and now he couldn't handle any more misunderstanding.

He abruptly raised and tripped, as he didn't realise that his leg was tied. He looked back, hanging down the bed, as he couldn't balance himself. His back aches at the unfamiliar twist, he tried kicking his right leg to free himself but it was of no use, as just that resulted in him hitting the hard part of the bed and ached more.

He didn't know what to do, with a desperate attempt he yelled, "Hyung!!". No reply, he yelled again and again but still nothing.

Jason on the other hand, was just about to verbally attack Nancy and let her know that he knew the entire truth, but his phones baby monitor went off. Worry filled his head as he realised, he left Yoongi ties in hurry to reach here.

He instantly turned on the monitor, and could see Yoongi struggling and calling for him. Shit shit! This wasn't, how it was supposed to happen.

Jason moved away from Nancy and steadied his voice.

"Yoon, baby.." Jason called as the baby monitor let Jason talk through. Yoongi became aware of the voice and turned around in search of Jason only to lose balance.

"Shh! Stop baby, don't move. Just give me a minute hm.. I am just outside, I will be right there, stop crying. You are ok" said Jason to calm Yoongi down. He could feel Yoongi getting scared, and that made him feel so irresponsible about the younger. Jin would surely kill him!

But, he had no option. He could ask, one of his guards to release Yoongi but that wouldn't be proper, that would just make Yoongi feel more small, and he didn't want that.

He called Jin, and informed the turn of events and he could feel, Jin disappointed in him. He was himself sorry, and guilty but he tried his best to converse with Yoongi, and calm him down. Finally he was successful and in no time, Jin arrived and Jason looked at them with heart eyes.

Jin rushed in, and gasped lightly at Yoongi's position. Nevertheless, Jin sweet talked to stop Yoongi from panicking and held him in one hand while we twisted the knot to free him in another. As soon as, Yoongi was free, he launched on Jin.

"Hyung, Jason hyung left? I am sorry, tell him not to abandon me, please hyung, I will stay in the dark room, I will take all his punishment but tell him not to abandon me, please" cried Yoongi, blabbering that he would take everything and anything directed towards him and showed his crave for wanting Jason back.

Jin'a eyes teared at the desperation the younger held as he softly rubbed his back and embraced him with words of affirmation and care, as he promised that Jason didn't leave him and was just in his brothers place due to some mishap in there.

Yoongi, wasn't ready to understand the intensity as he cried more for Jason. Jin sighed and called Jason, which directly went to voicemail.

Well, Jason was furious at himself for letting down Yoongi, and that made him more angry towards Nancy. In a snap, Nancy was held and tied in a chair as Jason walked towards her with devilish steps.

"Nice plan, Noona" sarcastically worded Jason as Nancy's face corrupted knowing that her secret is out.

"That fucker Namjoon!" Nancy cursed, as Jason smirked.

"Oh oh, don't blame him. He wasn't at fault. Yes, he gave me the required closure of you, but I knew you were lying. You see, my brother wasn't the one adopted, I was. You see, my brother was never interested in mafia stuff and he wanting to take my title was mere to impossible because I got the title after he rejected, heck I was adopted only to carry on the mafia world and take care of him. We had a pact, to lie to anyone who seemed as threat, so I knew it was you, from the very first day, I just didn't want you to attack anyone. That is why, I kept quiet until Namjoon was taken home where I have maxed his security. You....are for the streets, but don't worry I will send you directly to hell!"

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