Chapter 144

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(To anyone confused I would like to say that this is Yoongi's pov from the beginning. Even before Jungkook arrived at Taehyung's office to pick him up and stuff)

Yoongi, took Jimin out to spend some time with him along with Alex. But, as he did he took away Jimin's phone as he didn't wanted the younger to search anything related to himself on that. But, his mind was never settled. Luckily, Jimin had taken a nap in the car and Yoongi with Alex had shifted him into a hotel room. Yoongi trusting his guts asked Alex to stay with Jimin as he dialled Jin's phone but it was never answered as Jin was asleep after whatever Jason had done.

Yoongi, doubted Jason and Jin. He knew something was wrong. He knew it was somehow related to Namjoon's disappearance. He needed to find it out. And with all his efforts, ge tracked all of their phones and finally arrived at Jason's place where he kept his culprits.

Yoongi, never liked these things but for his Joonie he entered the place. Obviously, he was restricted but as the head of the guards knew him very well he let Yoongi enter. As, Yoongi searched for anything he could find he found groans which sounded like Namjoon.

He ran inside with utter worry and was shocked to find his younger brother the way he was. Shirt torn apart, bleeding all the way from almost everywhere but what shocked him was the way Namjoon was coughing out blood from his throat. He desperately tried to release Namjoon but he couldn't. He begged the guards to do that but they simply turned their faces away.

Desperate, he called Jason and Jason did pick up the call.

'H..hello! I..I beg you, l...let Joo...Joonie goo' was all the person requested as he was met with a grunt and pissed voice by Jason. Being neglected by Jason, Yoongi struggled to free the younger.

Not having any option, he called Jin, but Jin's phone kept ringing. Having, no option Yoongi stormed away and hopped onto his car and drove towards the mansion and barged into Jin's room.

Jason tried stopping him, but it was already late as Jin was awoke and was trying to cover himself up with the blanket while looking at Yoongi.

'Hyung, Joonie needs you!' cries Yoongi as Jin felt his senses coming back as he tried understanding what was happening.

Jason was shook, Yoongi was crying and Jin tried his best to comprehend things going on. As the seconds passed, Jin seemed to remember why he was there on bed, naked covered by a blanket.

'Yoon, head out baby. Hyung is coming in a second' Jin uttered and Yoongi followed as he did realise that something was wrong in between Jason and Jin. Jin tried getting up but tears sprand into his eyes as his lower part hurt him badly.

Jason came forward to help him but Jin just showed his palm stopping him in his steps and got up and freshened up as fast as he could. He then dressed up and limped outside. He was extremely tired and he needed to eat something to replinish his energy but he had to take care of everyone around.

Jason followed him closely as regret stsrted settling in him. He was watching each action of Jin making sure that he was right there if Jin needed him.

'Yoon baby. Stop crying bubby. Hyung, is here. Will you tell hyungie what happened?' Jin tried his best to console the younger and know what caused the younger so distressed and upset.

Yoongi pushed Jason when he came to hold Jin who was on the verge of falling. Jin looked at Yoongi shocked but waited for an explanation by the younger to know why Yoongi was angry on Jason.

Jin unable to stand found a place to sit and managed to pull Yoongi on himself and Yoongi then completely explained all the events and J's men released Nin was shocked.

He looked at Jason with teary eyed and Jason just looked away. He wanted to punish Namjoon and he was doing that but there was something in him telling him that he was acting on his emotions and not logically.

Jin, influenced by adrenaline ran downstairs followed by Yoongi and Jason and drove to the place RM was kept hostage along with the other two. The ride was filled with tension and worry.

Finally, Jin reached there and gave one look to Jason and Jason's men released RM and RM instantly fell down on the ground. Jin, holding onto the younger tried waking him up but to no avail.

Yoongi by then had managed to get the doctor and his team to treat the younger. As the medical took Namjoon away, Jin gazed at Jason betrayed holding onto Yoongi closely and consoling him as he uttered the most cruel words ever.

'All he did was save you, Jason and for that you punished him so badly? Mark my words if something happen to my baby you are no one to me and it will be me who will kill you the very instant'

Jin's eyes showed that whatever Jin was uttering was absolute truth and he meant the entire thing. Jin was deeply hurt and Jin's words just bought Jason back to reality that nothing was RM's fault. He saved him, he fucking saved him and instead of thanking him he punished him, so cruelly?

About his brother, RM took good care of his brother too. Have meals on time, never hurt him just held him against his will to save him. Jason was such an idiot for taking his frustration on RM aka Namjoon. Not only Namjoon but also Jin who did nothing but to stay next to his side always. He hurt Jin. He forced Jin. He sexually abused Jin. He hurt his love! How could he? He was a monster, a freaking monster who was loyal to only his brother, so loyal that he couldn't comprehend his own feelings.

Hey guys!

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