Chapter 62

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It was 2 in the morning and Jin had tears flowing down his cheek as he made no effort to wipe or stop his tears. He just cried as he stared at the ceiling, lying on his bed. He felt cold but didn't bother to cover himself with the blanket. He had been crying for hours as all his other brothers slept peacefully except one.

Taehyung, he was awake too. But, he didn't cry rather was thinking of Jungkook. Taehyung wanted Jungkook to choose him but he chose Hoseok. Taehyung was in his own thoughts and he just couldn't fall asleep.

He sighed and walked out to make himself some hot chocolate to cool his nerves. He was passing by Jin's room and heard some sobbing sounds. He decided to peek in and with a lot of curiosity he did and confirmed his assumptions. He slowly closed the door and made his way towards the kitchen.

He started preparing hot chocolate and ended up making two. One for him and the other for his hyung. Taehyung shakily opened Jin's room door and made his presence noticeable.

Jin immediately turned around and rushed to wipe his face.

'Hyung, you don't need to hide' uttered Taehyung as he made his way towards the bed and sat there placing the tray on the bed.

'Achooo' sneezed Jin continuously for three times and searched for a napkin to wipe his running nose.

Taehyung closed the windows, balcony doors and switched on the lights and covered Jin with the blanket as Jin continuously pushed the blanket away.

'Hyung, stop behaving like Kookie' yelled Taehyung and Jin just sighed and let Taehyung cover him completely in the blanket.

Taehyung then handed Jin a mug and took one for himself. They both sat in silence sipping on their mugs.

'Why are you still awake, Tae?' sternly questioned Jin. Taehyung just gave a sheepish smile in return.

'Taehyung' warned Jin.

'Its just Jungkook nothing serious' shrugged Taehyung while fake laughing to assure the elder. Jin sighed.

'Its about him wanting Hobi?' asked Jin in a softer tone than before. Taehyung just nodded his head and looked down now staring at the empty mug.

Jin kept his mug aside and extended his hands out of the blanket making space for another person.

'Tae, come here baby' softly called Jin and Taehyung rushed towards his hyung. Jin chuckled and held Taehyung closer while covering them with the blanket.

'Trust me when I tell you this, Kookie loves you a lot. And, don't you know him? He seeks comfort from the person who punished him. That's all baby. Stop digging your head and thinking some nonsense' softly spoke Jin while holding Taehyung protectively in his hold as now Taehyung had his face buried in his hyung's chest and was  very close to falling asleep.

Taehyung nodded at Jin's words and hugged the elder and fell asleep forgetting to ask why the elder had been sobbing. Jin sighed when he felt Taehyung's entire body go limp. He proceeded to lie Taehyung down on the bed and tuck him in neatly as he walked towards the balcony and sat there staring at the night sky.

In another hour Jin fell asleep in the cold totally forgetting to take care of himself. Jin found himself waking up due to the cold again at 6 in the morning. He then freshened up and headed towards the kitchen.

He put his mind into cooking and cooked a lot of dishes and he didn't even realise that everyone was getting down, sniffing the delicious smell.

Jin laid all the dishes on the table. Jungkook was back to being lovely and he was all over Taehyung which eased Taehyung that everything was back to normal. Jimin was dressed in all black hurting Jin unknowingly and frustrating Yoongi more. Hoseok looked at ease as he took a leave for the day. Namjoon on the other hand was worried about the meeting with the clients.

Jin just played around with food as everyone ate. He got up to pick his mobile as his mobile was ringing.

'Hello' answered Jin.
'What' yelled Jin in shock.
'I am coming' said Jin and ran back as his brothers looked at him in confusion.

'Hyung, what happened' asked Namjoon.

'Jason, I am going to his place' answered Jin and ran outside to his car not caring that he was in his pajamas. He was immediately followed by his brothers, beacuse in no way would they let an overwhelmed Jin drive.

Jin didn't want to argue and he didn't even have time for that.

'Joonie, take care of the meeting. You are going to do your best. Taehyung drop Jungkook off' instructed Jin in hurry and all of them drove towards Jason's mansion which Jin instructed.

Hoseok and Jimin gasped at the mansion. It was heavily guarded and they were only allowed in because of Jin and they entered the mansion to be met with a body.

None of them knew, who that was except Jin. Jin broke down in tears as he analysed the body which was Jason's brother the only person Jason had as his family. He was the one kidnapped and Jason couldn't help but blame himself. While, others stood there awkward not knowing what to do.

'Where is he?' asked Jin. He was met with silence and Jimin and Hoseok were scared looking at all the guarded men.

'Where is he?' yelled Jin at the top of his lungs and one of the guard walked towards Jin. Hoseok immediately took a defensive position thinking that he was going to attack his hyung.

The guard took Jimin's position as a threat and immediately hooked his gun on Hoseok's head as Jimin and Yoongi gasped.

'You hurt him, then I will bury you myself' spoke Jin in a dominating tone which immediately made the guard head back.

'Sorry sir' bowed each and every one in that luxourious and humoungous hall. Jin just dismissed that.

'Boss, is in his room. He denied to take a look at him' answered the same guard while pointing at the body as him.

'Take care of them' ordered Jin and ran towards Jason's room. Jimin tried following but was not allowed by the guards and Yoongi pulled him back.

Jin was shocked to witness.....

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