Chapter 151

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Jungkook knew what Yoongi expected him to speak but he couldn't help but feel that he wasn't at fault. He wasn't wrong for punching Jason, who fixed Jina nd hurt Namjoon so bad. He was lost in his thoughts clearly forgetting that Yoongi was waiting for an answer from him.

'Jungkook!' Yoongi screamed as Jungkook got back to his senses and witnessed his hyungs trying to hold down his anger which he wasn't doing a good job in.

'Hyung, I don't regret punching him' Jungkook stated with confidence as Yoongi's face fell but then turned into anger.

'Jungkook! You don't not hit anyone you like and just feel like you want to. Didn't mean and Jin hyung tell you not to? Not to do anything, and we would take care of it? What did I say you, I don't like you or anyone else involving in violence let alone mafia stuff so you better get your attitude straight and do not I repeat do not use your hands from next time' Yoongi lectured  clearly stating his distaste towards Jungkook action.

'So what? You might not like it, But I don't and I don't think he deserves it so do not stop me or restrict me!' screamed Jungkook. He didn't want to follow his hyungs orders, he was happy with that punch and why was Yoongi even reacting like this? He was angry and Jason deserved it, it's that simple!

'Jungkook, you listen to your older. And, I asked your hyung is saying you that you made a mistake means you did! Just accept it, take your punishment and move on. And, do not talk about killing anyone'

'Why should I? I won't! I like mafia stuff, I always found Jason hyung cool for that. And it's my life, my wish I can do whatever I want to. And please, stop being a hypocrite, you yourself have involved in this stuff before, Jin hyung has too, Namjoon hyung has too. So what, even if I get involved!'


'What! Just stop it hyung, and I am not sorry for whatever I did and I am not apologizing'

Yoongi was growing angry second by second by Jungkook's non cholant attitude. He was failing to make the younger understand himself and he was scared he would hurt him.

Hastily, Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's hands in a bruising grip and pulled him up. Jungkook whimpered as the hold was too tight and it was bruising him. The fact that, Jungkook was struggling to release himself wasn't helping either.

Soon, the duo reached Jungkook's room and Yoongi pushed Jungkook in and before Jungkook could react he locked the door from outside locking the younger in his room.

'I will let you out when you change your decision'

Jungkook banged on the door trying to break open and he failed to do so as the lock was super strong.

Yoongi, slowly slid down against the door listening to the youngest screams and bangs. Slowly, tears started rolling down, he knew how it felt to have your dreams rejected by your hyung. He knew, because he was forced to work in the office by Jin because he always wanted to make music, sing his heart out, be a producer but due to his Jin hyung he left and till today he has never done anything of it. He rejected his happiness and he was forcing the same on Jungkook, he couldn't help but feel guilty but this was needed help couldn't let Jungkook enter the world which took their parents. Which took every thing by them, and he had to stop him at the beginning itself.

As Jungkook's shouts slowed down, Yoongi's cries increased. He had not let his tears flow on this matter after giving it up wholly, but today he saw himself in Jungkook, he felt him, he knew that feeling and that led him to sink down and cry.

He was sorry, for restricting Jungkook but he had to. He wouldn't be at ease anymore.

Knowing, he needed time for himself and he needed someone to take care of Jungkook, Yoongi got up and went in search of his phone

'Ta...Tae, come home and make Jungkook understand that he isn't allowed to be a mafia!'  Yoongi cut call even before Taehyung could react. If Yoongi had waited for Taehyung to reply he would have known that the younger was crying too, he would know that the younger was silencing his sobs. But, guess Taehyung was always unlucky in everything.

Yoongi, waited till Taehyung arrive and once he didn't Yoongi lost his temper.

He threw the newspaper which was lying on the table harshly and yelled at him.

'What took you so long to come here? Huh? Anyway, just go and make him understand that he isn't going to enter the mafia world, got it? Or no one will be worse than me'

Yoongi left leaving Taehyung to gather up himself. He smiled, he smiled again until he felt his smile seemed real. He then made his way to youngsters room guessing Jungkook to be there and he was right.

Taehyung took a deep breath and opened the door. He found Jungkook ready to yell but Taehyung immediately hugged him and Jungkook struggled to release himself.

Jungkook, did release himself from his hold and glared at Taehyung's feelings that Taehyung was there to lecture him too.

Jungkook started yelling means words towards Taehyung's not realising that he was frustrated from Yoongi but he was taking his anger on Taehyung.

Taehyung listened to it all with a soft smile and then slowly filled a glass of water and helped Jungkook drink it while distracting him.

Then, Taehyung slowly pulled Jungkook towards the bed on him as he half laid on the bed with his upper body resting on the head board.

Neither of them spoke nothing, as Taehyung just ran his fingers through the youngest hair and slowly lulled him to his dreamland. He tucked him in and took out his laptop ready to work while sitting beside Jungkook.

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