Chapter 53

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Things between Yoongi and Jimin was kinda awkward. Jimin continued ignoring Yoongi as much as he could and Yoongi couldn't understand where he went wrong. He really had been worried for days and was now trying to figure out how did he hurt his Chim.

Yet, another day of Jimin trying to sneak away from Yoongi, but fate had other plans. Jimin was forced to go submit a report to Yoongi. He tried pursuading Taehyung to submit his report but Taehyung backed away as he had observed the tension between the two.

Jimin was cursing as he stood right in front of Yoongi's cabin giving a fake smile to Yoongi's secretary. Jimin knocked on the door and waited till Yoongi answers. On permission he entered the cabin fidgeting his hands.

'This is the report' said Jimin without any greeting and started walking out as he finished the sentence. Yoongi was amazed by the attitude the younger was giving him. He annoyedly poked his tongue to the inside of his mouth.

'Wait' ordered Yoongi and Jimin stood there silently without even turning around.

'Tuen around' again ordered Yoongi. Jimin slowly turned around and glared at Yoongi with cold eyes. Yoongi was stunned at the behaviour.

'Explain' said Yoongi and pointed to the file he just submitted which laid on his desk. Jimin grumbled and walked towards the file.

He hurriedly presented the points covered in the files he submitted. Yoongi just lazily listened while he was busy saving the work in his system. By the end of the report, Yoongi gave his entire attention to Jimin.

Jimin finished the report and went to excuse himself so that he would immediately get away from Yoongi.

'Chim, why are you ignoring me?' genuinely asked Yoongi. Jimin was caught off-guard. He didn't expect that. Jimin loudly scoffed at the question and turned his head away from Yoongi.

'Chim, I am asking you something' spoke Yoongi but didn't get any reply from the younger which pissed Yoongi more. Yoongi got up from the chair and walked towards Jimin. He put both his hands on Jimin's shoulders and  repeated the exact same question.

'Why, don't you go back talk with Jungkook, about me' sarcastically yelled Jimin and pushed Yoongi's hands from his shoulders and moved back. Yoongi was confused.

'What are you talking about?' asked Yoongi.

'Ohh!! Hyung, stop acting so innocent after everything you did. Why don't you go back talk about my work with Jungkook.' sarcastically said Jimin. Yoongi was visibly confused and was trying to remember what Jimin was even talking about.

'Chim, can you please explain. Hyung, is not understanding what you are talking about' safely said Yoongi. That pissed off Jimin more.

'Hyung! You are not my hyung, will hyungs back talk about their younger ones with someone else?' asked Jimin. Yoongi was losing his patience.

'Jimin! I am trying to understand you and clear our misunderstandings. And, yes no hyung will talk about their younger ones with anyone. Okay? Now will you tell me what are you talking about' spoke Yoongi.

'As if you don't know?' questioned Jimin annoyed.

'Kim Jimin, if I knew I wouldn't have asked you. Now, can you please elaborate' sternly replied Yoongi. Jimin gulped at the tone.

'You said Jungkook that I was slacking off work and I was the reason to increase your work and was just wasting your time in the company' confessed Jimin, now staring directly to the floor and a few tears flowing from his beautiful eyes.

Yoongi didn't know what was happening. He had never spoke to Jungkook about Jimin, he hadn't even spoke to anyone about Jimin and he would never back talk about him with anyone. Like it was impossible.

'Baby, hyung never spoke to Jungkook about you. Hyung promises, hyung has never spoken about you to anyone buddy' softly spoke Yoongi and embraced Jimin.

'Th..then, why did he tell me that I slacked off work and was increasing your work burden?' asked Jimin pushing Yoongi in the process. Taehyung had arrived inside the cabin to check on them knowing that Jimin was taking too long in Yoongi's office.

He entered the cabin to hear Jimin's words and he immediately connected the dots. Yoongi tried to approach Jimin but Jimin just backed away in anger.

'Hyung' called Taehyung making his presence known to his hyungs. Jimin hurried to wipe away his tears.

Taehyung walked towards both of them.

'Hyung, it wasn't Yoongi hyung. Jungkook eavesdropped your boths conversation the last time and he kind of used it to blame you as he was angry. It wasn't Yoongi hyungs mistake, It was Jungkook's and I will talk to him again.' said Taehyung. Yoongi was still processing the new information he just heard. Jimin looked at Yoongi with big eyes.

'You didn't?' asked Jimin. Yoongi shook his head as no and extended his hands as Jimin hurried to hug Yoongi and let out his tears in peace.

'Tae, I will talk to him' sternly said Yoongi and Taehyung couldn't help but worry about Jungkook. Taehyung wanted to argue but the cold look from Yoongi clearly screamed no rooms for argument.

'I'll leave then' sadly spoke Taehyung and walked out.

Jimin and Yoongi rejoiced their time and both backed away when Jimin had stopped crying. Yoongi proceeded to make Jimin sit on him and softly rubbed his back.

'Baby, hyung would never talk about you in a bad way with anyone. Okay baby? And, my Chim is the best in all works he does. Hyung is sorry that last time he let his frustration get the best out of him, but hyung will promise to never let that happen again. And, the next time don't ignore me talk to me if anything happens. Okay?' consoled Yoongi for which Jimin nodded and snuggled closer to Yoongi. They both sat in silence for awhile until Jimin decided to break it.

'Hyung, what do you think of Jason Hyung' shyly asked Jimin. Yoongi got tensed at that question.

'Why baby' softly asked Yoongi.

'Hyung...' whined Jimin.

'Yes baby' encouraged Yoongi.

'I...I him' whispered Jimin and hid himself in Yoongi's chest. Yoongi was shocked at the confession. Gosh!! Jimin would be so heartbroken when he knows the truth and also Jin can never find out about this at any cost or else Jin wouldn't think twice to give up completely on his love.

Yoongi didn't know how to communicate with Jimin.

'Chim, hyung is not angry baby. But, Ja..Jason is not the right person for you and also he already has his someone special. And our Minnie, here deserve a person 10 times better than him.' softly worded Yoongi. Even though Yoongi made sure to handle the matter with utmost care, he couldn't help but break Jimin's heart.

Jimin was upset that the person he had a crush on was already taken. He kind of wanted to have Jason for himself but he was just not that kind of person to hurt others for his happiness.

Yoongi held onto Jimin closer.

'Baby, hyung is sorry hmm. How about some ice creams??' asked Yoongi to lighten the younger's mood. Jimin just let out a tiny nod and Yoongi ordered his secretary to get them some ice creams.

They were both, eating their favourite ice creams when Jimin decided to ask the question Yoongi dreaded the most.

'Hyung, whom does Jason Hyung like?' asked Jimin. Yoongi was not ready for that.

'Firstly, it isnt 'like' baby it's 'love' and the person Jason loves is someone special and you will know about it when the time comes' explained Yoongi and Jimin's heart broke more, but Yoongi was right there to take care of his Chim.

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