Chapter 156

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Jin was preparing the food to be taken to the hospital while Yoongi stayed rooted in his place  crying silently.  Jin paid no attention to him and ignored him completely.

He was halfway done through preparing the meal when Jungkook walked in shaking off the bag in which he had packed clothes for Namjoon.

'Baby, pack clothes for Taehyung too' Jin sent him again hoping the maknae won't be back soon. Indeed his plan worked on diverting the maknae to do the chores and he was able to concentrate on cooking.

He was trying to cook as fast as he could and most probably before Jungkook would be back and start whining about going to his Tae hyungie. As he shifted his gaze to Yoongi who was still silently crying he with barely hands touched the hot pot and screamed and left the pot which fell directly on his foot and the hot contents adored his pale leg.

Jin screamed as the burn was too much, Jungkook ran back wondering what happened while Yoongi tried making Jin sit down and taking a look at the harm.

'Its fine, just get me a wet towel and it will be fine' Jin stubbornly mentioned pushing both of them away as his first priority was to reach the hospital before Taehyung woke up.

The burn wasn't that bad, Yoongi applied honey on it in order to avoid the burning sensation. He asked Jin to stay seated for a while but who was Jin to listen.

He didn't, and he asked Jungkook to take Yoongi with him and help him pack clothes for about a week or two as he was going on a "business mission" Jungkook, having no idea about it just pulled Yoongi with him nd packed his clothes.

When they were back, Jin was all prepared with the food. He loaded up the trunk with two bags of Namjoon and Taehyung and he got Jungkook seated and strapped in the passenger seat while he took the one behind the wheel.

Yoongi stayed waiting for Jin to call him but that never happened.

'Get ready, he will be here in a while and do explain him what you did. Also, do not go anywhere from this mansion other than him got it?' Jin spoke angry as Jungkook looked at the scene with Bambi eyes.

Yoongi could no longer hold on, he kneeled down right outside the car, not caring that Jungkook was right there, the guards were around and even maids. He didn't want to go there, Jin gasped not expecting Yoongi to kneel right next to his car door.

Jin, hurriedly got out and scooped his baby in his hands as he pecked his forehead and held him closer to console the younger. Jungkook, got out till angry at his hyung .

'Now, you wanna show you are guilty? Where was this when you hurted my Tae hyungie?' Jungkook spoke pressurising the words my which immediately bought guilty looks from both of them.

Jin wanted to reprimand Jungkook to not be so rude and they were really sorry, but it wasn't the time or day for that. Jin could feel Yoongi shivering in his hands and he sighed, it was indeed a wrong move.

'Open the door Kook' Jin asked as Jungkook huffed and opened the back door of the car where Jin made Yoongi sit and buckled him in his seat. He gave out a soft smile and a peck to ensure that all was fine. He pulled himself from Yoongi's death grip and settled back and drove to the mansion.

Jin momentarily prepared himself. Firstly, Jimin would be a broken mess. Hoseok was lost in thoughts while he spoke about Taehyung so he would have to ask him what has actually happened to him. Taehyung wouldn't speak and would throw tantrums to eat. He would have to explain why Taehyung was there to Namjoon. Jungkook was being straight up rude and mean. Yoongi was lost in his thoughts. And finally, he hoped Alex would be able to take care of Yoongi till he would get his hands free from all the work.

Jin beckoned Yoongi out as Jungkook had already run inside to check on his Tae hyungie. On reaching in, they found Jungkook hugging the life out of Taehyung as Taehyung had finally gained conscious. Jin didn't utter a word and called Alex towards him.

'Alex, please take Yoongi with you. Somewhere out for an hour or two please' literally pleaded Jin as Alex accepted and pulled Yoongi with him. Taehyung just huffed more witnessing Jin not even ask him how he was and Yoongi going away with his boyfriend.

He shifted his gaze back to Jungkook who was now on top of him, straddling him and playing with the shirt Taehyung was wearing.

Jin, settled next to Namjoon and opened the box of food. He passed one for Hoseok, and asked him to eat. He silently opened another box which contained porridge. He gazed at Jungkook and Taehyung and sighed.

He took a spoonful and blowed on it gently and bought it near Namjoon who shook his head and looked away.
'Hyung!! I told you I don't want porridge. You have been feeding me the same since that day. I don't want it' whined Namjoon as Jin sighed.

'Baby, come on. You should get well soon right? And it's so tasty, really trying it once' Jin tried consoling Namjoon while Namjoon just huffed and looked away. Jin, was stressing. He felt like giving up, he felt like a failure already.

'Bud, come on. Open up for hyungie, pleasee. Come on Joonie, it's so yummy yummy. And see see shooo!!! It's an airplane, but where is the landing and and here it is...' just like this Jin fed the box full of porridge to Namjoon who giggled and enjoyed the warmth. He wasn't dumb he knew he fell into the trap by his hyung but he actually enjoyed the time when Jin would completely baby him like this.

Jin took a deep breath, his next target KIM TAEHYUNG.

Hey guys!!!! Is it a filler chapter????? Comment your thoughts down and if you give me wholesome comments I might double update, just saying you know haha love ya!

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